Sl.No / Tender Issuing authority / Tender No. / Due Date / Description / Cost of Tender Doc
1 / Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. Office of the General Manager, I/c-MM, ONSG Shed 20, Regional Stores, Makarpura, Baroda, 390 009 India. For further details please see the tender on website: https://etender.ongc.co.in. or https://etender.ongc.co.in. / BN6PC14002 / 5/01/15 / Hiring of Third Party inspection (TPI) Agency for inspection of 26 Nos. of Cementing Units for Onshore Assets/Basins / Rs.9.000.00 or $US 200.00
2 / Diesel Locomotive Works Varanasi. For more details please log on to www.dlw.indianrailways.gov.in / 081480020 / 6/01/2015 / 3 Phase inverter based motor driven oil free compressor (01 set consisting of two compressor and one inverter) as per specification No.DLW/Design/Misc-323.(Non Stock Item)
Qty.5sets / Rs 1560 or $US 30
EMD:Rs.36000 or $US 6110
3 / Diesel Locomotive Works Varanasi. For more details please log on to www.dlw.indianrailways.gov.in / 081480030 / 6/01/2015 / Water closet modullar cabin consisting of intermediate vaccum toilet system, on board sewage treatment system, washbasin light filling ventilation system, water tank etc. As per dlw purchase specification No DlW/DES/MISC-322(Non Stock item)
Qty.5sets / Rs: 1560 or $US 30
EMD:Rs.220000 or $US 3730
4 / Ordnance Factory Medak, Yeddumailaram-502 205 Medam (Dist) (T.S) Attn. JT.GM/EOM), Phone: 0091-40-2328 3224, Fax:0091-8455-239074,040-2329 2950. / 73010/OFMK/EOM/GTE/RR/2-0284DTD:24.11.2014 / 8/01/2014 / CNC Electrical Discharge machine
Qty.01 / Rs.100 or $US 20
5 / Research Designs & Standards Organization, RDSO Ministry of Railways, Government of India, website:www.rdso.indianrailways.gov.in / No.SP-3/003/14/TMM/GT/14/01 / 15/01/2015 / Supply, installation & Commissioning of laser contactless sensors based track geometry measurement system (TGMS) as per specification no TM/IM/341 / For more information please visit the following website; www.rdso.indianrailways.gov.in
6 / Western Railway 4th Floor, Station Building, Churchgate, Mumbai -400 020. For further information please use the following details; Tel:022-67622959, 09004490777 or help desk; 011-24102855 or log on to http://www.ireps.gov.gov.in. / 30/13/3368 / 19/01/2015 / Dynamic braking Grid Non Fan TAP to Emd no
Qty.8000 Nos / Rs: 500