

Text with maximum of 10 lines or 300 words written in English. The abstract must supply the reader with a clear idea of the subject treated in the paper. The abstract should be a concise statement of the principal paper’s findings and conclusions.

Keywords: maximum of five keywords.


State of the art, objectives, justification for this work and the significance are to be reviewed here. The organization suggestion has been adjusted to papers on experimental investigations, however, the authors can freely modify the sequence of items.

The maximum number of text pages (including acknowledgements and references) of this manuscript is 25.

Figures, tables and references should be numbered consecutively in square brackets [1], and list the last name of the authors (Cox [1]).


If it is necessary, one can provide subtitles to clarify the text.

2Materials and experimental program

Present the physical, chemical and mechanical characterization of the materials used in the experimental program. Describe the laboratory investigations and procedures.

Tables and figures must be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text. All tables and figures must have captions and should accompany the manuscript, but should not be included within the text. They are shown on separate pages at the end of this manuscript.

3Results and discussions

The results need to be discussed to support the conclusions.


Write a set of conclusions, or a summary in which the significant implications of information presented in the paper body are reviewed.


If the author(s) wishes to recognize any individuals, organizations, or agencies for assistance or support for the reported work.


[1] Cox HL. The elasticity and strength of paper and other fibrous materials. British Journal of Applied Physics, v.3, n.1, 1952; p.72-79.

[2] TAYLOR, H. F. W. Cement Chemistry, London: Thomas Telford, 2ed, 1997, 459 p.

[3] International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry – IUPAC. Manual of Symbols and Terminology, Appendix 2, Part 1, “Colloid and Surface Chemistry”, Pure Applied Chemistry, n.31, p.578, 1972.

[4] BROWN, P. W. The implications of phase equilibria on hydration in the tricalcium silicate-water and the tricalcium aluminate-gypsum water systems. In: Congresso Internacional da Química do Cimento, 8o, Rio de Janeiro, 1986, Anais, Rio de Janeiro, 1986, v.3, p.231-38.


All data shown in tables must be typed using 10 or 11 points. Table 1 is an example of this situation. Each table should be presented in a separate page.

Table 1 Probably composition of lime hydrated.

Determination / Mass (%)
Ca(OH)2 / 91,00
Mg(OH)2 / 0,56
CaSO4 / 0,49
CaCO3 / 5,60
SiO2 / 1,50
Al2O3+Fe2O3 / 0,89
Water / 0,32


Photographs, charts and diagrams are all to be referred to as "Figure(s)". All illustrations should be clearly and suitable for reproduction in black and white. Colors figures are not recommended.All data shown in figures must be typed equal to text.

Each figure should be presented in a separate page.

Figure 1. Relation between the measured concentration and the theoretical concentration of ions alkaline.


The authors’ photos can be omitted, however, if one photo is omitted all of them must be as well.

/ / Photo
(2 x 1,8 cm)

a Institute, Department, University, Company, e-mail, address, city, country

b Institute, Department, University, Company, e-mail, address, city, country