How to social media

1. Speak in the first person. Use your own voice and bring personality to the forefront
2. Try to add value. Provide worthwhile information and perspective to give people a reason to like your page.
3. Consistancy. Try and post once or twice a day, providing consistent flow of quality content. This will bring audience with it.
4. Scheduling. Look at insights and see when people are online, plan your posts for then.
5. Conversing. Make sure your respond to people. When people have questions, they like speaking to experts who’s want patronise them. Bring your personality into it, it will go a long way.
6. Don't overpost. Spamming is annoying and you will be ignored. As a rule, post no more than 4 times a day.
7. Don't post empty content. Empty content is content that adds no value to your page, what you’re trying to achieve etc, but is trending so why not do it anyway to improve your reach. Don’t do it, it's pointless.
8. Don’t drop off. For social media marketing to be effective, you need to keep it up. People will assume that you have left and unfollow you when cleaning out the clutter in their accounts. This is exactly the opposite of social media marketing.
9. Get your campaign team to comment and share important posts. Posts that have high engagement rate will get pushed up to the top of your mate’s newsfeed.

Sponsored social media post

How to do a sponsored post
Important – when you’re sponsoring your post, make sure the image you use has less than 20% text in the image. Facebook will not accept this a suitable image to advertise and your post will be rejected.

  1. Head to your Facebook Page
  2. Write a status as normal and attach a pic and a link if necessary.
  3. Click Boost post
  4. You’ll receive a pop up that looks similar to this

You want to concentrate on the left hand column to start- off with.

  1. Define your audience. As this will be a new page, chances are that you’ll have to create a new audience to target.
  2. Click “Create new audience”
    Here you need to be careful you do not end up targeting people that are not a part of Staffordshire University and therefore cannot vote.
    - Select people you chose through targeting.
    - Click edit

  1. Define your demographic.

This is how we suggest that you define you demographic. Remember not every university student is aged 18-21. You also have satellite campuses at Blackheath Lane and Shrewsbury to consider.

  1. Budget and duration. The bigger the budget and longer the duration, you are more likely to reach more people.
  1. You’ll need to link your paypal account to you Facebook page to pay for the advert. Facebook will send you this bill at the end of the month. Remember to keep the receipt, print it off and claim it back on your expenses.
  1. Click ‘Set Budget’ in the bottom right hand corner of the pop up window.
  1. Schedule your post.
    Click on the arrow next to the publish button and click on ‘Schedule’

  1. Select the optimum time and day for your post to be published. You can find this out on your insights page. Once you’ve filled this in, click ‘Schedule’

You’ve now scheduled a sponsored boost, you let Facebook do the rest.
If you want your boost to do even better, get your campaign team to comment and share your post.