Economics/Government - 2013/2014


Mrs. Barraco


Welcome to the 2013/2014 school year! My name is Mrs. Barraco and I will have the privilege of being your Econ/Gov't teacher for this semester. Throughout this syllabus you will find information that is vital to your success in this class. Please read the entire document CAREFULLY, noting all important details. DO NOT lose this packet, as it will be the only copy that I give to you.


#1 - RESPECT - I understand that you are all young adults and deserve to be treated that way. Please show the amount of respect to myself and your classmates that you expect to receive from me. Respect is a reciprocal thing. The more that you show me and others, the more you will receive.

#2 - FOOD/DRINK - There will be NO foodof any kind allowed in the classroom. I will allow any type of drink to be used as long as it is in a container that is able to be sealed. Understand that this policy can be changed for any reason. If it is abused, the privilege of having a drink in class will be taken away.

#3 - DISCUSSION - In this class there will be many opportunities to discuss certain topics and issues. I greatly encourage you to join along in the discussion. There are some guidelines that must be followed when a discussion is occurring:

#1 - Raise your hand to contribute to the class.

#2 - NEVER interrupt another person when they are talking.

#3 - Realize that every person has their own opinion - I will not tolerate slander or harassment of any student based on their beliefs.

#4 - DISCIPLINE - All discipline issues will be handled as follows: If I have a problem, I will talk to you about it first and give you a warning. The second time you will be given a classroom detention at 7:00 a.m. If you miss this detention you will be written up and sent to Mr. Dobbs. If the behavior persists, I will take the proper disciplinary steps according to school policy. *I may at any time skip steps 1 and 2 and give you a written referral depending on the severity of the offense!*

#5 - TARDIES - Tardiness will be dealt with according to school policy. See your student handbook for more information.


I-Pods will only be allowed in class if I tell you ahead of time. If I know we will be having an independent work day you will be told you may bring them on that day. All other occasions they must be put away. If they are out they may be taken from you.


The curriculum that we will cover follows the guidelines set by the state of Michigan. A special emphasis will be placed on skills that will help you on Social Studies MME test your Junior year.

Areas Covered:

Principles of Government

Origins of American Government

The Constitution


Political Parties

Voter Behavior

The Electoral Process


The grading scale will be as follows:

100% and above - A+79% - 77% - C+

99% - 94% - A76% - 74% - C

93% - 90% - A-73% - 70% - C-

89% - 87% - B+69% - 67% - D+

86% - 84% - B66% - 64% - D

83% - 80% - B-63% - 60% - D-

59% - 0%Failing

You will receive three grades from me that will count toward your final grade for this class. These grades are:

First Quarter Grade + Second Quarter Grade + Exam Grade = Final Grade

40%40% 20% = 100%

Each quarter grade will count as 40% of your final grade. Your exam will count as 20% of your final grade. All three added together will equal your final grade.

During each quarter you will be given many tasks that will contribute to your grade for that scoring period. These tasks may include homework, notes, projects, and tests. I understand that some people do well on classroom tasks, but do poorly on tests. This course is designed in a fashion that if all classroom tasks and homework are completed, poor test scores will not cause you to fail the course. If you do your assignments to the best of your ability and on time, you will do fine in the class.

NOTE - I score everything on a point based system - Each assignment will be given a point value.

I will have a current status of your points at all times. However, you are responsible for keeping track of your own grades. You can use parent/ student connect to do this. I do not want you to come to my desk every day to ask what your current grade in the class is. If you keep organized, you will know what your grade is. If at any time you would like to discuss your grade with me, see me before or after class and we will arrange a time to discuss your scores.


In this class there will be homework. As seen above in the grading section, it is very important that you complete all homework assignments on time. I do understand that there may be some circumstances where homework cannot be completed on time (Illness, Family Issues, etc.)

Make-Up Work for Excused Absences:

1. Assignments: students shall be given the number of days absent plus one to make-up work missed during excused absences for full credit. (For example, a student who is absent for 2 days, gets 3 school days to make-up work.)

2. Tests and Quizzes: If a student is absent on a test or quiz day, the student shall make-up the quiz/test on the day they return from an absence, either in class before or after school, or in seminar. If this is not possible, the quiz/test will be made up during the first seminar session after returning from an absence.

Late Work:

1. Students who turn assignments in late will receive a 20% reduction in grade for every day the assignment is late. (No Credit can be earned after 4 days late).

2.If the assignment was completed during class and is collected at the end of the hour, the assignment will NOT be accepted as late and will receive zero credit.


You will need the following supplies for class:

- One 3 ring binder (I recommend that it is at least an 1 1/2 or 2 inch ring size)

- Pencil or Pen (No red pen will be accepted) (No pink or teal pen please)

- Lined paper (College rule paper will help save the trees!)

- Dividers for your 3 ring binder (1 set of five is o.k. for the first 2-3 months, but you will need another set of five as the class progresses)

All of these supplies must be brought to class EVERY DAY! Come to class prepared!

**If you cannot obtain these supplies for any reason, please see me so we can arrange a way for you to get them.**


All students will be using the textbooks that are to be kept in the classroom. We will use them daily but you may only take them home if you check them out with me. If you take one without asking you will be charged for that book.


If you need to talk to me outside of class for any reason, I get to school at approximately 6:45 a.m. every day and usually stay until at least 3:15pm. Feel free to stop in before or after school. If you cannot come at these times, see me and we will arrange a time to meet.

Phone: (810) 794-4911 Ext 3201



#1 - Keep a neat and organized binder. I will check your binders for notes and assignments on a regular basis. Sometimes you will know when I will check them - other times you will not. It is best to have your binder ready for inspection at all times!

#2 - More T.B.A.

Extra credit is always available. If you do an exceptional job on an assignment, extra points will be rewarded. If you go beyond the requirements, you will be rewarded for your efforts.

All other types of extra credit opportunities will be announced throughout the course of the semester.


Contrary to some people’s beliefs, world history is a very exciting subject. I will try my hardest to make the time that we share together fun and interesting! This will be a very open class, so feel free to participate in class discussion and offer any opinions that you have.


-Come to class prepared (book, pen/pencil, binder, homework, etc…)

-Come to class on time

-Don’t procrastinate

-Ask questions (“The only dumb question is the question not asked”)

-Participate in discussions

-Be positive, enthusiastic, and respectful

-Be ORGANIZED – (Organization = Success!)


Classroom Contract – 2013/2014

Specific policies:

(Check all statements that you have read and understood)

_____ - I have read and understand the grading policy

_____ - I have read and understand the homework and late paper policy

_____ - I have read and understand the class rules

_____ - I have read and understand the supplies that are needed for the course. I also understand that if I cannot obtain the supplies, I will see Mrs. Barraco as soon as possible.

_____ - I understand that I am not to take the textbook from the classroom without checking it out.

_____ - I understand that I must come to class prepared every day.

_____ - I understand that organization will greatly help me throughout the course of the semester

_____ - I know how and when to contact Mrs. Barraco if I have a question or concern

_____ - I understand that I am expected to behave appropriately at all times during a classroom discussion.

Signature - ______Date - ______

Personal Information

Name - ______

Parent Phone # - ______

Class Status (Grade) - ______

Any special needs that Mrs. Barraco needs to know about:

(Need to sit close to the board, etc.)