Strategic Plan


2001 - 2008


The section that follows presents goals that are expected to guide information technology development throughout the university over the next three to five years, with some modification as our environment and priorities shift and technologies change. Objectives and very preliminary task lists are presented in line with the goals they relate to. Goals that will be addressed in future years have few objectives at this time. Additional tasks and project details along with timelines associated with project objectives will be presented in the tactical plan.

It is essential to keep in mind that this is a strategic plan for information technology for all technology units and planning on campus. Information Resources certainly is a key component of the information technology infrastructure, but this is not a strategic plan for Information Resources alone. It is intended to address information technology issues that affect the university as a whole.

It is also important to understand that this plan is dynamic. The plan calls for a direct linkage between the information technology planning process and the annual campus wide budgeting process. To this end, the information technology decision-making process defined within this plan establishes a cycle of information technology strategic plan reviews and updates that are timed to coincide with the budget cycle. These reviews will serve to ensure that the goals, objectives, and tasks of continuously adapt to reflect our changing environment, while maintaining a strict alignment with the vision, mission and values of the university.


1.1 (Goal) Provide instructional support

1.1.1 (Objective) Implement services that provide support to faculty in development of technology mediated instruction (Task) Evaluate existing programs, facilities, equipment, and resources (Task) Identify needed tools, training, and support personnel required to support faculty use of technology in all types of instructional delivery (face-to-face, Web courses, K-20, etc.) (Task) Develop a transition plan for implementing a support program for instructional development

1.1.2 (Objective) Evaluate methods and systems for expediting the curriculum development and approval process for courses and programs

1.1.3 (Objective) Create incentives and departmental policies to encourage faculty to ENGAGE actively in development of various forms of technology-mediated instruction

1.1.4(Objective) Support faculty and student research by providing online access to library resources and information databases appropriate to the curriculum Organize information access for ease of identification and use Annually review the selection of databases available to ensure maximum support of academic programs Redesign library web interface as needed to conform to university website standards (Cf. 4.9)

1.2 (Goal) Provide technology-ready classrooms

1.2.1 (Objective) Provide data/voice/video connectivity in every classroom

1.2.2 (Objective) Provide advanced capabilities in special-purpose classrooms (e.g., compressed video)

1.2.3 (Objective) Provide facilities and equipment appropriate to all modes of course delivery

1.3 (Goal) Provide students access to computers and services adequate to meet curricular needs

1.3.1 (Objective) Provide computer labs for student use

1.3.2 (Objective) Collaborate with Student Technology Fee Committee to meet changing student needs

1.3.3 (Objective) Provide network access for student use of laptops

1.3.4 (Objective) Make computers available in the library for student access to online information resources Periodically evaluate numbers of desktops and laptops needed to balance demand Upgrade/replace library computers on a three-to-five year cycle Configure computers to maximize their use for library research purposes (Task) Ensure that the needs of the disabled using library computers are met

1.4(Goal) Provide support for EWU's programs and initiatives in computer and technology literacy and information literacy

1.4.1 (Objective) Implement the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) "Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education," the standard adopted by the state for its information/technology literacy assessment initiative

1.4.2 (Objective) Create a support infrastructure for courses and programs that incorporate core computer and technology literacy requirements

1.4.3 (Objective) Create a support infrastructure for initiatives and policies designed to meet the information literacy needs of EWU students at all levels

1.4.4 (Objective) Create a support infrastructure for assessment of activities designed to bring EWU into compliance with the state-wide information/technology literacy assessment initiative


2.1 (Goal) Define and implement technology support services for student, staff and faculty development

2.1.1 (Objective) Develop technology support services (e.g., help desk functions) for hardware and software (Task) Evaluate existing services (Task) Define needed services (Task) Develop a transition plan for implementing needed support services (Task) Implement a continuous assessment and improvement process

2.1.2 (Objective) Develop technology training opportunities (Task) Evaluate existing training opportunities (Task) Define needed training opportunities (Task) Develop a transition plan for implementing training programs (Task) Implement a continuous assessment and improvement process

2.1.3 (Objective) Define and implement personnel policies that specify how existing employees will transition through training programs to attain job skills needed by changing technologies or process reengineering

2.1.4 (Objective) Develop training/skills matrices for classified and administrative staff development and staff positions in preparation for new positions or changes in technology skills required in current positions

2.2 (Goal) Develop and maintain university-wide information technology standards for common resources

2.2.1 (Objective) Develop a set of standards for desktop purchasing specifications based on categories of user functions

2.2.2 (Objective) Develop a set of standards for personal digital assistant devices (PDAs)

2.2.3 (Objective) Develop a set of standards for networks, operating systems, databases, and development tools (Task) Minimize the proliferation of incompatible system software

2.3 (Goal) Develop an annual replacement strategy for upgrade of desktop computers on a three-to-five-year cycle, with special attention to funding and supporting equipment needed for instruction

2.4(Goal) Define and implement equitable technology support services as defined by the ADA for special-need students, staff and faculty

2.4.1(Objective) Develop technology support services (e.g., a help desk for the hardware and software needs of special-need constituents Evaluate existing services Define needed services Develop a transition plan for implementing needed support services for special-need constituents

2.4.2(Objective) Develop technology training opportunities Evaluate existing training opportunities Define needed training opportunities ADA Access

2.5(Goal) Support Technology Development to enhance student life

2.5.1 (Objective) Assist Associated Students of Eastern Washington University (ASEWU) and staff of Student Life and Residence Halls in assessing technology needs for enhancement of student life outside the classroom

2.5.2 (Objective) Provide network access to support students' technology priorities


3.1 (Goal) Continuously evaluate all information technology initiatives for appropriate attention to a student-centered focus (Task) Establish a Project Proposal form that summarizes the educational and business case for new initiatives, and specifically identifies the ways in which the project maintains a student focus

3.2 (Goal) Create a collaborative university culture regarding information technology through policies, processes, and structures that encourage joint planning and decision-making. (Attachment A)

3.2.1 (Objective) Implement a university-level information technology decision-making process (Task) Develop a process to coordinate information technology planning (Task) Review existing committee structures and adjust membership, authority, and practices where necessary to assure a collaborative approach to joint planning and decision-making (Attachment B) (Task) Create a set of rules or guidelines for project prioritization to facilitate the decision-making process (Task) Enforce a university-level information technology decision-making process. (Task) Incorporate the proactive search for new external funding sources for information technology initiatives into the information technology decision-making process

3.2.2 (Objective) Use the Tactical Plan as an annual planning tool to update and prioritize each year's projects, in accordance with the information technology decision-making process

3.2.3 (Objective) Develop a university-wide information technology purchasing process that incorporates an automated review of departmental information technology purchases to facilitate compliance with standards for:

  • Desktop purchasing specifications based on categories of user functions
  • Personal digital assistant devices
  • Network operating systems, databases, and development tools
  • (Objective) Develop an integrated information infrastructure
  • (Objective) Establish an annual service level agreement mechanism between Information Resources and other campus units for identifying levels of information technology services to be provided by Information Resources and those that will be provided by the unit
  • (Objective) Implement a university-wide information technology project management system to provide all managers, participants, and other interested parties with a real-time status report on all ongoing projects (Attachment C)
  • (Task) Establish a Project Proposal form that summarizes the educational and business case for new initiatives, and which specifically identifies the ways in which the project maintains a student focus
  1. (Goal) Develop stable funding for technology
  2. (Objective) Establish a technology renewal plan
  3. (Objective) Launch the information technology decision-making process annually in synchronization with the budget process
  4. (Objective) Adjust annual budget strategy and practices to create incentives for interdepartmental sharing and collaboration
  5. (Goal) Develop a collaborative information technology resource allocation model
  6. (Objective) Evaluate current technical staffing and resource allocation practices for efficiency, effectiveness, duplication and support for university information technology goals
  7. (Objective) Explore development models that effectively utilize university resources, minimize duplication, and foster collaborative projects and operations
  8. (Goal) Develop and implement an assessment program for information technology
  9. (Objective) Adopt a standard assessment tool/methodology for ongoing assessment
  10. (Objective) Create a Web-based annual client satisfaction survey for Information Resources' services
  11. (Goal) Ensure interactivity among university technologies


Institutional software renewal

4.1 (Goal)Sustain currency of enterprise information systems (Attachment D)

4.1.1 (Objective) Develop an application systems evaluation process that includes faculty and staff input and assessment of new applications

4.1.2 (Objective) Develop a logical conversion sequence and schedule for the new applications that reflect natural system dependencies, university and departmental work cycles, and personnel availability

4.1.3 (Objective) Evaluate the option of transition hosting for the selected applications to minimize the risks and certain logistical difficulties associated with onsite testing and conversion

4.1.4 (Objective) Ensure design is supportive of Web-based access requirements

4.1.5 (Objective) Ensure applications are built on a modern relational database

4.1.6 (Objective) Select development tools that can serve as a university-wide standard.

4.1.7 (Objective) Utilize a data warehouse tool to allow for a smooth transition from the existing applications to the new ones (Task) Identify the query/reporting needs and related issues (Task) Acquire appropriate query/reporting tools to facilitate simplified data and document access by non-technical users

4.2(Goal) Plan for upgrading and eventual replacement of the university's shared library system

4.2.1 (Objective) Review advantages and drawbacks of inter-institutional sharing of the library system

4.2.2 (Objective) Identify and evaluate options for replacement of the library system in a way that best meets the needs of the university

4.3(Goal) Review and update the university’s telecommunications capabilities and services

4.3.1(Objective) Assess telecommunications service requirements for university business and academic functions and residence halls

4.3.2(Objective) Review of the university’s telephony infrastructure (Task) Review existing Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) uses and make recommendations for upgrades if required. Include statistics gathering capability and call queue management in the analysis (Task) Review existing Call Centers and make recommendations for upgrades if required. Include computer-telephony integration and auto dialer technologies in the recommendations if required (Task) Review existing cabling infrastructure and recommend ways to efficiently monitor and manage both telephone and data network cable plants (Task) Evaluate convergence technologies to determine if a combined voice, video, and data network provides an enhanced set of features and economical benefits to the campus population. Include unified messaging in the analysis (Task) Review the capabilities and services available to the university’s remote telephone users. Make recommendations for upgrades and enhancements if required

4.3.3 (Objective) Initiate planning and review of telecommunications pricing structure and the services available with the present pricing (Task) Review the existing telephone maintenance agreement

4.4(Goal) Prepare for the replacement of the university's main operating systems

4.4.1 (Objective) Coordinate the replacement of the operating system with the application systems and re-architecting of the Website

4.4.2 (Objective) Acquire software development tools to provide rapid application development and updates

4.5(Goal) Move to a "self serve" strategy for student and administrative services

4.5.1(Objective) Provide data query/reporting tools for the end user (Task) Identify the query/reporting needs and related issues (Task) Acquire tools to facilitate simplified data and document access by non-technical users Train Staff

4.5.2 (Objective) Enable staff and faculty to view and maintain employment records (Task) Establish an on-line leave and reporting system

4.6(Goal) Enable everyone to conduct transactions with the university any time, any place

4.6.1 (Objective) Complete transactions with Student Services

4.6.2 (Objective) Complete transactions with colleges/schools and academic departments/programs

4.6.3 (Objective) Complete transactions with the library

4.6.4 (Objective) Complete transactions with Parking Services

4.6.5 (Objective) Complete transactions with the EagleCard Office

4.6.6 (Objective) Complete transactions with Career Services

4.6.7 (Objective) Complete transactions with the bookstore

4.6.8 (Objective) Complete transactions with the Outdoor Program

4.6.9 (Objective) Complete transactions with Athletics

4.6.10 (Objective) Complete transactions with Alumni

4.6.11 (Objective) Complete transactions with Human Resources, Finance, and Payroll

4.7(Goal) Acquire standardized document imaging tools

4.7.1 (Objective) Digitize shared university documents

4.7.2 (Objective) Facilitate storage and distribution

4.7.3 (Objective) Build digital libraries

4.8 (Goal) Acquire software to support university compliance with NCAA student eligibility requirements

Infrastructure Elements

4.9 (Goal) Review Existing EWU policies and practices for compliance with Washington State Department of Information Systems

4.9.1 (Objective) Review EWU compliance with Washington State Department of Information Technology Security Standards (November 2000), Information Technology Security Policy (October 2000), Information Technology Guidelines (January 2001), and Washington State Information Technology and Internet Security Program Charter (June 2001)

4.10 (Goal) Provide proactive protection for campus information resources from malicious activities

4.10.1 (Objective) Establish a strong campus perimeter defense against hackers and Internet worms (Task) Evaluate and refine firewall rules (Task) Use virtual LANs to tighten rules in sensitive areas (Task) Establish virtual private networks integrated with directory to allow access through firewall (Task) Establish email scanning and filtering (Task) Establish web scanning and filtering (malicious activity only)

4.10.2 (Objective) Establish a system for detecting security weaknesses (Task) Set system for auditing systems security (Task) Setup consulting service to address security weaknesses campus wide

4.10.3 (Objective) Establish early warnings of security intrusions (Task) Establish intrusion detection for servers (Task) Establish intrusion detection for the network

4.10.4 (Objective) Identify and authenticate users and prevent unauthorized use of university resources (Task) Implement an approved network security policy

4.11 (Goal) Maintain infrastructure required to support faculty, staff and students (Attachment E)

4.11.1(Objective) Sustain currency and adequacy of system support technology

4.11.2(Objective) Complete the campus LAN network upgrade currently underway at the Cheney campus

4.11.3 (Objective) Initiate planning for LAN service in the residence halls and Spokane campuses.

4.11.4 (Objective) Initiate planning for upgrading WAN and Internet connectivity

4.11.5 (Objective) Implement a university wide centralized security and virus protection program

4.11.6 (Objective) Implement a university wide technology inventory process that adequately accounts for university technology assets, including control of licensed software

4.12 (Goal) Develop and support technology required by the facilities access and security plan

4.13 (Goal) Develop a "shared function" architecture strategy

4.13.1 (Objective) Progressively re-deploy and reconfigure servers as future upgrades are required

4.13.2 (Objective) Reduce the number of different server locations

4.13.3 (Objective) Evaluate the feasibility of hosted servers for certain functions (such as hosted application systems)

4.13.4 (Objective) Where possible involve partner institutions in a consortium arrangement

4.14 (Goal) Review and update standards on a regular basis to continuously reflect the goals and objectives of this plan

4.15 (Goal) Maintain compatibility with the statewide K-20 network (Attachment F)

Website & Intranet

4.16 (Goal) Progressively move to a web-based strategy for distribution and access for all university services, media, documents and data

4.16.1 (Objective) Re-architect the university Website to provide a "portal" strategy

4.16.2 (Objective) Create Website standards