Chapter 11: The First World War

Section 1: World War I Begins

Standard: 11.4.5 Analyze the political, economic, and social effects of WWI on the home front.


  1. nationalism & militarism
  1. Allies & Central Powers
  1. “No Man’s Land” & trench warfare
  1. Lusitania
  1. Zimmermann Note


  1. What factors caused the outbreak of World War I?
  1. What caused the U.S. to favor the side of France and Britain?
  1. How did the British Blockade and the German response help to draw America into the war?
  1. What was ironic about the 1916 Presidential Election?
  1. What caused America to declare war on Germany in April of 1917?

Chapter 11: The First World War

Section 2: American Power Tips the Balance

Standard: 11.4.5 Analyze the political, economic, and social effects of WWI on the home front. 11.7.6 Describe the major developments in aviation, weaponry, communication and medicine & war’s impact on industry and resources.


  1. Selective Service Act:
  1. convoy system:
  1. American Expeditionary Force:
  1. conscientious objector:
  1. armistice:


  1. How did the U.S. prepare for war?
  1. What impact did the arrival of the American troops have on the war in Europe?
  1. What new weapons were introduced during the war and what was their impact?
  1. What were the physical and psychological effects of this new kind of warfare?
  1. How did the American forces help the Allies win & how many people died during the war in total?

Chapter 11: The First World War

Section 3: The War at Home

Standard: 11.4.5 Analyze the political, economic, and social effects of WWI on the home front.


  1. War Industries Board:
  1. Committee on Public Information (CPI):
  1. Espionage and Sedition Act:
  1. Schenck v. United States (page 396):
  1. “Great Migration”:


  1. What was the impact of the war on the US economy?
  1. How did Wilson change the way the government functioned during the war?
  1. What resulted from the Anti-immigrant hysteria and the attack on civil liberties and the 1st Amendment?
  1. How did the war impact the lives of African-Americans and women?
  1. What was the impact of the flu epidemic that spread in 1918 on America and the war effort?

Chapter 11: The First World War

Section 4: Wilson Fights for Peace

Standard: 11.4.5 Analyze the political, economic, and social effects of WWI on the home front. 11.4.4 Explain Woodrow Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy. 11.4.6 Trace the declining role of Great Britain and the expanding role of the U.S. in world affairs.

  1. Fourteen Points:
  1. League of Nations:
  1. Treaty of Versailles:
  1. reparations & war-guilt clause:
  1. Henry Cabot Lodge:


  1. How were the Fourteen Points a reflection of Wilson’s “Moral Diplomacy”?
  1. Why did the Allies reject Wilson’s Fourteen Points in Versailles?
  1. What were the weaknesses of the Treaty of Versailles?
  1. Why did Americans oppose elements of the Treaty and especially the League of Nations?
  1. What resulted from the fight between Wilson and the Republicans over the League of Nations?
  1. What ultimately was the legacy of World War I?