Applications received before the published opening date will be returned. Applications will close on the published closing date or sooner if exam places are filled. Each application is processed on a first come, first served basis and only if the application and payment is complete and in order.
Check our website for exam dates and application dates or contact the Exams Office.
CERTIFICATES AND PROOF OF TRAINING (Original documents are returned by registered post)
Up-to-date GMC/ IMC Certs: If you are a first time Primary or Final applicant in Dublin, you must submit an original GMC/IMC Certificate with your application. Repeat applicants must include a certified copy. If you are awaiting a new Cert from the IMC/GMC, make this known to us and your application will be marked Not In Order until we receive your up-to-date Cert, or copy thereof.
Proof of training: Both Primary and Final, first time and repeat applicants, must detail their training in full on Page 2 of the application form and it must be signed and stamped by the current employer. Multiple signatures and stamps (i.e. from previous hospitals) are NOT needed. For eligible training outside the UK and Ireland, please supply documentation from those hospitals.
If the Dept of Anaesthesia is unavailable, we accept verification from the hospital Personnel Department.
Proof of passing Primary: If you are attempting the Dublin Final FCA for the first time, original proof of passing the Primary FCA must accompany your application. A “successful/ pass” letter is preferable to parchments. Repeat attempts must submit a photocopy of the letter/ parchment.
An application without payment in full cannot be guaranteed an exam place. The exam fee for 2006 is €1000. We cannot accept cash. We can accept any of the following:
(i)Euro bankdraft
(ii)International Money Order (in Euros)
(iii)Euro personal cheque
(iv)Sterling personal cheque (exchange rate from Sterling to Euro must be checked by yourself on date of writing the cheque). TheSterling payment option may shortly become unavailable.
(v)Credit card (fill in details on page 2 or on back of application form).
All applications, first time and repeat, must include 2 passport-sized photos, with the full name in ballpoint in BLOCK CAPITALS on the back. Do not sign, as signatures are often illegible. Staple photos to form, do not use glue or paperclips. Photos are needed for Exam ID cards in order to gain entry to the exam venue.
We cannot accept applications via email. Please print and send completed application to:
The Examinations Office, College of Anaesthetists RCSI, 22 Merrion Square North, Dublin 2, Ireland.
Tel: 00 353 1 613 0001 or 00 353 1 613 0000
Fax: 00 353 1 661 4374
Email: or
Please tick: Primary FCA Final FCA Pain Med. Dip.
Name of exam candidate: ______
Name on card: ______Card No.: └─┴─┴─┴─┘- └─┴─┴─┴─┘-└─┴─┴─┴─┘-└─┴─┴─┴─┘
Please tick: Visa MasterCard
(We cannot accept American Express/ Laser or other debit cards at this time)
Expiry Date: _____/_____ (mm/yy)
Declaration (to be signed by cardholder):
I authorise the College of Anaesthetists RCSI to charge € exam fee to the above credit card.
Please print and include with application:
Examinations Office, College of Anaesthetists RCSI, 22 Merrion Square North, Dublin 2
Fax: 00 353 1 661 4374