MLA In-Text Citation – 5 Examples

Key word notes, summaries, paraphrases, and quotes require in-text citations.

Author’s name in a signal phrase and page in parentheses
Kling reports “numerous fatalities” that have occurred as a result of a driver texting while operating a vehicle (59).
Works Cited
Kling, Andrew A. Cell Phones. Farmington Hills, MI: Lucent, 2010. 58-63. Print.
Here are a variety of signal phrases that can be used to present information from an author:
·  Kling maintains …
·  Kling shows…
·  Kling suggests… / ·  Kling provides…
·  Kling states …
·  Kling affirms … / ·  Kling describes…
·  Kling explains …
·  Kling implies …
·  Kling mentions… / ·  Kling expresses…
·  Kling reports…
·  Kling presents… / ·  Kling analyzes …
·  Kling summarizes…
·  Kling claims…
·  Kling contends… / ·  Kling defines …
·  Kling remarks…
·  Kling disputes…
Author’s name and page in parentheses
In 2006, a Utah driver was texting while driving on the road and crashed into another car killing two people (Kling 59).
Works Cited
Kling, Andrew A. Cell Phones. Farmington Hills, MI: Lucent, 2010. 58-63. Print.
Direct Quote – Include quotation marks and author’s name and page in parentheses
Wil Craig suffered a “collapsed lung, four broken ribs, and traumatic brain injury” (Jackson 7).
Works Cited
Jackson, Nancy Mann. "DN'T TXT N DRV." Current Health Teens. 01 Mar. 2011: 7-9. eLibrary. Web. 04 Nov. 2013.
Direct Quote with no author available – Include quotation marks, Title of work, and page in parentheses if available
Driving while sending and receiving text message is “so perilous is that the human mind simply was not meant to multi-task” (“Texting”).
Works Cited
"Texting While Driving." Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 11 Oct. 2010. Web. 4 Nov. 2013.

Direct LONG Quote
In describing the dangers of texting, Kling explains:
Drivers have a variety of variables to consider while operating a motor vehicle, including their speed, the condition of the road, and the behavior of other drivers. Many scientists and law enforcement personnel believe that using a cell phone while driving causes “distracted driving” and impairs the judgment of the driver. (58)
Works Cited
Kling, Andrew A. Cell Phones. Farmington Hills, MI: Lucent, 2010. 58-63. Print.
Long Quotes:
·  four lines or more
·  single spaced
·  indented one inch from left margin
·  Author’s name in a signal phrase followed by a colon
·  page in parentheses