Chapter 1

1. Discuss our local neighborhoods in space including the names and approximate sizes of our own objects. Neighborhoods include planets, stars, galactic arms, galaxies, galaxy clusters, superclusters, and universes.

2. What does the term “light year” really mean?

3. What does the term “astronomical unit” mean?

4. How big is the solar-system? Compare the size of the sun with the size of the planets.

5. What is the scientific method? Define hypothesis, theory, Experiment, and law

Chapter 2

6. Describe the coordinate system of the celestial sphere. What are the zenith and horizon? How can you define a position of a celestial object?

7. What is meant by the term “precession”?

8. Describe the motion of the stars as seen from (a) the North Pole, (b) the equator, and (c) Los Angeles. Use Nasa’s Eyes to see how stars move in the sky. Also, describe the elevation of the Polaris from different cities.

9.Write the definitions of “solstice” and “equinox”. When does the “solstice” occur? When does the “equinox” occur?

10. What is meant by the term “ecliptic”?

11. Describe Copernicus’ heliocentric model and its limitations

12. Briefly mention the contributions of Hipparchus,Ptolemy, Galileo Galilei and Copernicus to astronomy.






13. Compare Copernicus’ heliocentric solar system with Ptolemy’s geocentric solar system. How does each explain the retrograde motion of the planets?

14. Mention several of Galileo’s telescopic observations and explain how they support the heliocentric viewpoint of the solar system.

Chapter 3

15. Briefly mention the contributions of Tycho Brahe, Kepler, and Newton to astronomy.

a)Tycho Brahe



16. Discuss Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion.

a)First law

b)Second law

c)Third law

17. What is the difference between mass, volume, and weight? Give some examples

18. Explain Newton’s three laws of motion

19.What does the gravitational force between two objects depend on? Give a numerical example of how the force varies with distance.

20. Explain how tides occur on Earth. When do we observe the greatest tide and the weakest tide?

Chapter 4

21. Why is it cold in the winter and hot in the summer?

22. Name and sketch the eight phases of the moon in order, beginning with the new moon.

23. Describe the relative position of the earth, sun and moon for each phase of the moon. You need to identify what phase the moon is from a schematic diagram

24. Describe the relative positions of the earth, sun, and moon in space during

a)a total eclipse of the sun;

b)a total eclipse of the moon.

25. Describe the difference between a sidereal day and a solar day.

Chapter 5

26. List the constituents of the electro-magnetic spectrum and discuss their relative wavelengths and energies.

27. Study the blackbody radiation. What happens to the color of an object as its temperature increases?

28. Study the Doppler Effect. What happens to the frequency of the sound as the source the sound is approaching to you?