Directions: Questions 1-10 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.


1.The charter for the Louisiana lottery was coming up for renewal, ….. spared no expense in the fight to win renewal.

a. the lottery committee

b. so the lottery committee and

c. so the lottery committee

d. the lottery committee made

2.….. Hale Telescope, at the Palomar Observatory in southern California, scientists can photograph object several billion light years away.

a. Thec. They use the

b. It is thed. With the

3.….. in the first draft of the budget will not necessarily be in the final draft.

a. Although it appears

b. It appears

c. What appears

d. Despite its appearance

4.The new technique calls for ……

the mixture before applying it to the wood.

a.heatingc. heats

b. is heatingd. heated

5.She was …. this morning than she had been yesterday.

a. happier

b. the most happiest

c. happy

d. more happier

6.The warmer the weather, ….. the attendance at the outdoor concert.


b. the greatest

c. more greater

d. the greater

7.It is easy …. why Jane does not want to meet you at this moment.


b. understood

c. to understand

d. understand

8.The country …. I spent the holiday was very famous with its Eiffel tower.

a.Wherec. Which in

b. In which theyd. That

9.Mrs. Mona does not know ….. the palm sugar after she had finished using it.

a. where did she put

b. where she put

c. where she did put

d. where to put

10.My beautiful niece ….. her first word.

a. can be saidc. to say

b. can sayd. saying



Directions: In questions 11-20, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be grammatically correct. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

11.This is the book that I bought it at the bookstore.


12. I do not believe that I have ever seen as many expensive cars thanwere in that shopping



13.The bolder the matador’s displayin the arena became, louder the audience expressed its


approval of his presentation.

14.Having lived here for seven years, my friend is used to speak English with all her classmate.


15.No one in our office wants to drive to work any more because of there are always traffic


jams at rush hour.


16.Louise is the more capable of the three girls who have tried out for the part in the play.


17. Although both of themare tryingto get the scholarship, she has the highest grades.


18.The television movie will finishes in a few minutes.


19.I made anappointment with the doctor who you recommended.


20. The missing wallet was foundso the cash and credit cards had been removed.



directions:In this section you will read several passages. Each is followed by questions about it. For questions 1-50, you need to select the one best answer, (a), (b), (c), or (d), to each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and blacken the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have selected. Give a cross (X) to the letter you choose.

Questions 21 – 25

The mighty, warlike Aztec nation existed in Mexico from 1195 to 1521. The high priests taught the people that the sun would shine, the crop would grow, and the empire would prosper only if the gods were appeased by human sacrifices and blood offerings from all level of their society. The priests practiced forms of mutilation, such as piercing their tongues with thorns and flagellating themselves with thorn branches. They collected the small amount of blood produced by these practices and offered it to Huitzilopochtli and Quetzalcoatl, their chief gods. They insisted that all Aztec needed to make some sort of daily sacrifice. Warriors were promised a place of honor in the afterlife if they died courageously in battle.

The Aztec were constantly at war in order to have enough captives from battle to serve as sacrificial victims. The prisoners were indoctrinated before their death into believing that they, too, would find a place of honor in the afterlife and that their death insured the prosperity of the great Aztec nation. After being heavily sedated with marijuana or a similar drug, they were led up to steps to the top of the ceremonial centers were they accepted their face passively, and their palpitating hearts were removed from their bodies as an offering to the gods.


21.Why did the Aztec offer human sacrifices?

a.They were cruel and inhuman

b.They believed they had to pacify the gods

c.They wanted to force the citizens to obey

d.They wanted to deter crime

22. Before the sacrifices, the victims were

a.tortured and harassed

b. fed and entertained

c. brainwashed and drugged

d. interrogated and drugged

23.In what manner did the victims accept their destiny?





24.The word “appeased” is closest in meaning to......


b. Assaulted


d. Satisfied

25.What is the best title for the passage?

a.The Aztec’ Need to Offer Human Sacrifice

b.Aztec Victims

c.The History of the Mighty Aztec Nation

d. Aztec High Priests

26.What did the Aztec believe the gods craved in order to ensure the people’s survival?





27.Which of the following is NOT given as a reason for offering human sacrifice?

a.The sun would not rise

b. The crops would not grow

c..The warriors would not be famous

d. The empire would not be successful

28.Why were victims willing to accept their fate?

a. They like to see the sun shine

b. They wanted everyone to see them at the top of the ceremonial centers

c.They were made to believe they would have a place of honor in eternity

d. They liked totake drugs

29.Which of the following is described as a form of self-tortured that the high priests practiced?


b. Heavy sedation

c.Piercing their tongue

d. sacrificing victims

30.In line 1, the word “mighty” is closest in meaning to ……




d. powerful


Questions 31 – 40

As far back as 700 B.C., people have talked about children being cared for by wolves. Romulus and Remus, the legendary twin founders of Rome, were purported to have been cared for by wolves. According to legend, Mars fathered the two boys. As a result, a relative of their mother imprisoned her and ordered that the boys be drowned in the Tiber River. However, a she-wolf saved them from this horrible fate and took them back to her lair to care for them. Legend has it that when a she-wolf loses her litter, she seeks a human child to take its place.

This seemingly preposterous idea did not become credible until the late nineteenth century when a French doctor actually found a naked ten-year-old boy wandering in the woods. He did not walk erect, could not speak intelligibly, nor could he relate to people. He only growled and stared at them. Finally, the doctor won the boy’s confidence and began to work with him. After many long years of devoted and patient instruction, the doctor was able to get the boy to clothe and feed himself, recognize and utter a number of words, and write letters and form words.


  1. Who have been cared for by wolves?
  1. Mars
  2. French doctor
  3. Romulus
  4. Romulus and Remus
  1. The French doctor found the boy….

a.wandering in the woods

b.at his doorstep

c.growling at him

d. speaking intelligibly

  1. The word “litter” means most nearly the same as ….
  1. garbage
  2. speak
  3. offspring


  1. The doctor was able to work with the boy because ….
  2. The boy was highly intelligent
  3. The boy trusted him
  4. The boy liked to dress up
  5. The boy was dedicated and patient
  6. The word “utter” is nearest in meaning to ....
  7. absolute
  8. speak
  9. scream
  10. read
  11. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT
  12. She-wolves have been said to substitute human children for their lost litters
  13. Examples of wolves’ caring for human children can be found only in the nineteenth century
  14. The French doctor succeeded in domesticating the boy somewhat
  15. The young boy never was able to speak perfectly
  16. The word “preposterous” is closest in meaning to ….
  17. dedicated
  18. scientific
  19. wonderful
  20. absurd
  21. The main idea of this passage is that according to legend
  22. Children who are raised by wolves can be rehabilitated
  23. She-wolves replace their dead offspring with human children
  24. Romulus and Remus were cared for by a she-wolves
  25. A French doctor saved Romulus and Remus from drowning
  26. According to the legend, Romulus and Remus were
  27. Found abandoned in Rome
  28. The founders of Rome
  29. Discovered by a French doctor
  30. Drowned in the Tiber River in 700 B.C.
  31. Where in the passage is it stated that, according to legend, Romulus and Remus founded Rome?
  32. Lines 2 - 3
  33. Lines 5 - 7
  34. Lines 9 - 10
  35. Lines 11 - 13


Questions 41 – 50

The First Amendment to the American Constitution declares freedom of the press to all people. Although this right was not officially adopted until 1791, the famous Zenger trial of 1735 laid the groundwork for insuring this precious freedom.

John Peter Zenger emigrated as a teenager from Germany. In 1733, he began publishing the New York WeeklyJournal. The following year, he was arrested for writing a story about the crown-appointed governor of New York. While Zenger was imprisoned for nine months, his wife dutifully published the newspaper everyday, bravely telling the truth about the corrupt government officials sent by the king to govern the colonies.

Finally Zenger’s long-awaited trial took place. The hostile judge dismissed Zenger’s local lawyers, making it necessary for his wife to seek out Andrew Hamilton, a prominent Philadelphia lawyer. Persuaded by Hamilton, the jury bravely returned a not-guilty verdict, defying the judge’s order for a conviction

As a result of determination and bravery on the part of the colonist, a lasting victory for freedom of the press was gained by a young immigrant.


41.John Peter Zenger was a ….

a.corrupt governor of New York

b. famous lawyer

c. brave newspaper publisher

d. hostile judge

42.What political problem existed in the colonist at that time?

a.Government officials were corrupt

b. Newspaper exaggerated the truth about political officials

c. Lawyers were hostile to witnesses

d. All newspaper publishers were imprisoned

43.How long did it take after the Zenger trial before the concept of freedom of the press was officially adopted?

a.9 month

b. 1 year

c.56 years

d. 58 years

44. All of the following are true EXCEPT

a.despite Zenger’s imprisonment, his newspaper continued to be published

b. Andrew Hamilton encouraged the jury to fight for freedom

c. the jury obey the judge’s orders and convicted Zenger

d. the king controlled the colonies through his own appointed rulers

45.Why was Peter Zenger arrested?

a. He emigrated from Germany

b. His wife published his newspaper for him

c.He wrote a story about the governor of New York

d. He persuaded a jury to defy the judge’s orders

46.It can be inferred that the judge was hostile toward Peter Zenger because the judge

a. represented the idea of the king

b. hated newspaper publishers

c.didn’t like interference with the Constitution

d. had appointed the governor about whom Zenger wrote

47. The word “defying” is closest meaning to ….


b. defecting

c. disregarding

d. defending

48.The word “dutifully” is closest meaning to …..


b. carelessly


d. vigorously

49.The main idea of this passage is ….

a.Andrew Hamilton gave Americans freedom of the press

b. Peter Zenger’s persistent fight paved the way for freedom of the press

c.Judges don’t always get juries to agree with them

d. Peter Zenger’s trial prepared the way for jurors to defy judges’ orders

50.The passage indicated that the governor was appointed by the monarch of another country in lines

a. 3 - 5

b. 6 - 8

c. 8 - 9

d. 14 - 16