Integrated Unit of Work: Stage 1, Year 2

Overview:This unit focuses on developing a deeper understanding and extending knowledge associated with HSIE outcomes related to themes of identity and culture. Throughout the two-week unit students will engage in various context building activities which will ultimately develop their understanding of their identity and culture and also that of other people. Appendix 1 shows the timetable of when the activities will be run throughout the two weeks. The activities in which they undertake will lead to the involvement in a multicultural day at the conclusion of the unit. During this time, students will be expected to combine all the information, work and knowledge they have gainedover the two-week period to deliver a response to the unit focus“Design an identity profile based on one particular culture of your choice that shows an understanding of similarities and differences between families in different cultures. .” This will draw on learnt information and illustrate how people are different and the same all around the world.

Aims of the Unit of Work:This focusis appropriate for the Stage 1, Year 2 class outlined in the situational analysis since it applies a diverse range of strategies, and covers a wide range of Stage 1 outcomes. It aims to extend students understanding and build on their previous knowledge through the integration of primarily HSIE, English and Mathematics. By focusing on identity and culture the significant number of second and third generation immigrants within the class will feel included and understand more about how everyone is different. Tasks that incorporate collaborative group work help cater to students who struggle to work independently and will assist ESL students in building relationships and language understanding. Appendix 2 shows an outline of the classroom and where different areas that students will be using are located.

Outcomes and Indicators covered:

CUS1.3:Identifies customs, practices, symbols, languages and traditions of their family and other families.
CUS1.4:Describes the cultural, linguistic and religious practices of their family, their community and other communities. / - Recognise themselves as part of a family and gives information about their own family.
- Identify characteristics that make another family different or similar to their own.
- Identify family life in their own country and other countries.
English -
TS1.1:Communicates with an increasing range of people for a variety of purposes on both familiar and introduced topics in spontaneous and structures classroom activities.
TS1.2: Interacts in more extended ways with less teacher intervention, makes increasingly confident oral presentations and generally listens attentively.
RS1.5:Reads a wider range of texts on less familiar topics with increasing independence and understanding, making connections between own knowledge and experience and information in texts.
WS1.9:Plans, reviews and produces a small range of simple literary and factual texts for a variety of purposes on familiar topics for known readers / - Shows understanding of value of questioning in interviews.
- Collaboratively discuss similarities and differences in images from ‘Mirror’ and present findings and conclusions.
- Selects texts to widen their understanding of one culture.
- Produce a brochure/poster to exhibit understanding of other cultures.
- Display awareness of cultural characteristics through letter writing.
Mathematics -
DS1.1:Gathers and organises data, displays data using column and picture graph, and then interprets the results.
SGS1.3:Represents the position of objects using models and drawings and describes using everyday language. / - Demonstrates the ability to collect data and present the information in a column graph.
Draw conclusions and express awareness of trends from graph findings.
- Ability to locate different countries on a map and globe.

Planned Assessment:

Throughout this unit of work different assessment strategies will be used by the teachers monitor student learning and understanding of unit content.

-Self assessment

-Peer assessment

-Teacher notes and observation

-Formal assessment


Religion (Sydney Archdiocese) -

S1.5.1:Recognise that God is present in their lives, the lives of other people, the Church and the whole of creation.


VAS1.1:Makes artworks in a particular way about experiences of real and imaginary things.

- Explores characteristics of different cultures and people and express these through drawings.

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S1.5.1 / As a class Students (Ss) and Teacher (T) engage in a brainstorm activity focusing on the idea of “What is a family?” Discuss ideas of who makes up a family, language spoken at home, family traditions and religion etc. T should acknowledge that all families have similarities and differences throughout the world (see Appendix 3 for family images to assist with discussion)
T should place ideas Ss suggest onto the Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) for later reviewing.
Ss are given a ‘family profile’ sheet (Appendix 4) to fill out at home (with parents help).
T will introduce Ss to the Story of the Forgiving Father. T and Ss engage in Godly ‘The Prodigal Son’ (Appendix 5). T asks ‘I wonder’ questions such as ‘I wonder what it is like to be part of a big family?’
Then, as a class discuss how the Father was able to forgive his son and welcome him back into the family. Get Ss thinking about what families do for each other. Introduce the idea/concept that we are all part of Gods family. Give Ss 20mins to independently reflect on the story (journal entry, re-enactment, drawing, prayer writing)
Ss then draw a picture of themselves and write a short sentence under it about how they feel and know they are a part of His family. Stick these on the wall around a large picture of Jesus. / Ss participate and engage in brainstorm
- Recognise themselves as part of a family and gives information about their own family.
- Identify characteristics that make another family different or similar to their own.
Each S engage will contribute an ‘I wonder’ statement
Ss will reflect on their understanding of the story
-Identify key ideas about family from the story
-Make connection to their own lives / -IWB
-Appendix 4
-Family pictures
-Godly Play Script ‘The Prodigal Son’(Appendix 5)
-KWL pg112.
-Pencils, Paper
-Large picture of Jesus / -Images to assist ESL learners
-Brainstorm to teach main ideas and language
-Reflection after Godly
Play is open ended to Ss to self select an activity
DS1.1 / T instructs Ss to create 5 or more different questions about culture, family, religion, traditions etc., which they will use to interview other Ss. Answers from Ss who are interviewed, should be documented.
Ss, in pairs, collect data on different languages used at home and heritage. Ss can survey their class and one other to compare results. If Ss are unsure of this information, they can refer to their completed ‘family profile’ sheet. With this, Ss are to place data in a column graph and then make and document noticeable observations from their graph.
Have a class discussion about the trends of Ss graphs and display finished graphs around the classroom. / T observation through purposeful T roving. Making sure Ss are on task and engaging in learning.
Peer assessment
- Shows understanding of value of questioning in interviews.
Collect graphs at conclusion of lesson and mark for understanding.
- Demonstrates the ability to collect data and present the information in a column graph.
- Draw conclusions and express awareness of trends from graph findings. / -Workbooks
-‘Family profile’ sheet
-Graph paper / -Michael, Joseph, Luis, Anika work with ESL Teacher from 10:00-10:30 to write questions
-T works with the Ss who need extra assistance to make a group column/picture graph (T directed).
VAS1.1 / T shows the picture book “Mirror” by Jeannie Baker to Ss. As a class they discuss the book (as there are no words, Ss have to comment on the visuals and what they intend to represent).
Ss in pairs are given different images from the book “Mirror.” With these corresponding images (from Sydney and Morocco) (see Appendix 6 for an example) Ss examine what is in their picture and then discuss and write together the similarities and differences observed.
Ss can briefly present their findings to the class.
Ss sketch then paint their own two images (related to the style of the illustrations in “Mirror”) to represent their family and one other. These can later be joined together to create a class book.
They will share their painting with the class and explain their choice for what they put in their artwork. / T makes anecdotal note taking based on Ss presentations.
- Collaboratively discuss similarities and differences in images from ‘Mirror’ and present findings and conclusions.
- Identify family life in thei own country and other countries. / -Mirror by Jeannie Baker
-Hard copies of images (Appendix 6)
-Pencils, paint, paper / -Pair work for support
Talking and listening
-Visual representation rather than linguistic
-Gifted Ss and fast finishers may write a snapshot about their painting.
VAS1.1 / Discuss as a class different questions to investigate.
Ss, in pairs, engage in research about one culture. They are asked to look in the class library (specifically at their factual texts), utilise the computer centre (6 pairs or less at a time) and draw on their own knowledge and experiences.
In their pairs, Ss use information they have gained to create a poster or brochure about one particular culture of their choice. This will be a draft they can publish later in the unit. There should be a range of information and drawings included, relating to their chosen culture. These will be placed on the class wall once finished. / Observation of Ss ability to work cooperatively and research effectively
- Identify characteristics that make another family different or similar to their own.
- Selects texts to widen their understanding of one culture.
Published work assessed during week two.
- Produce a brochure/poster to exhibit understanding of other cultures. / -Class library
-Computer centre
(see Appendix 7 for recommended sites)
-Paper, pencils/pens / -T places Ss in pairs, mixing abilities
-Ss are able to select their own task appealing to their abilities.
CUS1.4 / With a large wall map each Ss is given the chance to locate with a pin where their families are originally from.
Then, as a class T and Ss investigate different countries using an interactive world map ( on the IWB and compares this to a world globe.
Using atlases Ss can locate and write down the particular country they want to send a letter to, along with some common information and geographic location
Ss and T review structure and language elements used in a letter as a class.
Then with the information gained in the mathematics lesson, and other activities during the week Ss write a letter to a person from a country of their choice. They can tell the person about them, their family, culture, and traditions and ask questions about the recipient’s family home country and their practices. Ss can choose to include an image of their family describing who they are and what they are like. / T observation of Ss ability to use atlases.
- Ability to locate different countries on a map and globe.
Ss hand in letter for T evaluation
- Display awareness of cultural characteristics through letter writing. / -Large world map
-Interactive World Map (
-World globe
(Use of Jenny Eather website recommended)
-Lined paper / -Gifted Ss are given the independence to produce a higher quality letter.
-Greater T assistance to ESL students

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AppendixesAppendix 1: Integrated Unit of Work Timetable


(Day 1) / Tuesday
(Day 2) / Wednesday
(Day 3) / Thursday
(Day 4) / Friday
(Day 5)
9:00 –
10:00 - 11:00 / English – Interviews / English – ‘Mirror‘
11:00 – 11:20 / RECESS
11:20 – 12:10 / HSIE – Intro to ‘What Is Family‘
CUS1.3 / Maths – Graphing Lang and Heritage / Visual Art – Creating ‘Mirror‘ / English/Visual Art – Create a brochure / Maths – World Map
12:10 – 1:10 / English – Letter Writing
1:10 – 2:00 / LUNCH
2:00 – 3:00 / Religion – ‘Jesus‘ Family‘

Week 2:

(Day 1) / Tuesday
(Day 2) / Wednesday
(Day 3) / Thursday
(Day 4) / Friday
(Day 5)
9:00 –
10:00 / Mutlicultural Day
10:00 - 11:00 / English – Interviews / English – ‘Mirror‘
11:00 – 11:20 / RECESS
11:20 – 12:10 / HSIE – Intro to ‘What Is Family‘
CUS1.3 / Visual Art – Creating ‘Mirror‘ / English/Visual Art – Create a brochure
12:10 – 1:10 / Religion – Create a
‘G-R-E-A-T’ prayer about family
1:10 – 2:00 / LUNCH
2:00 – 3:00 / Religion – ‘Jesus‘ Family‘

Appendix 2: Classroom Layout

Appendix 3: Images of Different Families From Around the World

Appendix 4: Family Profile Worksheet


Draw a picture of your family in the space provided and answer the questions below.

This is what my family looks like:

What is your family’s name? ______

Where were you born? ______

Where do you live? ______

Where is your mum’s family from? ______

Where is your dad’s family from? ______

Mark where you are from:

Which food does your family like to eat?______

What is your family’s favourite activity? ______

My family celebrates:______

My family’s religion is: ______

My family likes: ______


I would like to ask my family:

* ______?


* ______?


Appendix 5: Godly Play ‘The Prodigal Son’

The Prodigal Son

KWL Chapter 10, Pt 1 (based on Luke 15:11-24)


2D laminated figures of prodigal son, brother, father, 2 or 3 other characters, pigs (see RE Online for masters)

a long piece of cloth or felt that could be rolled out to make a road

a simple cut out shape to represent the Father’s house and popsticks or cloth strips to form a pigpen

Children are seated in a semi-circle ready to listen to the story. When the children are settled, go to the shelf and carry the materials as you would the Bible. Place these beside you.

Roll out the road, place the Father’s house at one end and the pigpen past the other end of the road but off to one side as you say:

Jesus once told a story about a boy who was away from home for a long time. Jesus told this story to help us understand what God’s love is like.

Bring the Father out and place on one side of the house. Bring the two sons out and place on the other side of the house as you say:

The story is about a father who had two sons.

Move the younger son over next to the father.

One day, the younger son asked his father to give him a lot of the family‟s money so he could leave home and go far away. The father gave him the money.

Move the younger son a little way along the road. Move the father in front of the house as if looking up the road. Move the older brother off to the side (almost out of the scene).

So the younger son packed his things and went away.

Continue to move the younger son towards the end of the road.

Bring out one of the extra characters and put him with the younger son.

He spent his money on wild parties and having a good time.

Remove the extra character and move the son into a space by himself.

Soon he had spent all the money the father had given him and he had nothing left. Now, he was hungry and poor.

Move the son next to pigpen and bring out the pigs.

He got a job feeding pigs. He was so hungry he could have eaten the pigs‟ food.

Move the son to the end of the road facing the direction of his father‟s house.

He thought for a long time and made up his mind to go back to his father. He was going to ask his father to take him back, not as a son but as a servant.

Move the son slowly down the road. Stop on the road, just over half way

He started the long journey home.

Move the son on a little further and stop a short distance from the house. Move the father along the road towards the son. Have father and son facing each other.

One day his father saw him in the distance and ran to meet him. He hugged him and kissed him.

Walk father and son back down the road together and stand next to the house. Bring in the other extra characters and place around them.

The boy was trying to say sorry, but the father quickly called his servants to get a party ready. All the father wanted to do was celebrate and welcome his son home.

Bring father to the front as if addressing the crowd and hold your hand over him to indicate he is speaking.

”My son was lost,‟ he said, „and now he is found. He was dead and has come back to life!‟

And they began to celebrate.

Engage with, I wonder‟, KWL p112.

Carefully pack story materials into storage box and put on shelf. Ensure that children are watching so they know how to pack the materials away and where to find them. Appendix 6: Mirror Image

Appendix 7: Useful Site for Students

Explore and More – Culture for Kids