OCTOBER 17, 2017

Meeting was called to order by ChairmanSchneider, McCormick, Turner and Beckman were present.

McCormick moved to approve the agenda with the addition of town contract and landfill audit under reports, tire pyrolysis and in-kind concrete donation under unfinished business and resignation under new business. Turnersecond, carried.

October 17, 2017 vouchers were reviewed. McCormick moved to approve the October 17, 2017 vouchers. Turner second, carried.

The minutes of the October 11, 2017 meeting were reviewed. Turner moved to approve the minutes as presented. McCormick second, carried.

McCormick moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report of Fee’s Collected. Turner second, carried.

McCormick reported on the contract between the Town of Julesburg and Sedgwick County / Sheriff’s office. McCormick told the Board that he believes the details can be worked out and recommended moving forward.

McCormick moved to approve Investment Resolution #2017-034 for Points West Community Bank in the amount of $100,000 at .60% interest. Turner second, carried.

McCormick moved to approve the resignation of Cynthia Wecker effective on November 30, 2017. Turner second, carried.

Discussion was held on the tire pyrolysis situation. McCormick moved to not approve the subdivision of exemption submitted by Tired Tread Fuel, Inc on August 30, 2017 due to the sentiments received after the public meeting. Turner second, carried. Discussion: McCormick noted that they can always re-submit the request in the future.

McCormick moved to approve the in-kind donation of 8 yards of concrete together with the donation of the car port from Big Springs Equipment for the car port at the fairgrounds. Turner second, carried.

McCormick reported on the landfill audit. McCormick spoke of the elevation of the liner and the reference point.

Doris Heath, Fort Sedgwick Historical Society, joined the meeting. Heath gave the Board an overview of the current projects for the year. Heath thanked the Board for their contribution. Heath left the meeting.

Schneider moved to adjourn the meeting. McCormick second, carried. Meeting was adjourned.


Donald Schneider,Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board