Minutes for OASIS SDD TC 06/26/2008 Meeting
11:05 AM ET Roll Call
1. Minutes approval: Meeting Minutes from June 19 meeting
2. Administrative (Julia/Brent)
- Discuss whether to meet next week (July 3; US holiday)
3. v1.0 status
- Three statements of use submitted (IBM, SAS, CA -- thanks to all submitters!)
- Ballot closed to submit Committee Specification as a candidate for OASIS Standard.
- Ballot passed by Special Majority, so specification/schema will be submitted for OASIS General Membership vote (designated voting representative per company -- please alert your company representative). Because we just missed the June 15 cutoff date for submission, this will likely go to General Membership vote in August, not July
4. v1.1 updates
A. Please look at spreadsheet and let Brent know when you expect to have proposals for items assigned to you
B. Proposals -- Interop proposal from Julia (updated Pattern proposal from Randy next week); any others?
C. Discussion -- Continue OVF discussion (as time permits)
5. Old/new business
** Adjourn 12:00noon US Eastern Time
We have a quorum.
- Minutes from 6/19/2008 approved without comment or objection.
- Shall we cancel next week’s meeting due to the US holiday? Yes.Next week’s meeting will be cancelled.
- 1.0 status as is as described in the agenda
- Please let Brent know when you can have your proposals ready for discussion.
- Interoperability discussion – charts were posted by Julia last week.
- Add an issue to our list – “Represent version formats in the profile”. (Owner=Jason) Target for discussion of the proposal is 2 weeks.Today’s discussion noted that it would not be desirable to do this on a per resource basis – that there are probably commonalities in real-world version formats that can be taken advantage of.
- Artifact assumptions – we will open an issue for further discussion. Owner=Jason.
- Custom logic – we will open an issue for further discussion. Owner=Julia.
- Mapping actual resources to resource type – we will open an issue for further discussion. Owner=Chris (assigned in Chris’ absence since he had to drop a few minutes early). Discussion revealed current, somewhat obscured, assumption that the rules about determining when a resource is a legitimate member of the set of resources with a particular type are set by the resource model. We also noted that the resource model is not a first class entity is SDD deployment.
- Next meeting: July 10. Agenda – updated pattern proposal from Randy; Version format proposal from Jason.
Minutes for OASIS SDD TC 06/19/2008 Meeting
11:05 AM ET Roll Call
0. Elect temporary chair (Brent has a conflict today)
1. Minutes approval: Meeting Minutes from June 12 meeting
2. Administrative (Julia/Brent)
- TC public page has been updated with latest status, pointers to latest documents
3. v1.0 status
- Three statements of use submitted (IBM, SAS, CA -- thanks to all submitters!)
- Ballot open to submit Committee Specification as a candidate for OASIS Standard. Please vote if you haven't
- If ballot passes by Special Majority, specification/schema will be submitted for OASIS General Membership vote (designated voting representative per company -- please alert your company representative). Because we just missed the June 15 cutoff date for submission, this will likely go to General Membership vote in August, not July
4. v1.1 updates
A. Please look at spreadsheet and let Brent know when you expect to have proposals for items assigned to you
B. Proposals -- any for today? (updated one from Randy, new one from Julia?)
C. Discussion -- any for today? (continue OVF discussion?)
5. Old/new business
** Adjourn 12:00noon US Eastern Time
We have a quorum.
0. Elect temporary chair: Julia will chair, Merri will scribe.
- Minutes from 6/12/2008 approved without comment or objection.
- Administrative – see agenda
- v1.0 status
Submission vote closes tomorrow. 8 out of 9 voting members have voted YES. The 9th member is Howard, who is on vacation.
- Pattern Proposal
Changes that Randy made based on last week’s discussion: added extensible list at Howard's suggestion & added examples.
Julia (who was not here for the discussion last week) had three comments:
1) We intentionally removed support for expressions that had been there in pre-submission version. We should look carefully at the implications of adding support for expressions. VariableExpressionType is used in a lot of places. (Julia does feel like adding expressions is probably the right thing to do.)
2) We use concatenation of variable values with fixed strings in our examples, but this proposal doesn't seem to allow that. This is an important capability.
3) Make the default be variable reference so that it matches 1.0.
Randy: For #2, Howard has a work item to address the variable expression restriction definition. Let’s wait to see what he comes up with then circle back.
A suggestion to add a second variable expression type that includes the type attribute rather than adding the attribute to elements of VariableExpressionType. It could be done either way. Compatibility with 1.0 needs to be considered. Let’s return to this question.
Julia: Remembers difficulty implementers had with variable expressions and parsing them, and wants to circle back and see what the difficulties were.
Randy: Problem was that they couldn't tell how to parse it, they had to do a char by char compare. This proposal provides a hint that makes the parsing easier.
Lazar: Asks if this is xPath expression format, not xPath - might be confusing. Suggests using the regular expressions that are already in Java.
Randy: We can have other enumerations & the names can be changed. He just came up with something this morning, they aren't set in stone, he was just giving an example of something other than what we already have. The simpler the better though, but we definitely need something like this.
Randy: Pick a spec that is common, easy to use, and simple (doesn't have to be XPath). It needs to be able to express "NOT", "OR", and have substring support. We could even define more granular patterns like "xpathNot" or "xpathOr"...
Lazar: Look at java.util.regex.pattern.
Randy to look into it.
Remaining questions:
1) Does this help? Julia to check with implementers of earlier versions to discuss problems with implementing support for expressions; also look for implications of allowing expressions.
2) What pattern should we use? Randy and Lazar to look for other possible specs.
3) Should default be literal or variable ref? Julia and Randy to discuss offline.
4) Do we know how granular we want to make it? E.g. do we want to allow every possible type of expression or limit it to substrings or something in between? Depends on which pattern we use.
Jason: Suggests that maybe we could just not say which pattern.
Randy: We can make the enumeration extensible.
Julia: Follow up question: Are there any interoperability implications of this proposal? Is there anything we need to say to implementers about what they need to do to support this?
Jason: We could maybe put that information in the profile rather than in the spec. Volunteers to assist Randy and Lazar with modeling.
Julia: Maybe this proposal shouldn't be done separately from Howard's...
- Interop Discussion – slides posted by Julia. No discussion held today.
- OVF Discussion – no discussion today.
Minutes for OASIS SDD TC 06/12/2008 Meeting
11:05 AM ET Roll Call
1. Minutes approval: Meeting Minutes from April 17 meeting
2. Administrative (Julia/Brent)
- new TC member(s)
3. v1.0 status
4. v1.1 updates
A. Overview/taking stock
B. Proposals -- any for today?
C. Discussion -- any for today?
5. Old/new business
** Adjourn 12:00noon US Eastern Time
Note: resuming regular weekly TC calls after hiatus agreed to in April 17 meeting.
We have a quorum.
- Minutes from 4/17/2008 approved without objection.
- Julia is absent today; Brent will record minutes.
Welcome to new TC member Kirk Wilson from CA. Kirk works in CA Labs Research group and has participated in OASIS WSDM, WS-RF and WS-Notification standards (and others outside OASIS).
- v1.0 Standards Submission package is nearly complete (see “Submission Package” document posted in “Standards” folder on TC documents page). We are awaiting the three statements of use; CA, IBM and SAS plan to supply these and as soon as they are posted to the TC Web page, Brent will submit the package. If we submit by June 15, that will enable general membership vote on SDD as an OASIS Standard during July. Brent will send an e-mail to the TC when the submission is made.
- v1.1:
- See the “v1.1 Candidate items” document posted in “Working Documents” folder of TC documents page. Please send Brent your plans/tentative schedule for proposals for any items assigned to you.
- Proposals: Randy posted an initial discussion proposal (see “Pattern Proposal” in “Working Documents” folder of TC documents page). We discussed this; Howard had several suggestions, including enabling more robust expressions (perhaps XPath or similar). We also determined that it would be useful to allow for various expressions, from literal string to expressions. Randy will generate a detailed proposal, including illustrative use case(s), and bring that back to a future TC call. Action (Brent): fine-tune the Proposal template, add placeholder for scenarios/use cases and clarify guidance on the identification number for the proposal (corresponds to identifier in spreadsheet).
- Discussion: We discussed alignment with the OVF standard and agreed that it is worthwhile to pursue raising awareness of SDD and offering SDD education to the DMTF OVF working group, as it seems apparent that there might be overlap between future OVF specifications and SDD. Actions (Brent): send information about OVF to TC; develop a sketch/outline of possible SDD-OVF overlaps/synergy opportunities; contact chair of DMTF OVF working group to determine if some sort of joint discussion between that group and SDD TC is possible and desired.
- No old or new business. Meeting adjourned approximately 11:45 US Eastern Time.
Minutes for OASIS SDD TC 04/17/2008 Meeting
11:05 AM ET Roll Call
1. Minutes approval: Meeting Minutes from April 10 meeting
2. Administrative (Julia/Brent)
3. Standardization and document/publication status
A. Specification: initial submission complet for publication and Committee Specification vote BUT the approved version needs to be updated to "cd04" status; in work
B. Primer: submitted for publication (cross-references will need to be updated after specification reaches CS status)
C. Starter Profile Material: submitted for publication (cross-references will need to be updated after specification reaches CS status)
D. Examples: submitted for publication (cross-references will need to be updated after specification reaches CS status)
4. Remaining work
- Version 1.1: Develop action plan to address the items that were prioritized last week.
5. Old/new business
** Adjourn 12:00noon US Eastern Time
We do not have a quorum at the start of the meeting. We achieve quorum at 10 after.
- Minutes from 4/10/2008.
- Brent has no new news on future participation of our former Macrovision reps.
- Brent submitted the specification to the OASIS staff last week – whereupon we were told that the name and status of the document needed to be CD04 (Committee Draft 04) not PR1-R01 (Public Review 1 – revision 1). Brent made all the changes and resubmitted. The official TC vote on the standard will begin soon. Vote will be run by the OASIS staff. 2/3 of voting members must vote YES for this vote to pass. An Abstain vote reduces the total number against which the 2/3 majority is calculated.
- The expository documents have been sent to Mary McRae to publish on docs.oasis-open.org and should appear there very soon.
- 1.1 issues – it is time to assign owners to issues. We are not making commitments to dates yet. An updated version of the 1.1 issues list that includes the priorities we assigned last week has been posted by Brent. A new version of the document that includes assignments will be posted after this meeting by Brent. Only items that someone volunteered for will have owners. We made it through the medium and high priority items and most have owners assigned. We agreed to add a new worksheet to our issues spreadsheet as a place to collect issues that come from the COSMOS SDD runtime work and other implementation efforts. We also moved the three profile-related items over to that worksheet.
- We voted to take a break from our weekly meetings to allow time to prepare proposals and since several people will be out during the next month. Our next meeting will be June 5th. Jason, Julia and Randy all plan to have proposals ready to discuss at that time.
Minutes for OASIS SDD TC 04/10/2008 Meeting
11:05 AM ET Roll Call
1. Minutes approval: Meeting Minutes from April 3 meeting
2. Administrative (Julia/Brent)
3. Standardization and document/publication status
A. Specification: "Housekeeping" updates complete; ready to submit for publication and Committee Specification vote
B. Primer: Minor updates for publication ("housekeeping" + example updates to match new examples) complete; ready to submit for publication
C. Starter Profile Material: Minor updates for publication (RDDL, "housekeeping") complete; ready to submit for publication
D. Examples: minor updates for publication (to match starter profile updates) complete; ready to submit for publication
4. Remaining work
- Version 1.1: Continue discussion of items to address and prioritize those items.
5. Old/new business
** Adjourn 12:00noon US Eastern Time
We have a quorum.
- Minutes for 4/03/2008 are approved as posted without comment or objection.
- Administrative: Brent has some new information about how the Macrovision changes have affected Quenio’s and Robert’s participation. What he has learned is that Macrovision is the OASIS member, but that Quenio and Robert are now employees of Acresso. They are pursuing membership and we hope to welcome them back sometime soon.
- Standardization and document/publication status: Document updates, link updates, references, etc. have been made in the specification. Brent has posted these updates. Housekeeping changes are the only changes in the specification. Brent will submit the specification to OASIS today. The primer and profile docs housekeeping changes are almost completed. When Brent receives them, they will also be posted and submitted to OASIS.
- Remaining work – 1.1 Issues Prioritization – Brent has posted a spreadsheet
Brent will update the spreadsheet as we discuss the items so the main results of todays discussion can be seen by looking at the update to the issues spreadsheet that Brent will post after the meeting. Only issues will be recorded in the minutes. Our first pass approach will be to give each item the highest priority assigned to it by any member company. High priority means we MUST have a disposition of the item before shipping 1.1; Medium priority means we should have a disposition; Low priority means we’ll address it if we get to it. We made it through all items in the spreadsheet without the need to record any issues.
TC MEMBERS: Please take a look at the new issue priorities and identify the proposals you are prepared to create or discussions you would like to lead. We will assign owners to issues next week.
Minutes for OASIS SDD TC 04/03/2008 Meeting
11:05 AM ET Roll Call
1. Minutes approval: Meeting Minutes from March 27 meeting
2. Administrative (Julia/Brent)
- Review ballot results (2)
3. Standardization and document/publication status
A. Primer: Need minor updates for publication ("housekeeping" + example updates to match new examples).
B. Starter Profile Material: Approval ballot passed; working on updates for publication (RDDL, "housekeeping")
C. Examples: minor updates made for publication (to match starter profile updates).
4. Remaining work
- Version 1.1: Initiate discussion of items to address and prioritize those items. Brent will post an updated list of candidate items with mapping of items to supporting use cases.
5. Old/new business
** Adjourn 12:00noon US Eastern Time
We have a quorum.
- Minutes for 3/27/2008 are approved as posted without comment or objection.
- Administrative:
- The examples and profile ballots passed with a couple of minor comments. This means all our expository documents are ready to be published – after minor updates of links. Merri has the pen for those updates.
- Dell has decided to discontinue their association with OASIS so Tom Studwell and John Zhang are no longer members of the committee. We will miss their valuable contributions.
- The Macrovision transition has completed. Brent will be finding out if there will be continued participation from Quenio and Robert. (We miss them.)
- We briefly review the 1.1 Issues Spread sheet was posted by Brent.
- Howard notes that A2 is not alignment with another standard even though it is in the alignment section, and that it should be simple to accomplish. Brent notes that it is still a sort of alignment so we leave it in the alignment section.
- The virtualization support item is moved to the alignment section as OVF alignment.
- Julia notes 3 schema issue items to add:
- The SDD author may know a lot more about what is needed to validate a parameter than can be communicated currently in the SDD. Let’s consider additional parameter metadata and/or parameter types.
- Default strings may need to be non-English.
- Valid values and default values for parameters may vary by locale.
- There are also issues relative to the profile – including the issue of making it normative. Julia noted 3 profile items to add to the profile bucket. More information on these will be provided later. Brent will create a profile bucket in the spread sheet.
- One of the issues is the “media” descriptor. Julia notes that she has been looking at the SML-IF standard and thinks we may get what we need without too much work by extending SML-IF.
- What is our 1.1 timing? We will start work on 1.1. now but wait a while to actually branch a 1.1 schema and spec. Ideally this will happen after 1.0 standardization is complete so that we won’t have two active branches.When will we finish? Randy suggests, and Jason concurs, that a significant driver of our end date should be the needs of the open source SDD runtime work (COSMOS).
- 1.1 Prioritization – ALL TC MEMBERS – please look at the 1.1 issues list over the next week and be prepared to discuss your priorities next week. Please identify each issue as high, medium or low priority. After prioritization, we can get started working on proposals.
- TC MEMBERS – do you know of other companies that would like to join this work? This is a good time to add contributors, so if you know of anyone potentially interested in joining, encourage them to do it now.
- Meeting timing: Should we go to every other week? Opinions expressed on both sides with the majority being in favor of every other week. Jason proposes a middle ground. Go to every other week right now, and then if we realize that the runtime is going to need 1.1 earlier than it looks like we can be done, then we’ll go back to weekly. Randy proposes that we do as Jason suggests with the modification that we continue with weekly calls until we have the 1.1 issues list prioritized and proposals assigned. So, TC MEMBERS please do your prioritization and think about which proposals you can sign up for.
Minutes for OASIS SDD TC 03/27/2008 Meeting