The Compass /
No. 48 / The Magazine of South Wishaw Parish Church of Scotland

A record of where we have been and where we are going

These new initiatives are part of the renewed focus of our Church as we seek to strengthen relationships with the community. Through these activities we are exploring opportunities whereby we can share our lives of faith with others in a relaxing and fun environment. We urge everyone to become actively involved in supporting these and other initiatives as we look to the future of our Church. This is Vision 21 in action
Wednesday welcome is a social activity running throughout most of the year. There will be something to please everyone, with big-screen movies, bingo, seated keep-fit, entertainers, line-dancing, crafts and card making and much more
September 2016
Wed 7th / Club Opening
Wed 14th / Seated Keep-fit and Crafts
Wed 21st / Bingo
Wed 28th / Big Screen Movie
October 2016
Wed 5th / Games Afternoon
Wed 12th / Seated Keep-fit and Crafts
Wed 19th / NO CLUB
Wed 26th / Entertainer
/ South Wishaw Parish Church presents
Saturday Night
(2nd Sat of the month
or as advertised)
Our new evening of entertainment will be a variety of events with people seated at tables, cafe style. Tea, coffee, non-alcoholic drinks and snacks will be sold at the beginning and during the interval. Doors open at 6.45pm for 7pm start.
Tickets for each evening £5.00
Below is the scheduled programme for the months of September and October. A full Session Programme should be available to uplift from the Church at September Communion.
October 2016
Sat 8th
SWPC’s Got Talent
Come and join in the fun as friends entertain us with their many talents.
(If you’d like to be a contestant please contact Terry/church office.
November 2016
Sat 12th
Scottish Night
Songs, dance and some good old Scottish fare. What more could you ask for?
(Don’t forget to wear a bit of tartan!)
December 2016
Sat 10th Christmas Cracker
Everything but the turkey will be on the menu tonight! Carols, tinsel and mince pies incl.
(Bring your own mistletoe!
Letter from the Manse
What a summer - wet, windy and miserable for the most part! Winter can be a bit depressing for many who look forward to their spirits being raised by the fair skies of spring and summer. There hasn’t been so much of that this year which I’m sure leaves many miserable with little to look forward to except the even darker skies of autumn and the winter to come. This is why holidays are so vital! They are a break from the normal routine or an escape from the dreariness of ordinary existence. That is why we find them so necessary and often stretch our finances to make sure we get at least a little time away from it all, perhaps with our families or to visit them, knowing how the memories of our time away can sustain us through the seasons until our next one.
Our life of faith can be the same as our weather front. It can go through the seasons with rarely a moment of Son-shine! Where we look forward in the hope that things will improve but nothing much changes. / And so we become disconsolate and ‘take a holiday’ from the only One who can really make a difference to how we cope with our lot. But wouldn’t it be better to take a holiday WITH God rather than FROM Him? Spending more time with God helps us to strengthen our relationship with Him and provides us with new experiences of His love and compassion, His grace and His mercy, the memories of which can sustain us through the seasons of life.
What might spending more time WITH God look like? Well, for each of us it would be different, much as we would no doubt choose to go on different types of holidays. For some it might be spending time at a retreat centre such as The Bield in Perthshire, where expert spiritual guidance is also available. For others it may be to go on a walking holiday where you could spend time exploring and appreciating His glorious creation.
And for others it could be to find a sunny beach and lie down and stop for a while allowing God the time and space to speak and to minister to you. But it can also mean doing things differently where you are. / Engaging more with your heart and spirit in the music worship. Being open to receiving more from God through the preaching of His word. Getting alongside others in groups to explore your faith and supporting one another in prayer. Speaking more openly to others about your faith and inviting them to meet your Saviour.
Over the coming autumn and winter months there will be a number of opportunities to do some or all of these things within and outside of our church. Why not start planning your ‘holiday with God’ now? It will, I am sure, be quite an adventure and one I look forward to hearing all about and sharing in.
Your brother in Christ
In May of this year our Minister and Session Clerk were commissioned to attend the General Assembly of The Church of Scotland in Edinburgh
We opted to travel daily and were pleasantly surprised to find we could travel direct from Wishaw Central to Edinburgh Waverley by train. This proved to be a bonus as it meant we could have some time for some chin wagging and planning / At the Assembly it was good to hear first-hand of all the work being done by The Church of Scotland at home and abroad.
The business was conducted by the Moderator in a most efficient but light hearted manner.
The Assembly was also attended daily by representatives of the Youth Assembly. While it was good to see the Young men and women present they did try to monopolise debates and all had the ability to talk incessantly.
All in all the Assembly was interesting and enjoyable and it was a pleasure to be one of SWPCs representatives. / LONG SERVICE CERTIFICATES
The General Assembly gas had a change of mind in relation to Long Service Certificates.
A few years ago they stopped the presentation of any certificates after someone had received one. Now Certificates may be presented to anyone with 30, 40, 50 etc. years of service either as an Elder or IN ANY OTHER CONTINUOUS AREA OF CHURCH SERVICE.
If you fall into any such category then please contact the Session Clerk as soon as possible and certainly before end of September 2016
The Summer Holiday Club took place during the week 8th-12th August.
This year the Title was ‘GOING BANANAS’ and scene setters erected a mock Tropical Island in the Church Hall ready to greet the children as they flew in on SWPC Airways Flight 101 from Wishaw International Airport made more realistic by Flight Attendants, and a simulate flight video.
On the Island the children were greeted by two BANANA BOYS, Ripe and Rotten who, in a series of fun packed sketches introduced Biblical Characters who all arrived via the TIME MACHINE and told their stories. In this manner we met Noah, Gideon, Zacchaeus. Elijah and Jemima (the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume.)
There were crafts appropriate to the character being discussed together with suitable games around the Theme.
Going Banana was explained to the children as the effect of someone being really very excited with doing as God had told them.
Each day the Kitchen staff ensured that all were fed and watered and our thanks is due to them, the Club Leaders and Helper and in particular to Ripe, played by Janette McIntyre and Rotten played by the Minister

Altogether the 35 children who attended each day reported having a great time as they participated in the various activities and sang songs and choruses with great enthusiasm.
The Leaders re-enacted some of what had been done at a special Sunday Service following the Club. We are indeed very fortunate to have a Team who have ran our Holiday Clubs, mostly 2 each year, with great enthusiasm and commitment and we express thanks to each of them.
Next Holiday Club Easter 2017. Like to Help?
Speak to ANY of our Team

Ready, Aim Fire, A youngster sores a direct hit on Minister’s face!
Our Fete total this year was a bit down on last year but in excess of £7000. That is still and impressive amount.
Once again the Congregation rallied to the cause by donating, baking, creating crafts, selling tickets making tea and coffee, serving tables, washing dishes, carting and erecting tables, counting money, organizing games, having your face and battered by wet sponges, operating various stalls and, in a number of cases making substantial donations.
A team of helpers spent a lot of time ensuring that tables were all in place and ready for the opening which this year was performed by our Minister, Terry Moran.
Thanks to everyone who helped in any way but particular thanks to Ronnie Murray who once again lead the SWPC Fete Team in another magnificent and successful team effort.
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
South Wishaw and St Mark’s
Parish Churches
Pantomime by

Performances at SWPC on Friday 13th/Sat 14th Jan
And at St Mark’s on Fri 20th/Sat 21st Jan 2017
(Matinees on both Saturdays)
Auditions will have taken place by the time you read this. But if you wish to be involved just speak to Terry / IMPORTANT INFORMATION IN RESPECT OF GIFT AID
As you are aware we receive annually from HM Revenue and Customs, a repayment of tax on your Annual donations and Offerings to the Church through the Gift Aid Scheme.
If you do contribute and are a tax payer please completes a Gift Aid Declaration Form, this enables the Church to benefit. If you have already completed a form then there is no need to complete another.
If However, you NO LONGER PAY TAX, the Church is NOT ENTITLED to claim Gift Aid on your behalf and you should notified our Gift Aid Convener as soon as possible to update our records.
Should you wish further information or clarification please contact Barbara Vincent on 384884 or email .
The assistance of all of us in this respect will be greatly appreciated.
Our current Safeguarding Co-ordinator, Mrs Anne Wight has resigned that position for health reasons.
We wish to express our thanks to Anne for all the work that she has done in this important, and possibly the only essential, position in the Church.
This position is one where confidentiality, discretion and tact are absolutely necessary and Anne always displayed these attributes.
We wish Anne well and trust that she will regain her strength so as she will be able to return fully to our fellowship.
In South Wishaw Church Hall
From 7th September 2016
A sample of the first three months programme is
Printed on the first page
All for only £2.00 per week (incl. Tea and Cake)
So why not join us for some fun and friendship – you will be made to feel most welcome / South Wishaw Parish Church
2nd Saturday of month
or as advertised
From 8th October 2016
See front page for sample programme
Sharing Circle Outing to Dundee.
RSS Discovery
This year the outing was to Dundee, leaving at 10.00am we went straight to Dundee passing over the Forth Bridge and arriving at about 12.00noon. This gave us a longer spell at Dundee allowing for a light lunch then time to explore the City, do some shopping or sightseeing. The weather was dry with a bit of cloud which was quite comfortable for walking about. One of the popular attractions is Captain Cook’s ship, the RRS Discovery which is at the waterfront.
Walking round the Centre of Dundee there are many nice buildings to be seen and visited. There are some old pals from years gone by that you are likely to see.
Minnie the Minx / Desperate Dan / Oor Wullie
Leaving Dundee at 4.00pm we made our way to Inchture Hotel, which is about 5 miles out of Dundee on the way home, where we had a nice meal. Everyone enjoyed their meal and our thanks go to Iain who pre-booked the meal and organised the outing.
By this time it had started to rain and it was wet all the way home. However, we all had a nice day and arrived back home about 8.30pm.
This is the New Name for what was our Two Bible Study. Groups.
These two Groups meet in the Church Lounge on Wednesday morning and Thursday Evening throughout the Session. It is hoped that we will be able to develop these further, with groups being formed to meet throughout the area in people’s homes.