Practice Profile – The Beginning

In 1900, when the population of Widnes was around 28,000, Dr Brebner ran the village surgery; the practice premises then being at 2 Fairfield Road – just some 50 yards away from the present location. Dr Brebner was succeeded by Dr McKenzie who retired from practice in 1921. Dr Patten then took over until 1932 when he moved to live inNorthern Ireland. Dr Jack Cheetham, occasionally helped out by his doctor wife, replaced Dr Patten and, in 1956, with a list size of around 4,000 and extra pressures because of Dr Cheetham’s time consuming ministerial duties plus surgeries within local factories, Dr Tony Entwistle became a partner. Dr Graeme McGregor joined the partnership in 1964 when the list size was around 5,200.

The partnership continued to operate from Fairfield Road until 1976 when the need for further space was considered essential in order to facilitate the rapidly expanding practice. Dr Indra Sharma had joined the practice the year before the relocation of premises and, as the list size continued to increase, it was deemed necessary to take on another partner and Dr Chris Tierney joined the team in 1980. Dr Cheetham, after working on a part-time basis for the last few years of his working life, retired in 1982, and Dr McGregor at that time continued to provide the medical care within local industries. In 1985 Dr Diana Manning joined the practice and, when Dr Entwistle retired in 1990, Dr Ian Schofield, who is now the senior partner, joined the team in his first appointment as general practitioner.

Current Details

Dr Ian Schofield (PartnerMB.ChB.Liverpool 1986

Dr Miles Brindle (Partner)MB.ChB.Liverpool 1988

Dr Ursula BurkeMB.ChB.Liverpool 1986

Dr Maura HardingMB.ChB.Liverpool 1982

Dr Sarah HayesMB.ChB.Leicester 2000

Dr Maha MustafaMB.BS.Khartoum, Sudan 1983

Our practice list size currently stands at just under 11,000 patients and 45of those patients reside in residential or nursing homes. New patient health checks are offered to help us obtain a better understanding of a patient’s medical history upon joining the list.

The total practice population age/sex breakdown is shown below:

Sex / Age
0-16 / Age 17-24 / Age 25-34 / Age 35-44 / Age 45-54 / Age 55-64 / Age 65-74 / Age 75-84 / Age 85+
Male / 969
8.94% / 576
5.31% / 686
6.33% / 689
6.35% / 781
7.2% / 703
6.48% / 560
5.16% / 309
2.85% / 56
Female / 974
8.98% / 480
4.42% / 668
6.16% / 688
6.34% / 834
7.69% / 742
6.84% / 584
5.38% / 373
3.44% / 164
Total / 1943
17.93% / 1056
9.74% / 1354
12.5% / 1377
12.7% / 1615
14.9% / 1445
13.4% / 1144
10.55% / 682
6.2% / 220

The practice is a longstanding training practice and benefits from the services of hospital F2 doctors and general practice registrars. They are fully qualified doctors who have had extensive hospital training and join us for further experience in primary care before taking up their own practice.

Appointments at the practice are staggered throughout the day in order to cope with the constraints of the old building and the lack of consulting rooms. Surgery start times vary and range from 8 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday with extended hours opening on a Monday and Wednesday until 7 pm and Friday morning from 7 am.

Patient Participation Group

The practice PPG has been established since September 2011 with monthly meetings being held on the last Thursday of each month.

The practice strives to have a good representation of ethnicity and a group of varied age range and welcomes new members to join the group.

The PPG now stands at a membership of 15 consisting of 2 male representatives and 13 female representatives, falling into the following practice profile categories:

Sex / Age 35-44 / Age 45-54 / Age 55-64 / Age 65-74 / Age 75-84
Male / 689 / 781 / 703 / 560 / 309
Female / 688 / 834 / 742 / 584 / 373
Total / 1377 / 1615 / 1445 / 1144 / 682
Members / 2 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 1

Following agreement with the group and a review of the current action, questionnaires were handed out to a wide cross section of patients. These included those attending: chronic disease clinic, baby clinic, routine morning and afternoon surgery, extended hours surgery – both early morning and evening, and those collecting prescriptions. Questionnaires could be completed by hand.

Reception staff handed out the questionnaires at the surgery.

Survey Analysis

The practice had 105 surveys completed (0.97%) of the practice population.

A comparison of the male/female statistics for the whole practice with those from the survey:

Males / Females
Whole Practice / 49% / 51%
Survey Sample Size 105 / 27% / 69%
Practice Size / 5329 / 5507

A comparison of the age statistics for the whole practice with those from the survey:

AgeRange / Practice Size / Practice % / Survey Sample 105
17-24 / 1056 / 12% / 6%
25-34 / 1354 / 15% / 15%
35-44 / 1377 / 15.5% / 9%
45-54 / 1615 / 18% / 23%
55-64 / 1445 / 16% / 15%
65-74 / 1144 / 13% / 17%
75-84 / 682 / 8% / 10%
85+ / 220 / 2.5% / 1%
TOTALS / 8893 / 100% / 96%

NB. 4% of the survey respondents preferred to not give their age.

Ethnicity of those completing survey:

European White96%

Mixed Race 1%

Didn’t Respond 3%

Survey Results

The survey report was distributed to the PPG membership prior to publication on the practice website. The survey results are on the agenda at the next PPG meeting, to be held 28 March 2013 to discuss and agree an action plan setting our priorities and proposals for 2013/2014.

A copy of the survey and this report is posted on the practice website and on the practice PPG notice board.

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