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Chapter 6Study Guide

1.Day-to-day conditions in Earth's atmosphere, such as “sunny and humid,” describe the ______. (165)

2. What percentage of Earth's surface is covered in water? (181)

3. Describe the aphotic zone in an aquatic ecosystem. (182)

4.Which ecosystems are considered standing freshwater ecosystems? (183)

5.A ______is a wetland thatis entirely covered with thick, floating mats of vegetation. (184)

6.Ecologists use similarities between ecosystems to classify them into broad categories called ______. (164)

7.Which biome would have the lowest net primary production? (167)

8.Why do shorter trees and plants that make up the understory in tropical rain forests have large, flat leaves? (168)

9.In temperate rain forests, trees such as cedars and spruces, which do not lose their leaves at any time of year, are called ______? (173)

10.To help them survive in the tundra, caribou have various adaptations, such as: (name 2) – (178)

11.Which zone of an aquatic ecosystem tends to have the highest temperatures? (182)

12.Marshes, swamps, and bogs are examples of ______. (184)

13.Where rivers flow into the ocean, mixing fresh water with saltwater, brackish ecosystems occur which are called ______. (186)

14.In which ocean zones do crabs, mussels, anemone, barnacles, and sea stars live? (188)

15.What is the name of the type of large brown algae that grows from the ocean floor of continental shelves, reaching upward toward the sunlit surface? (190)

16.A ______is a group of ecosystems that share similar abiotic and biotic conditions. (164)

17.In temperate forests, some animals avoid the winter by going into ______, a deep, sleeplike state that an animal enters for most of the winter. (174)

18.The very bottom of a body of water is called the ______zone. (183)

19.______are areas of land that are flooded with water at least part of the year. (184)

20.Areas nearest a river’s course that are flooded periodically are said to be within the river’s ______. (185)

21.Most trees in tropical dry forests are ______, which means they lose their leaves and stop photosynthesis during part of the year. (170)

22.The uppermost layer of an aquatic ecosystem, where there is enough sunlight for photosynthesis to occur, is called the ______zone. (182)

23.In lakes and ponds, the ______zone is the area farther from the shore. (183)

24.______is the vertical flow of cold, nutrient-rich water toward the surface. (188)

25.Where the ocean meets the land, ______ecosystems spread between the uppermost reach of the high tide and the lower limit of the low tide. (189)

Environmental Science • Chapter 6 Test A