To : Sinohydro

Advocacy Team for Jatigede People Alliance Back Response

to Sinohydro Response.

Address to Sinohydro response to business and for People Alliance for Refuse Jatigede Dam that then changing name become Advocacy Team for Jatigede People Alliance and Jakarta Post news also. Then, we from advocacy team that consisting of several NGO, those are LBH Bandung (Bandung Legal Aid), WALHI Jawa Barat (West Java-Indonesian Forum for Environment), AGRA ( Land Reform Movement Alliance), Seruni ( Indonesian Women Union), need to convey response also.

  1. Facts in the field related to Jatigede Dam Project.

Just like we has delivered in our report before that the development of Jatigede dam plan since begining has been occured violence until created social and environment impact.

  1. Social Violation
  1. Based to interview to affected people, the compensation process in time span of year 1982-1984 and 1994-1997 was done with represive dan intimidation to people by goverment in that period. So that, It happened three (3) category of fault, that are miscount area, miscategorized of land, and fault in inheritance rights receiver. The third category of fault then into affected people complaint and until now still not response by Indonesia government.
  1. Environmental Violation.
  1. If refer to Jatigede dam project that begins again by government with holding Sinohydro as developer in 2007. Then after we analize the Jatigede dam project breake several government regulation, among others:
  1. Social Impact Handling. Article 15 clause 5, Law No.35 of 1991 about River.
  2. Law No.41 of 1999 about Forestry.
  3. Every business plan must have environmental impact assessment. Article 15, clause 1, Law No.23 of 1997 about Environment Management.
  1. Conclusion

Based on the above two points of violation, we concluded :

-Sinohydro inaccurate and ignore the regulation that apply in Indonesia Republic in get involved to Jatigede Dam project.

-Sinohydro did not find out first about the Jatigede dam background history.

-Sinohydro just only concern to investment profit in infrastructure projects.

-Sinohydro has broke or violated their own commitment as contained in Sinohydro Stetement of Ethical Principles (SHCP-SEP-Rev1.0-2014).

Note :

-At June, 25th, 2015, we sent a hearing letter to Sinohydro Corporation representative in Jakarta but until now it has no response.

-We also attached the hearing letter therewith the report about Jatigede dam similar to we have sent and publish by business and

-The response then answered after business and humanrights forward the report to Sinohydro in China.

-For those thing we feel disappointed and evaluate Sinohydro Corporation representative in Jakarta had ignored and rejected our purpose to dialogue.


Advocacy Team for Jatigede People Alliance