AP Art History Summer Assignments 2016


Blue Art Analysis & Vocabulary Journal

1)Blue Art Analysis

a)  Watch -Blue. History of Art in Three Colors



b)  Summarize in a three paragraph response the main concepts presented in the Video BLUE

c)  Choose an Art Piece that Utilizes the Color Blue ( may be one found in the video, on my website -


or one of your own choosing) and Complete an Art Analysis using the ART Analysis Handout

Art Analysis





2) Vocabulary Journal

Due the First Day of Class

A quiz will be Given the First Week of school to Assess your Understanding of this Vocabulary.

In a Bound Composition Journal

A)  Define each vocabulary word

B)  Identify the time period and country the vocabulary word is attached to

C)  Provide one image/illustration of the word -

a painting, a sculpture, a photograph, or an architectural item/building

1. Pylon
2. Hypostyle Hall
3. Hierarchy of Scale
4. Archivolt
5. Ashlar Masonry
6. Bas-Relief
7. Kouros
8. Axial Plan
9. Tholos
10. Pediment
11. Entablature
12. Contrapposto
13. Frieze
14. Fresco
15. Mosque and the elements of a Mihrab, Minaret & Minbar
16. Cire Perdue
17. Veristic Roman Sculpture / 18. Encaustic
19. Loculi
20. Torana & Stupa
21. Clerestory Windows
22. Colophon
23. Tympanum
24. Clerestory
25. Barrel vault
26. Codex
27. Entablature
28. Tessellation
29. Alcazaba
30. Triptych
31. Iconoclasm
32. Chiaroscuro
33. Tenebrism
34. Central Plan
35. Orthogonal
36. (3) Types of Greek Orders-Doric, Ionic & Corinthian / 37. Muqarna
38. Jambs
39. Necropolis
40. Trompe L’oeil
41. Sfumato
42. Zoomorphic
43. Assemblage
44. Ziggurat
45. Daguerreotype
46. Momento Mori
47. Fete Galante
48. Gigantomachy
49. Mudra
50. Ukiyo-e
51. Horror Vaculi
52.Action Painting
53.Votive figure
54. Roman Basilica
55. Christian Basilica
Ground Plan w/ the Narthex, Apse, Nave & Aisle