Nashville Chapter #73
Institute of Industrial Engineers


Nashville, TN Chapter #73



The Nashville Chapter services the geographical area covered by the following zip codes:

37010, 37011, 37012, 37013, 37014, 37015, 37022, 37025, 37027, 37029, 37030, 37031, 37032, 37034, 37035, 37036, 37040, 37042, 37043, 37046, 37048, 37049, 37051, 37052, 37055, 37056, 37057, 37060, 37062, 37064, 37065, 37066, 37067, 37069, 37070, 37071, 37072, 37073, 37074, 37075, 37076, 37080, 37082, 37083, 37085, 37086, 37087, 37088, 37090, 37098, 37115, 37116, 37119, 37121, 37122, 37128, 37129, 37130, 37132, 37135, 37138, 37141, 37142, 37143, 37146, 37148, 37151, 37152, 37153, 37155, 37165, 37167, 37171, 37172, 37174, 37179, 37180, 37181, 37184, 37186, 37187, 37189, 37191, 37201, 37203, 37204, 37205, 37206, 37207, 37208, 37209, 37210, 37211, 37212, 37213, 37214, 37215, 37216, 37217, 37218, 37219, 37220, 37221, 37228, 37240, 37401, 38476, 38482, 38547, 38563, 42120, 42134, 42135, 42170, 42202, 42204, 42216, 42223, 42234, 42262, 42265, 42276, 42283, and 42286.


Section 1 The fiscal year shall by from April 1 to March 31.

Section 2 Chapter dues for all grades of membership shall be as set forth in the IIE Bylaws. All Chapter dues shall be paid with the IIE dues.

Section 3 To be a Chapter member in good standing, an individual must be a member in good standing of IIE and must have paid his/her IIE and Chapter dues for the current year.

Section 4 The chapter leadership shall be responsible for the financial operation of the chapter.

Section 5 Each Committee Chairman shall obtain the approval of the President prior to committing any expense in excess of his/her budget.


Section 1 President

The President shall administer the Operations of the Chapter with guidance from the chapter leadership. It shall be the duty of the President to abide by and enforce the provision of this Constitution and Bylaws, and the IIE Constitution and Bylaws. He/she shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter. He/she shall appoint the chairman of each standing committee. All such appointments become official when ratified by the chapter leadership team. He/she shall normally represent the Chapter at the IIE International Convention normally held in May.

Section 2 Treasurer – Secretary

The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep accurate records and proceedings of all Chapter, shall have custody of all funds of the Chapter, and shall report to the Board of Directors as required. He/she shall present an annual report and balance sheet as of the last meeting in the fiscal year and turn over all records in good order at the end of his/her tenure of office to the succeeding Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary – Treasurer shall be responsible for ensuring the Chapter Activity Report (CAR) is properly developed and turned in to at the appropriate time.

Section 3 Vice President – Program Chair

The Vice President – Program Chair will assist the President with chapter operations as needed. The Vice President – Program chair will be responsible for ensuring program goals set forth in the annual strategic plan are achieved. The Vice President – Program Chair will be responsible for developing program information to be distributed by the Communications Director. He or She will also serve as the President Elect for the following year. The Vice President shall be responsible for staffing the non-elected leadership positions of the chapter for the year that he/she shall serve as President. He/she may request that the President appoint a member or members to assist the President-Elect in large investigations or planning projects.

Section 4 Communications Director

The Communications Director will assist the other leadership in any communications to the chapter membership or potential members. Responsibilities include overseeing the chapter newsletter, chapter web-site, and program announcements. Because the Communications Director is the main source of contact for all members, he or she will also be responsible for keeping membership records, which can be obtained monthly from the national chapter of IIE, up to date.

Section 5 Membership Recruitment and Retention Director

The Membership Recruitment and Retention Director shall be responsible for the development and deployment of programs designed to draw new members into the Nashville chapter and encourage current members to maintain an active membership. The Membership and Retention Director will be in charge of all program and chapter feedback surveys and will be expect to report feedback from current and potential members to the rest of the chapter leadership.

Section 6 Other Leadership Positions

Periodically it will be necessary for the chapter leadership to have additional officers to meet special needs or fully utilize the talents of our members willing to serve in leadership positions. These other leadership positions may include committees and committee chairs. These positions will be discussed by the chapter leadership during the leadership transition phase and will be included in the annual chapter strategic plan.


Section 1 The call for nominations will be issued in the October prior to the election. The President-Elect shall be responsible for assessing the qualifications and interest level of nominees. Permission of nominees to be considered for office must be obtained.

Section 2 Based on the interest level and qualifications of nominees, the President-Elect shall prepare a list of candidates for each office to be elected.

Section 3 A final list of candidates will be published in February and will be announced at the earliest Chapter meeting.


Section 1 Elections shall be conducted through such means as to be accessible to every Member in good standing.

Part 1 The ballot shall be prepared listing each nomination for each vacancy. It will be distributed to all Members at least four weeks before the election deadline.

Part 2 Ballots will be forwarded to the President-Elect on or before the election deadline stated on the ballot.

Part 3 The ballots shall be counted by the President-Elect and the results announced in the earliest Chapter newsletter and Chapter meeting.

Part 4 In the event of a tie in the number of votes cast for candidates of any office, the tie shall be broken by a vote of the Members present at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Chapter where voting quorum is achieved. The candidates shall include only those persons involved in the tie. A simple written ballot shall be used and voting shall be conducted until the tie is broken.

Section 2 Newly elected officers and directors will begin their terms of office on January 1 and will be installed at the January Chapter meeting. They will serve until their successors are chosen and their terms of office begin.


Section 1 Individual Outgoing Officers

Each outgoing officer will be responsible for turning over any relative material to the incoming officer for his or her position.

Section 2 Annual Strategic Plan

Both outgoing and incoming officers will be responsible for developing the annual strategic plan.

Section 3 Leadership Retreat

This ½ to 1 day retreat will serve as a team building and planning session for the newly elected leadership team. The outgoing officers are responsible for planning this retreat. The annual strategic plan will be developed at the retreat.

Section 4 2 Month Transition Period

Officer elections shall be complete before the last month of the outgoing officers term. The incoming officers will be expected to attend the leadership meeting conducted by the outgoing officers. During the first month of the new officers term, the previous leadership team is expected to attend the leadership meeting to answer questions as they arise.


The chapter activity report shall serve as a guideline for the operations of the Nashville chapter. In compliance with the CAR a strategic plan will be submitted annually by the due date set forth by the national chapter of the IIE


Section 1 A quorum at any Chapter meeting shall consist of one-fourth of the Chapter membership.

Section 2 A quorum for voting purposes shall consist of one-eighth of the Chapter membership.

Section 3 A quorum for an Officer’s meeting shall consist of 50% of the total number of Board members, rounded up to the next whole number.


Robert’s Revised Parliamentary Rules of Order shall be the standard authority of the Chapter.


Section 1 Amendments to these by-laws can be made by a 50% voting majority.

Section 2 All members will be given at least 4 weeks notice for amendments being voted on.