Vehicle Finance

Essential Math 12

Mr. Morin



Fuel Economy ____

Maintaining a Car ___

Leasing a Vehicle ___

Buying a Vehicle ___

Driver Licensing and Vehicle Insurance __

Fuel Economy

Example 1a) Paul goes on a road trip in his Nissan and drives 7842 km. On his trip he uses 602L of fuel. Calculate the fuel economy of the car on the road trip.

b) If fuel costs $1.129/litre, calculate the total cost of the fuel used.

Example 2 Rick’s truck has a fuel economy of 13L/100km in the city and 10.5L/100km on the highway. Rick drives 685km in the city and 1354km in the country. Calculate the total amount of fuel consumed.


1)A car takes 57L to fill the tank. The price of gas is $1.099/L. Calculate the cost to fill the tank.

2)Mark drives a car 712km. To fill the tank it takes 64L.

a)Calculate the fuel economy.

b)If the price of gas is $1.459/L, calculate the cost of filling the tank.

3)Jamie drives a total of 620km in the city and 160km on the highway. The fuel economy of her Prius is 4.4L/100km in the city, while the fuel economy is 5.1L/100km on the highway.

a)Calculate the number of litres that Jamie uses.

b)If gas costs $1.498/L, how much does she spend on fuel?

4)A car travels 67km on 9L of gasoline in the city. When the car is driven on the highway, it can drive 92km on the same amount of fuel.

a)Calculate the fuel economy in the city.

b)Calculate the fuel economy on the highway.

5)A truck travels 750km on 92.5L of gasoline in the city. When the truck is driven on the highway, it can drive 254km on 20.4L of gasoline.

a)Calculate the fuel economy in the city.

b)Calculate the fuel economy on the highway.

c)If the price of fuel costs $1.645/L, how much does it cost to drive the distance described in the question?

6)Jon has a Hybrid Civic that has a fuel economy of 5.23L/100km. If Jon drives 4562km, how much fuel does he use?

7)Over the period of a month, Jill travelled 753km in the city and 1742km on the highway. Jill’s car has a fuel economy of 11.5L/100km in the city and 8.4L/100km on the highway.

a)Calculate the amount of fuel that was consumed.

b)If the price of fuel was $2.159/L, calculate the amount spent on fuel.

8)Liz owed a car. After parting with the car she tabulated that she travelled 217,540km in the city and 21,990km on the highway. Liz’s car had a fuel economy of 10.9L/100km in the city and 9.2L/100km on the highway. Calculate the amount of fuel that was consumed over the lifetime of the car.

Assignment: Maintaining a Car

Example 1 Mae brings her vehicle into Neil and Watt’s for some repairs. Her car needs 4 new tires, $129.99 each; a new exhaust $219.13. The estimated labour for these repairs will take approximately 2.75h at a shop rate of $103/hr. Calculate the total cost of the repairs.

Example 2 Alexis drives a 1977 Dodge Dart. The vehicle needs new brakes. The cost of the new brakes is $249 in parts and is expected to take 1.25h to complete. If the labour cost is $84 an hour, calculate the total cost of the repairs.


1)Why is it prudent to do some preventative maintenance on a car?

2)The cost of an oil change at Mr. Lube is $42.99 plus tax. Calculate the cost of 4 oil changes including tax.

3)Bob is servicing his truck in Flin Flon. The truck requires 4 tires at $230 each; 2 wipers at $11.99 each; exhaust pipe at $140. The time that is required to service the vehicle is 2.5h. If the shop rate is $85/hour, calculate the total cost.

4)Mark drives about 42,000km per year. How much should he budget for maintenance over the year?

Maintenance / Replacement Schedule / Estimated Cost
Oil Change / Every 3 months/6000km / $52
Rotate Tires / Every 3 months/6000km / $35
Air Filter / Every 12 months / $35
Replace Wipers / Every 25,000 km / $30
Replace front Brakes / Every 80,000km / $300
Replace Tires / Every 100,000km / $1100

Write a sentence explain the rationale for the expense on tires and brakes.

5)Rachel’s car is in for repairs. She is replacing two headlights at $49.99 each, 2 fan belts at $19.99 each. The shop rate is $95/hour and the total amount of shop time needed was 0.5h. Calculate the total cost of the service.

Leasing a Vehicle

Example 1 After a four year lease, Barney wishes to purchase is BMW X5. After the lease the residual value of the car is 62%. If the MSRP of the BMW X5 is $78,420, calculate the total cost of purchasing the vehicle.

Example 2 Rex is a happy man. He is leasing his first car: a Ford Fusion. The cost of the 48 month lease is $250 per month, with a down payment of $1750 and a security deposit of $1000.

a)What is the total cost of the monthly payment?

b)How much is due in the first month?

c)What is the total cost of the lease?

d)Why is the security deposit not included in the total price?

Example 3 Still talking about Rex from the previous example… The MSRP on a Ford Fusion is $27,300 and the residual value is 55%. Calculate the total cost of the lease and purchasing the vehicle at the end of the lease.


1)Make a t-chart to list all expenses that you must pay taxes on compared to those you do not: monthly payment, down payment, security deposit, maintenance, residual value, etc.

GST and PST Taxable / No Taxes

2)A lease vehicle is worth $54,000. The residual value rate of the lease is 65%. What is the cost of purchasing the vehicle including taxes.

3)A car has a residual valued of $20,750 (taxes not included) and the total payments of the lease were $16,753 (taxes included). What will be the total cost of purchasing this leased vehicle?

4)April is leasing a Focus. It requires a down payment of $2000, with a security deposit of $750. The four year lease has a monthly payment of $349.99.

a)Calculate the total amount due in the first month.

b)Calculate the total cost of the lease over the four year period.

5)Jamie leases a Ford Escape. It requires a down payment of $2300, and a security deposit of $1250. The monthly payment of the Escape is $350. The new purchase price is $30,700

a)Calculate the total cost of the lease over a 5-year period.

b)If the residual value of the Escape is 55%, calculate the cost for purchasing the vehicle.

c)What is the total cost of the vehicle including the cost of the lease and purchasing the vehicle?

6)The monthly lease payment on a two-door car is $254.43 plus taxes for a term of 60 months. A down payment of $3100 is required. The sale price is $30,400 and the residual value of the car is 57%.

a)Calculate the total cost of the lease.

b)Calculate the total cost if the sedan is purchased outright at the end of the lease include the cost of the lease.

Buying a Vehicle

Example 1 Angus buys a 1993 Honda Civic for $5,500 from Rockin’ Ron’s Car Dealership. Calculate the total cost of purchasing this vehicle.

Example 2 April is going to buy a Beetle from a dealer. The base price is $28,857. She adds an upgrade package that costs $2,200, plus an automatic transmission for an additional $1,100. The freight on the car is $1,250. The traded in her used car and received a $5,000 credit. What is the total price that she will pay?

Example 3 Willow is looking at buying a used Toyota hatchback from Bill Macdonell. The asking price of the car is $11,000. However the car needs some repairs. The repairs will cost $450 for parts and $150 in labour. Calculate the total cost of purchasing the car.


1)Make a t-chart to list the advantages buying a new car versus buying a used car.

New CarUsed Car

2)Scott is buying a used car. The price of the used car is $2,400.

a)Calculate the cost of purchasing the used car if the car was purchased privately.

b)Calculate the cost of purchasing the used car if the car was purchased from a dealer.

3)Michael wants to buy a used car that needs repair. The price of the car is $15,000. The repairs will cost: $300 for engine work (labour); $800 for tires; $220 for other repairs (labour). Calculate the total cost of repairs and purchasing the vehicle (assuming a private sale).

4)Calculate the total purchase price of a used mid-sized car sold privately. The seller is asking $5,500. A diagnostic test costs $45 and a lien search cost $15. Calculate the cost of the car.

5)Brian is buying a CR-V from a dealer. The cost of the CR-V is $27,500. Brian chooses a technology upgrade package for an additional $2,350. The freight charge is $1,100. Calculate the total cost of the vehicle?

6)April is going to buy a Beetle from a dealer. The base price is $28,857. She adds an upgrade package that costs $2,200, plus an automatic transmission for an additional $1,100. The freight on the car is $1,250. The traded in her used car and received a $5,000 credit. What is the total price that she will pay?

7)Barb buys a Nissan truck with a base price of $22,750 from a dealer.

  • Freight charges $750
  • Convenience upgrade package $1,200

a)Calculate the total charge for the vehicle.

b)If Barb trades in her Lada and received a credit of $4000, calculate the net cost of the purchase of the new vehicle.

8)Chris purchases a new car. The price of the car was $35,840 (taxes included). The monthly loan payment is $807.72/month over a 4-year period.

a)Calculate the cost of the car over the 4-year period.

b)Calculate the total interest that is charged over this period.

9)Max purchases a Civic. The price of the car was $21,999 plus tax. The monthly loan payment is $537.35/month over a 5-year period.

a)If the car is paid for at the time of purchase, calculate the cost.

b)Calculate the cost of the car over if the money was borrowed over the 5-year period.

c)Calculate the total interest that is charged over this period.


Example 1 (Method 1) A new Ford Fusion has an MSRP of $34,000. The car is expected to depreciate 12% in its first year, 10% in the second year and 7% ever year thereafter.

a) Calculate the value of the vehicle after 3 years.

b)Calculate the total depreciation of the vehicle after the 3 years.

Example 1 (Method 2) A new Ford Fusion has an MSRP of $34,000. The car is expected to depreciate 12% in its first year, 10% in the second year and 7% ever year thereafter.

a)Calculate the value of the vehicle after 3 years.

b)Calculate the total depreciation of the vehicle after the 3 years.


1)List three factors that will depreciate a car quickly.

2)A new car sold for $45,000. The car depreciated 15% the first year, 10% the second year, and 10% in third year.

a)Calculate the amount of total depreciation.

b)Calculate the value of the vehicle after three years.

3)Determine the resale value of the following new vehicles

a)$27,000 Matrix at the end of four years (first year 20%, 15% a year thereafter)

b)$22,000 Cobalt at the end of two years (first year 13%, 11% thereafter)

c)$120,000 Mercedes ML55 at the end of five years (First year 11%, then 10% thereafter)

4)Determine the depreciation of one of the above vehicles. Use a different method from question 3.

Driver Licensing and Vehicle Insurance

Click the tab  Registration and Insurance Overview


Auto insurance protects you in three categories, identify those three categories.





Identify the 5 factors that affect rates of insurance






3)Under the tab VEHICLE USE you will find the definition of all-purpose and pleasure.

Identify two restrictions of a vehicle registered as pleasure.

4) Under the tab MAJOR OFFENCE, identify two major offences.

Taxes on Cars / PST (8%) / GST (5%)
New Car and Accessories / √ / √
Used Car from Dealer / √ / √
Used Car Sold Privately / √
Repairs - Parts / √ / √
Repairs – Labour / √ / √
Lien Search / No Taxes
Gasoline / Taxes Included in the Price