Elisa L. Patterson
Most Recent Position: Certified Nurse Midwife
Kaiser Permanente Colorado
2500 South Havana
Aurora, CO 80014
Present Address: 1535 Taft CT
Louisville, CO 80027
Education: University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM: 2009- present, PhD candidate(completion 2013)
University of Colorado Health Science Center
Denver, CO: 1993 M.S. (Nurse Midwifery)
University of Colorado Health Science Center
Denver, CO: 1978 B.S.N. (Nursing)
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO: 1974
B.S. (Recreational Therapy)
Licensure: Colorado State Board of Nursing, Advanced Practice (CNM)
Prescriptive Authority/ DEA
American College of Nurse Midwives(AMCB) cycle 09/13
Advance Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO)/Instructor
Organizations: American College of Nurse Midwives
American Public Health Association
Academy Health
American Nurses Association
Nominating Committee (ACNM) 2001-2003
ACNM Region V Chapter 13 Chapter Chair 1997-2000
ACNM Statewide Legislation Coordinator 1999
ACNM Legislative Chair Denver Chapter 2008-present
Coordinator Colorado Nurse Midwife Symposium 2002, 2003, 2005- present.
Professional Experience:
Certified Nurse Midwife, Kaiser Permanente, Denver, CO, 2004-present.
Clinical Instructor, Certified Nurse Midwife, UC Denver, Faculty Practice, Denver, CO, 2001-2011.
Certified Nurse Midwife, Locum Tenant, MDA, Valley View Hospital, Glenwood Springs, Co. Jan 2005-2006.
Certified Nurse Midwife, MCPN (Community Health Center) and Senior Instructor UCHSC Dept of Family Medicine,
Aurora, CO: 2001-2004.
Instructor, Department of OB/GYN University of Colorado Health Science Center, Aurora, CO: 2001.
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Certified Nurse Midwife, Private and Hospital based practice.
Loveland, CO: 1993-2001.
Professional Research Assistant, University of Colorado Health
Science Center, Denver, CO: 1989-1993.
Executive Director, Hospice del Valle, Alamosa, CO: 1986-1987, and
Director of Nursing, Hospice del Valle, Alamosa, CO: 1986-1987, and
Assistant Head Nurse, Labor and Delivery, Cincinnati, OH: 1983-
Staff Nurse Positions: Denver, CO; Portland, OR; Cincinnati, OH;
Alamosa, CO; Dallas, TX; 1978-1993. Labor and Delivery, Neonatal Intensive Care Nursery.
Consulting: Perinatal Consultant for First Care Program, Valley Wide Health
Services, Development for Perinatal Home Care Program, 1989.
Fund Raising: Hospice del Valle, Alamosa, CO, 1986-1989.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Loveland, CO, 1996-2006.
Tennyson Christian Children Home 2002- Present.
BABY Foundation 2004.
Board of Directors: ACNM PAC 2003-4, Member–at-Large.
2004-10, Secretary.
Advisory Boards: Larimer County Family Planning Advisory Board, 1994-2002:
Health Beginnings (Prenatal Program) Advisory Board, 1993-2001.
Colorado Health Department Family Planning Medicaid Waiver, 2010.
Planning Committees: Colorado Women’s Legislative Breakfast 2004-2010.
June 2008- present Co-PI, Risk Factors in the Development of Chorioamnionitis
(IRB# 08-0565)
2006-07 Co-PI, ACNM Colorado Chapter V-03 Nurse Midwifery Practice Survey
(IRB #06-1152)
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Hastings-Tolsma, M., Hensley, J., Koschoreck, K., Patterson, E., Claggett, S. L., Terado, M., Lupiablasi, C., & Schmiege, S. (2011, April 15) Perineal Hygine & Development of Chorioamnionitis. Western Institute of Nursing Conference, Las Vegas, NV. (poster)
Patterson, E.L. (2009, April 16). A Concept Analysis: Advocacy. 2009. Western Institute of Nursing Conference, Phoenix, AZ. (poster)
Burton A, Bennett P, Emeis C, Goodman S, Koschoreck K, Patterson E, Ruyak S, Tanner T, Vaughn T, Williams A, Hastings-Tolsma M. (2007, October 5). Colorado Nurse Midwifery Practice Survey. 4th Annual Nurse Midwife Symposium. Denver, CO. (poster)
Bennett P, Emeis C, Patterson E, Hastings-Tolsma M, Burton A, Goodman S, Koschoreck K, Ruyak S, Tanner T, Vaughn T, Williams A. (2007, October 7-9). Colorado Nurse Midwives: Practice Profiling for Health Policy Impact. National Nursing Centers Consortium 2007 Annual Conference, Nurse-Managed Health Care Centers: Policy Solutions to Improving Health Care for All. Washington, DC. (podium)
Patterson, E.L. (1992, May). Vaginitis and Symptomatology in Pregnancy, 37th Annual Meeting and Exhibit American College of Nurse Midwives, Phoenix, AZ. (poster)
Hastings-Tolsma, M., Bernard,R., Brody, M. G., Hensley, J., Koschoreck,K. & Patterson, E. (2013). Chorioamnionitis: Prevention and management. MCN: American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing. ( In press July/Aug, 2013).
Hastings-Tolsma, M, Tasaka, Y, Burton, A, Goodman, S, Emeis, CL, Patterson, E, Bennett, P, Koschoreck, K, Ruyak, S, Tanner, T, Vaughn, T, & Williams, A.. (2009). A profile of Colorado nurse midwives: Implications for health care. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 31(1), 24-43.
Bennett, P., Emeis, C., Patterson, E., Hastings-Tolsma, M., Burton, A., Goodman, S., Koschoreck, K., Ruyak, S., Vaughn, T., Williams, A. (2007). Colorado nurse midwives: practice profiling for health policy impact. [Abstract]. Nurse Managed Health Centers: Policy Solutions to Improving Health Care for All. (p.16).
McGregor JA, French JI, Richter R, Patterson E, et al. Cervicovaginal microflora and pregnancy
outcome: Results of a double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial of erythromycin treatment. Am
J Obstet Gynecol 1990; 163:1580-91.
McGregor JA, French JI, Richter R, Patterson E, Draper D. Association of Cervicovaginal
infections with increased vaginal fluid phospholipase A2 activity. Am J Obstst Gynecol
1992; 167:1588-94.
Draper D, Parker R, Patterson E, Jones W, Beutz M, French J, Borchart K, McGregor J.
Detection of trichomonas vaginalis in pregnant women with Inpouch TV culture system.
J Clin Microbiol 1993;31:1016-8.
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McGregor JA, French JI, Jones W, Milligan K, McKinney, PJ, Patterson E, Parker R.
Bacterial vaginosis is associated with prematurely and vaginal fluid mucinace and sialidace:
Results of a controlled trial of topical clindamycin cream. AM J Obstet Gynecol 1994;17,
McGregor JA, French JI, Parker R, Draper D, Patterson E, Jones W, Thorsgard K, McFee J. Prevention of premature birth by screening and treatment for common genital tract infections: Results of prospective controlled evaluation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1995; Jul;173(1):157-67.
1. McGregor JA, Schoonmaker JN, Jones WM, French JI, McKinney PJ, Milligan K, Patterson EL.
Vaginal fluid mucinace and neuraminidase correlates with microbial findings during pregnancy.
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 30th Annual Meeting,
October 21-24, 1990, Atlanta, GA.
2. McGregor JA, French JI, Schoonmaker JN, Jones W, McKinney PJ, Milligan KR, Patterson EL,
Richter R, Todd JK. Vaginal fluid mucinase and neuraminidase: correlates with microbial
findings in 262 women during pregnancy. Infectious disease Society for Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Hamilton, Bermuda, August 1-4 1991.
3. McGregor JA, French JI, Draper D, Jones W, Richter R, McKinney PJ, Milligan KR, Patterson E.
Clindamycin vaginal cream reduces vaginal mucinase and neuraminidase in women with
bacterial vaginosis. Infectious Disease Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hamilton
Bermuda, August 1-4, 1991.
4. Draper D, Richter R, Jones W, French J, Patterson E, Thorsgard K, McGregor J. Incidence
of Trichomonas vaginalis in pregnant women. ISSTDR, Banff, Alberta, Canada, October
6-9, 1991.
5. McGregor JA, French JI, Parker R, Patterson E, Draper D. Increased vaginal phospholipase
A2 (PLA2) associated with maternal genital microbial abnormalities and preterm birth
6. ICAAC, Anaheim, CA October 11-14, 1992.
7. Heine P, Patterson E, Parker R, Draper D, French J, Jones W, McGregor J. Culture is more
effective than “saline wet prep” in diagnosing Trichomonas vaginalis in largely asymptomatic
inner-city pregnant population at risk for preterm labor. Society Of Perinatal Obstetricians,
San Francisco, CA. February 8-13, 1993.
8. Draper DL, Heine RP, McGregor JA, Jones W, Parker R, Patterson E, Buetz M. Trichomonas
vaginalis (TV) obtained from pregnant women produce PLA2 and phospholipase C (PLC).
Society of Gynecologic Investigation, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. April 1-3, 1993.
Courses Taught:
Topics in Health Economics-UNM-Spring 2011 Supply and Demand of NPs
School of Nursing: Immediate Newborn Exam Twice a year 2004-2006.
Numerous Courses taught to Family Medicine Residents while Senior Instructor with Perinatal Service from 2001- 2004.
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ALSO Instructor: 2001-present Fetal Monitoring
Shoulder Dystocia
Post Partum Hemorrhage
First Trimester Bleeding
Labor Dystocia
Awards: Robert Wood Johnson Fellow University of New Mexico 2009-present
Nursing Scholarship Kaiser Permanente Colorado 2009
Big Horn Fellowship in Health Policy 2008
Nightingale Nominee 2003
Grant Writing: RWJF UNM Nursing and Health Policy Collaborative: Demand for NPs in New Mexico. 2011. Co-Investigator with Maurice Moffett PhD and Sally Cohen PhD, RN
Submitted grant to Colorado Women’s Foundation for Training for Home Health
Hospice Aide, 1989 (Not Funded).
Submitted grant to National Hospice Organization for funding of education for
rural hospice nurses, 1989 (Accepted).
Reference: Marie Hastings-Tolsma email:
Sally Cohen email:
Maurice Moffett email: