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then bind with the yolks of four eggs mixed with one-half cup of cream. Season with a little salt and Cayenne pepper, let come nearly to a boil, and add one-half glass of sherry wine. Serve in a chafing dish.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Fried chicken, Savoy.</emph> Joint two small frying chickens, season with salt and pepper, roll in flour, then in beaten eggs, and finally in bread crumbs. Fry in swimming hot melted butter. When done pour a cupful of tomato sauce on a platter, lay the chicken on it, and garnish with asparagus tips &agrave; la Hollandaise.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Canned corn fritters.</emph> One tablespoonful of melted butter, one can of crushed corn, one cupful of flour, one teaspoonful of baking powder, three tablespoonfuls of milk, and salt and white pepper to taste. Put all in a bowl and mix well. Drop on a hot buttered griddle in spoonfuls, and brown on both sides. Can be made with fresh corn if desired. Serve with roast or fried chicken.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Egg plant in casserole.</emph> Slice very thin, one large, or two small, egg plants, three small onions, one clove of garlic, three tomatoes, and one green pepper. Arrange alternately in a buttered casserole, season with salt and pepper, pour four tablespoonfuls of melted butter over all, cover, and cook with a slow fire. Serve hot or cold.</p>

<emph rend="bold">SEPTEMBER 9</emph>


Fresh strawberries with cream

Boiled eggs

Buttered toast

Oolong tea


Poached eggs, Florentine

Tripe &eacute;tuv&eacute;, bonne femme

Bischwiller potatoes

Alligator pear salad

Roquefort cheese with crackers



Oysters on half shell

Consomm&eacute; Portugaise

California ripe olives

Salmon steak, Colbert

Noisettes of lamb, Ducale

Asparagus Hollandaise

York potatoes

Dandelion salad, egg dressing

Wine jelly with apricots

Silver cake


<p<emph rend="bold">Poached eggs, Florentine.</emph> Cut a can of pimentos in strips their full length and about one-quarter inch wide. Heat in a saut&eacute; pan with a little butter, and seasoned with salt and pepper. Lay them on a platter, crosswise, and place six poached eggs on top. Pour Madeira sauce around them.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Tripe &eacute;tuv&eacute;, bonne femme.</emph> Cut two pounds of cooked tripe in strips about one-half inch wide and three inches long. Put two ounces of butter and two chopped onions in a casserole, and simmer until done. Then add spoonful of flour, and heat through. Then one glass of white wine, one pint of stock, and the tripe. Season with salt and fresh-ground pepper, add a

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bouquet garni, cover the casserole, and cook in oven for one hour. When the tripe is done remove the bouquet, and add some fresh-chopped parsley.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Bischwiller potatoes.</emph> Cut two pounds of peeled potatoes lengthwise, in eight pieces each. Put in casserole and cover with cold water, add a little salt, and boil. When done drain off the water and put the potatoes on a long platter. Fry until crisp two sliced onions in two ounces of butter. Pour the butter and onions over the potatoes. Sprinkle with chopped parsley.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Consomm&eacute; Portugaise.</emph> Peel four tomatoes, cut in two, squeeze out the water, and cut in small dices. Bring three pints of consomm&eacute; to a boil, add the tomatoes and one cup of boiled rice. Canned tomatoes may be used if desired.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Salmon steak, Colbert.</emph> Cut two slices of salmon about one inch thick. Season with salt and pepper, roll in flour, then in beaten eggs, and then in fresh bread crumbs. Fry in frying pan with hot melted butter. When done place on a platter, on a napkin, and garnish with fried parsley and quartered lemons. Serve sauce Colbert separate.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Noisettes of lamb, Ducale.</emph> Season four noisettes of lamb with salt and pepper, and fry in saut&eacute; pan with one spoonful of butter. When done place on a platter and garnish with fresh-boiled artichoke bottoms filled with French peas in butter. Pour sauce Mad&egrave;re over the noisettes.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Silver cake.</emph> Ten ounces of sugar, six ounces of butter, the whites of six eggs, half a pint of milk, three-quarters of a pound of flour, and one-half ounce of baking powder. Mix well the sugar and the butter, and then stir in the whites of eggs and milk. Add the flour with the baking powder mixed in, and the rind of one lemon. Mix the whole lightly, and bake in the same manner as pound cake.</p>

<emph rend="bold">Additional Recipes:</emph>

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<emph rend="bold">SEPTEMBER 10</emph>


Sliced nectarines with cream

Broiled salt mackerel

Baked potatoes




Casawba melon

Eggs Chambery

Ragout &agrave; la Deutsch

German apple cake

Iced tea


Cream of farina, li&eacute;

Sweet pickles. Salted almonds

Fillet of sole, Pondichery

Veal chops, Montgolfier

English spinach

Duchess potatoes

Escarole and chicory salad

Rice darioles

Demi tasse

<p<emph rend="bold">Eggs Chambery.</emph> Make a pur&eacute;e of chestnuts, spread on four pieces of buttered toast, lay a poached egg on each, and cover with brown sauce (sauce Mad&egrave;re).</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Cream of farina, li&eacute;.</emph> Bring to a boil one pint of chicken broth, then let one-half pound of farina run into it; and cook for about thirty minutes. Then add one pint of boiling milk, season with salt and pepper; and boil again. Then pass through a sieve, put back in the casserole, and bind with the yolks of two eggs mixed with a large cup of cream. Strain again.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Fillet of sole, Pondichery.</emph> Cut four fillets of sole, season with salt and pepper, place in a buttered saut&eacute; pan, add one-half glass of white wine and one-half cup of fish broth. Cover with buttered paper, and cook in oven for ten minutes. Then place the fish on a platter. Make a sauce as follows: Heat two ounces of butter in a casserole, add one heaping spoonful of flour and heat through. Then add the broth from the fillet of sole, and an additional cup of broth; one spoonful of curry powder, and a cup of tomato sauce. Season with salt and pepper, boil for a few minutes, and strain over the fish.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Veal chops, Montgolfier.</emph> Season four veal chops with salt and pepper, and place in a saut&eacute; pan with two ounces of butter and an onion cut in four. Saut&eacute; until the onion and chops are golden yellow. Then place the chops on a platter. In the saut&eacute; pan put one-half spoonful of flour, and simmer; then add one cup of broth or stock, and boil for a few minutes. Cut a stalk of celery in small squares, and parboil in salted water for ten minutes. Then drain off the water, and add the celery to the sauce from the chops; and boil for ten minutes. Then add the chops, and simmer for ten minutes. Remove the chops to the platter, and season the sauce well with salt and pepper. Add one ounce of sweet butter and some chopped parsley, and pour over the chops.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Rice darioles.</emph> Cook one-quarter pound of rice in one quart of milk; with one-half split vanilla bean. When cooked add one-quarter pound of sugar, one gill of cream, and the yolks of four eggs. Mix well. Line one dozen dariole moulds with thin dough, cover the bottoms with a little apricot marmalade, and fill with the rice. Put a small piece of butter on top of each, and bake in oven. Serve with apricot sauce.</p>

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<emph rend="bold">SEPTEMBER 11</emph>


Baked apples with cream

Scrambled eggs, with lobster




Eggs Moli&egrave;re

Frogs' legs, Greenway

Cold squab

Sliced grapefruit and lettuce salad

Stilton cheese with crackers

Demi tasse


Consomm&eacute; with noodles

California ripe olives

Boiled salmon, sauce Maximilienne

Potatoes, nature

Filet mignon, Du Barry

Chiffonnade salad

Pancakes with raspberry syrup


<p<emph rend="bold">Eggs Moli&egrave;re.</emph> Cut off the tops from four medium tomatoes, scoop out the insides, season with salt and pepper, lay an egg Mollet in each, and fill to the top with cream sauce to which has been added a few slices of mushrooms and truffles. Sprinkle with bread crumbs, and bake in hot oven until brown on top.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Frogs' legs, Greenway.</emph> Heat two ounces of butter in a saut&eacute; pan; then add two dozen hind legs of frogs, cut in two and seasoned with salt and pepper. Toss for two minutes in the pan over the fire; then sprinkle with a spoonfulof flour, and toss again; then add a half glass of white wine and one large cup of chicken broth, and simmer for five minutes. Then bind with the yolks of two eggs mixed with one-half cup of cream, add a little chopped tarragon, chives and parsley. Serve in chafing dish.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Sauce Maximilienne.</emph> Add some chopped truffles to lobster sauce.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Filet mignon, Du Barry.</emph> Broiled filet mignons garnished with fresh bottoms of artichokes filled with cauliflower; and with a sauce Mad&egrave;re to which has been added some sliced canned French mushrooms.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Pancakes with raspberry syrup.</emph> Make a French pancake dough or batter. Cook small individual flat pancakes, place in a buttered chafing dish, and pour a little raspberry syrup over each in turn. Serve in the chafing dish.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Scrambled eggs, with lobster.</emph> Cut the tail of a boiled lobster in small squares, put in a saut&eacute; pan with two ounces of butter, season with salt and pepper, and simmer for a few minutes. Then add twelve beaten eggs, one-half cup of cream, and one ounce of sweet butter. Season with salt and pepper, and scramble in the usual manner.</p>

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<emph rend="bold">SEPTEMBER 12</emph>


Sliced oranges

Broiled Alaska black cod

Baked potatoes


Chocolate with whipped cream


Egg salad

Broiled sweetbreads on toast

Pur&eacute;e of Lima beans

Fried egg plant

Royal cake

Iced tea


Blue Points, mignonette

Pur&eacute;e of peas, with noodles

Celery. Pim olas

Planked striped bass

Roast chicken

Young artichokes, en cocotte

Baked sweet potatoes with sugar

Cold asparagus, mayonaise

Fancy ice cream

Alsatian wafers

Demi tasse

<p<emph rend="bold">Egg salad.</emph> Boil one dozen eggs eight minutes, remove the shells, and cut the eggs in half. Place on a platter on lettuce leaves, season with salt and fresh-ground blackpepper, sprinkle with two spoonfuls of vinegar, three of olive oil, and some chopped chervil and parsley.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Royal cake.</emph> Bake a French sponge cake (which see), cut into four layers, and fill between with royal butter. Gl&aacute;ce the whole with orange icing, and form on top a crown, using a pastry bag and some royal butter. Decorate around the top of the cake with candied fruits.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Royal butter.</emph> The yolks of four hard-boiled eggs, six ounces of sweet butter, one-quarter pound of powdered sugar, and one teaspoonful of orange flower water. Crush and work the yolks smooth in a bowl, stir in the butter, sugar and flavoring, and mix well. Allow it to become very cold; pass it through a fine sieve and it will come out like vermicelli. Use it for cake filling and cake decorations.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Pur&eacute;e of peas with noodles.</emph> Make a pur&eacute;e of pea soup, and to each quart add three ounces of boiled noodles.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Young artichokes, en cocotte.</emph> Select very small California artichokes, trim them, and put in an earthen cocotte dish with one spoonful of hot olive oil, season with salt and pepper, cover, and cook slowly for about twenty-five minutes. Then add to each dozen artichokes one small can of American peas, and one head of lettuce salad sliced very thin. Cover again, and cook in oven for about twenty minutes more.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Baked sweet potatoes, with sugar.</emph> Boil half a dozen sweet potatoes until nearly done; cut in half, or in thick slices; lay in a buttered baking dish, spread with butter, sprinkle with a spoonful of brown sugar, season with salt and pepper, add one spoonful of hot water, set in oven and finish cooking, basting often until brown.</p>

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<emph rend="bold">SEPTEMBER 13</emph>


Baked bananas

Boiled eggs

Dry toast



Grapefruit with cherries

Scrambled eggs, Nantaise

Deviled ham

Pur&eacute;e of salad

York potatoes

Roquefort sandwiches



Consomm&eacute; Napier

Radishes, Antipasto

Oysters Mornay

Roast leg of lamb

Stewed onions

Scalloped pumpkin and rice

Sybil potatoes

Endives salad

Roman punch


Demi tasse

<p<emph rend="bold">Scrambled eggs, Nantaise.</emph> Split some sardines and lay on four pieces of buttered toast. Cook the scrambled eggs, and pour over the sardines.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Deviled ham.</emph> Slice some boiled or raw ham, spread with French and English mustard mixed, roll in fresh bread crumbs, and boil. Then place on platter, and serve with sauce diable, tomato sauce, or sauce Colbert. Garnish the platter with watercress and quartered lemons.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">York potatoes.</emph> Add some boiled ham cut in small squares to Duchesse potatoes.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Consomm&eacute; Napier.</emph> Add to boiling consomm&eacute; a marrow bone cut as thin as your butcher can cut it with a saw. Serve at once.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Oysters Mornay.</emph> Parboil two dozen oysters in their own juice, then place them on a flat buttered baking dish, season with salt and pepper, cover with cream sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, put small bits of butter on top, and bake in oven until brown.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Stewed onions.</emph> Peel some small white onions, and boil in salted water until tender. Then drain, and turn into a hot vegetable dish. Melt two tablespoonfuls of butter in a sauce pan, stir in one tablespoonful of flour, mix well, add one-half pint of boiling milk, season with salt and pepper, boil for five minutes, and pour over the onions.</p>

<p<emph rend="bold">Scalloped pumpkin and rice.</emph> Use a buttered fireproof dish. Put in a layer of stewed pumpkin, cover with a layer of boiled rice, then a spoonful of cream sauce, and continue in this order until the dish is nearly full. Sprinkle with bread crumbs, put small bits of butter on top, and bake in oven until brown.</p>