Assessing Attainment in Years 1-3..
- Each subject will assess students on four attainment criteria.
- Criteria will be assessed on an A-E scale, based on class and home work produced since the last set of reports.
- Assessment will be based on a benchmark of what is reasonably expected from a student in that year [1-3] of their academic development. This is a professional judgement by the teacher, in line with departmental policy.
- Where a subject has not set work assessing a particular attainment skill the report space will be left blank.
- Internal assessments will also be used in criteria selection.
- Data from end of year examinations will be entered in the summer end of term report as a raw % and a grade [A-E] which is calculated according to departmental policy. A median mark for each exam will also be inserted.
Technical Processes
AConfident understanding of present technical abilities
BCompetent understanding of present technical abilities
CSound understanding of present technical abilities
DBasic understanding of present technical abilities
ELimited understanding of present technical abilities
Drawing Skills
AConfident level of drawing skills
BCompetent level of drawing skills
C Sound level of drawing skills
DBasic level of drawing skills
ELimited level of drawing skills
Artist Links
AConfident research and personal comments
BCompetent research and personal comments
CSound research and personal comments
DBasic research and personal comments
ELimited research and personal comments
Evaluating Own Work
AConfident analysis of own work
BCompetent analysis of own work
CSound analysis of own work
DBasic analysis of own work
ELimited analysis of own work
Designing: Use of a variety of design techniques. Range of design ideas. Explanation of ideas.
Making: Use of a variety of materials, tools, equipment and processes. Level of skill. Quality of product.
Presentation and communication: Use of a variety of methods, techniques and media.
Knowledge, understanding and evaluation: Level and variety of knowledge, understanding and evaluation.
AOutstanding participation in the exploring and devising process
BGood participation in the exploring and devising process
CSound participation in the exploring and devising process
DDeveloping participation in the exploring and devising process
EBasic participation in the exploring and devising process
AOutstanding presentation or performance skills
BGood presentation or performance skills
CSound presentation or performance skills
DDeveloping presentation or performance skills
EBasic presentation or performance skills
AOutstanding use of evaluative skills
BGood use of evaluative skills
CSound use of evaluative skills
DDeveloping use of evaluative skills
EBasic use of evaluative skills
Knowledge and Understanding
AOutstanding level of knowledge and understanding
BGood level of knowledge and understanding
CSound level of knowledge and understanding
DDeveloping level of knowledge and understanding
EBasic level of knowledge and understanding
Speaking and Listening
AExcellent contributions to oral tasks which are perceptive, original and imaginative
BGood contributions to oral tasks which are detailed and thoughtful
CSecure contributions to oral tasks which are relevant and clear
DDeveloping or inconsistent contributions to oral tasks which may be brief or superficial
EBasic contributions to oral tasks; contributions can lack relevance
Reading and Interpretation
AExcellent comprehension of complex texts; evaluates writer’s use of language
BGood comprehension of more complex texts; appreciates writer’s use of language
CSecure comprehension of a range of written texts; aware of writer’s use of language
DDeveloping comprehension of written texts; understands plot and character
EBasic comprehension of simple written texts; some misunderstanding of plot and character
Writing and Composition
AExcellent written work; complex and original ideas, shaped to match purpose and audience, are expressed with flair
BGood written work; creative and imaginative ideas, showing awareness of purpose and audience, are developed coherently to sustain reader’s interest
CSecure written work; some variety of ideas and expression are clearly structured with consistent effort to suit purpose and audience
DDeveloping written work; simply structured with some evidence of imagination and creativity with some effort to suit simple purposes
EBasic written work; ideas are undeveloped and writing may lack coherence or fail to suit purpose and audience
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
AA wide range of more complex grammatical features and vocabulary consistently used accurately
BA range of more complex grammatical features and vocabulary used accurately
CA range of grammatical features and vocabulary consistently used accurately
DBasic grammatical features and vocabulary consistently used accurately
EBasic grammatical features and vocabulary occasionally used accurately
Knowledge and Understanding
AOutstanding grasp of geographical processes and terminology
BConsistently good grasp of geographical processes and terminology
CMostly good grasp of geographical processes and terminology
DIs developing an understanding of geographical processes and terminology
EHas a basic grasp of geographical processes and terminology
Oral Communication
AOutstanding oral communication with a wide use of geographical terms
BConsistently good oral communication with a wide use of geographical terms
CMostly good oral communication with use of geographical terms
DIs developing oral communication with geographical terms
EHas a basic grasp of oral communication and geographical terms
Quality of Written Work
AOutstanding, extended written responses
BConsistently good, extended written responses
CMostly well developed written responses
DIs developing extended written responses
EHas a basic grasp of extended written responses
Geographical Skills/ Enquiry
AOutstanding geographical and enquiry skills
BConsistently good geographical and enquiry skills
CMostly good grasp of geographical and enquiry skills
DIs developing understanding of the application of geographical and enquiry skills
EHas a basic grasp of the application of geographical and enquiry skills
Knowledge and Analysis of Historical Concepts (such as chronology, cause and consequence, change and continuity, significance, identity and difference).
Source Evaluation and Critical Thinking (comprehension, comparison, interpretation and critical evaluation)
Written and Verbal Communication (structure, clarity, focus,fluency, participation)
Research and Independent Learning Skills (variety of media/sources of information, collation and grouping of information, personal transformation of understood information)
Practical Computer Skills
AOutstanding level of practical skills and application
BGood level of practical skills and application
CAverage level of practical skills and application
DBasic level of practical skills and application
EDeveloping level of practical computer skills
Knowledge and Understanding of Theoretical Elements
AOutstanding level of subject knowledge and understanding
BConsistently good level of subject knowledge and understanding
CReasonable level of subject knowledge and understanding
DInconsistent level of subject knowledge and understanding
EGaps in subject knowledge and understanding to be addressed
Use ICT to Produce a Solution to a Problem
AOutstanding use of ICT to produce a solution to a problem
BGood use of ICT to produce a solution to a problem
CReasonable use of ICT to produce a solution to a problem
DInconsistent use of ICT to produce a solution to a problem
EHas difficulty using ICT to produce a solution to a problem
Independent Learning and use of ICT
AOutstanding level of independent learning and use of ICT
BHigh Level of independent learning and use of ICT
CAverage attempt at independent learning and use of ICT
DDeveloping a basic level of independent learning and use of ICT
EInconsistent approach towards independent learning and use of ICT
AOutstanding standard of translation and application of grammar
BGood standard of translation and application of grammar
CSound standard of translation and application of grammar
DDeveloping standard of translation with some application of grammar
EBasic standard of translation with minimal application of grammar
Vocabulary Acquisition
AAchieves consistently high scores in vocabulary tests
BAchieves good scores in vocabulary tests
CAchieves sound scores in vocabulary tests
DAchieves below average scores in vocabulary tests
ECause for concern from poor scores in regular vocabulary tests
Grammar acquisition
AOutstanding learning and understanding of grammatical ideas
BGood learning and understanding of grammatical ideas
CSound learning and understanding of grammatical ideas
DDeveloping learning and understanding of grammatical ideas
EBasic learning and understanding of grammatical ideas
Cultural awareness
AOutstanding interest in and awareness of ancient v. modern culture
BPleasing interest in and awareness of ancient v. modern culture
CSound interest in and awareness of ancient v. modern culture
DDeveloping interest in and awareness of ancient v. modern culture
EMinimal interest in and awareness of ancient v. modern culture
Understanding and interpreting questions
AVery quick to comprehend requirements unaided
BGood, but can need a little time to understand what is needed
CSecure, but occasionally needs some further help or clarification
DDeveloping independence, but often needs assistance and guidance
ECan manage basic work, but consistently needs support to progress
Recall of subject content and techniques
AExcellent long term memory of facts and methods of solution
BSecure memory over a number of weeks
COccasionally needs a reminder of appropriate techniques
DGood in the short term but can be forgetful over a longer period
EBasic recall of facts, but struggles to remember appropriate methods of solution
Written answersand presentation
AExemplary in presentation, employing efficient strategies
BTakes good care in working through questions
CReasonable presentation
DDoes not show enough working out
ECommits answers to paper, but presentation is untidy or work is difficult to follow
AConsistently produces accurate work
BUsually produces accurate work
CMakes a reasonable effort but with some errors
DFrequent inaccuracies
EManages basic work, but with some fundamental mistakes
Modern Languages
Knowledge and Understanding
AOutstanding level of linguistic knowledge, grammatical awareness and understanding
BVery good level of linguistic knowledge, grammatical awareness and understanding
CGood level of linguistic knowledge, grammatical awareness and understanding
DReasonable level of linguistic knowledge, grammatical awareness and understanding.
EBasic level of linguistic knowledge, grammatical awareness and understanding
Vocabulary Acquisition
AOutstanding scores in regular vocabulary tests
BVery good scores in regular vocabulary tests
CGood scores in regular vocabulary tests
DReasonable scores in regular vocabulary tests
EAchieves a small degree of success in regular vocabulary tests
AExcellent ability in understanding written and spoken ideas in the target language
BVery good ability in understanding written and spoken ideas in the target language
CGood ability in understanding written and spoken ideas in the target language
DReasonable ability in understanding written and spoken ideas in the target language
EHas a basic ability in understanding written and spoken ideas in the target language
ASpeaks readily and confidently and always attempts to speak with an authentic accent
BOften speaks readily and attempts to speak with an authentic accent
CWith some prompting speaks the language and is often successful
DIs willing to speak the language if encouraged
EOccasionally tries to speak the language
AConfident in performance work.
BCompetent in performance work
CSound ability shown in performance work
DBasic ability as a performer
ELimited ability as a performer
AConfident when composing, showing individual flair
BCompetent at composition work
CSound ability shown in the compositions undertaken
DBasic ability in composition work
ELimited ability in composition work
AConfident at identifying instrumental timbres and musical features
BCompetent at identifying instrumental timbres and musical features
CSound ability to identify instrumental timbres and musical features
DBasic ability to identify instrumental timbres and musical features
ELimited ability in identifying instrumental timbres and musical features
Music Theory
AHas an advanced understanding of music theory, considerably beyond that which has been covered in class
BHas a good understanding of music theory appropriate to the work covered in class
CHas a sound understanding of note letter names and rhythms
DHas a developing understanding of note letter names and rhythms
EHas a basic understanding of music theory
Physical Education: Michaelmas
Skill 1: Swimming
APrecise and fluent replication of the main strokes with strong turns and finishes. National plan for teaching swimming programme level 5 and above
BGood production of the three main stokes over distance. Range of associated aquatic skills developing. National plan for teaching swimming programme level 4
CSound competence in the basic elements of propulsion, streamlining and breathing. National plan for teaching swimming programme level 3
DImproving foundation of ‘watermanship’. Becoming ‘at home’ on and under the water. National plan for teaching swimming programme level 2
EQuite new to swimming with basic water confidence and skills. National plan for teaching swimming programme level 1
Skill 2: Cross Country
AOutstanding pace, rhythm and endurance. Of only a few to complete the 4km course for both boys and girls in good time
BGood cadence, stride length and fitness levels. Completes the 3km course in a time of under16 minutes for boys, 17 minutes for girls
CReasonable running style and stamina levels with real improvement over the seven weeks. Completes the 3km course in a time of over16 minutes for boys, 17 minutes for girls
DRunning fitness and style is sound and times improving. Completes the 2km course in a time under: 12 minutes for boys,13 minutes for girls
EStruggles to maintain running technique over distance but will have seen real improvement in times. Completes the 2km course in a time over: 12 minutes for boys, 14 minutes for girls
Skill 3: Table Tennis
AAble to consistently execute advanced skills such as the looped forehand topspin. Shows improvisation, disguise and variety
BGood range of shots and consistent serves. Improving accuracy in killing the rally and shows energy at the table
CSound reproduction of the basic skills. Serve is consistent and rallies extended
DBat control is reasonable. Backhand push shot is sound but serves are inconsistent and rallies variable
EA novice player, bat manipulation and ball control are developing slowly. Able to rally cooperatively and keep the ball moving
Skill4: Basketball
AOutstanding replication of advanced skills such as the lay-up off the non dominant side. Shows improvisation, disguise and variety
BGood range of individual skills in offence and defence. Shooting is consistent and 1 v 1 dribbling is accurate
CSound reproduction of the basic skills. Applies the double dribble and travelling rules effectively
DBall control is reasonable. Dribble and shooting success is improving consistently over time
EPerformer has a basic grasp of the foundation skills
Physical Education: Lent
Skill1: Badminton
AOutstanding replication of advanced skills such as drop shots and smashes. Attacks space and opponent’s weaknesses
BGood range of shots and consistent serves. Depth in the overhead clear is consistent; footwork and hitting action are strong
CSound reproduction of the basic skills. Serve is consistent and rallies extended
DRacket control is below average. Rallies vary in length and work is needed in aspects such as the stance and body position. Too static on court
EPerformer can rally at only a very basic level
Skill2: Gymnastics
APrecise and fluent replication of the core gymnastics moves. British gymnastics proficiency awards 1 and above
BGood production of gymnastics moves including rolls, cartwheels and headstands. British gymnastics proficiency awards 2 and 3
CSolid competence in the basic elements of coordination, tension and limb extension. British gymnastics proficiency awards 4 and 5
DSound foundation of basic body management skills. British gymnastics proficiency awards 6 and 7
ELittle or no previous experience of gymnastics. Slow progress in the management of the
body. British gymnastics proficiency awards 8
Skill3: Personal Survival and lifesaving
AShows outstanding confidence and understanding in all aspects water safety and casualty recovery
BStrong understanding of fundamental lifesaving skills. Shows good technique in the recovery skills
CA sound understanding of the key aspects though may struggle with some of the technical aspects of casualty recovery
DA reasonable level of competence though many of the skills required in casualty rescue may be under developed
EVery much a novice, there may be significant improvement needed in the fundamental skills
Skill4: Health Related Fitness
AOutstanding body management in a range of circuit training activities. Student displays excellent fitness across the range of components
BGood movement control in a range of circuit training activities. Many components of fitness are well developed
CSound limb control. Some fitness components are better developed than others
DA number of difficulties in a range of fitness components.
EMany aspects of fitness a struggle. Body management and control is poor
Physical Education: Summer
Skill 1: Athletics
APrecise and fluent replication of the main techniques across a broad range of track and field disciplines
BGood production of a number of different track and field activities. May have one or two specialist areas
CSolid competence in the basic elements of running, jumping and throwing. Probably quite strong in one particular event
DImproving foundation of track and field skills
EVery much a novice, there may be significant improvement needed in the fundamental skills
Skill2: Football
AOutstanding replication of advanced skills including beating a player and passing and shooting off both feet. Shows improvisation, disguise and variety
BGood range of individual skills in offence and defence. Passing is consistent and there is good control in the turns and dribbling
CSound reproduction of the core skills, though very reliant on one foot only