Senior Newsletter

Yamhill-Carlton High School October 21, 2015

The Countdown has begun...

Senior schedules have been checked to make sure required classes have been scheduled. Students who are working hard to make up credits have been called in to meet with Mrs. Robb or Mrs. Dolantodiscuss a graduation plan.

As you look ahead towards graduation, there are many decisions to be made. While it is an exciting time, it can also be very stressful for students and parents. Remember there are many people willing to help.Our goal is to help make your senior year and the transition from high school to work, college or the military a smooth one. If you have any questions, please drop by the Counseling Center or give us a call at (503) 852-7609.

Upcoming Activities

Nov 1 OSAC e-App available online.

Thru Nov 12 College Night in Oregon 6-9 p.m. at

various college sites. Details in ASPIRE.

Dec 18 Jostens- Last day to place orders and

receive the reduced rate.

Jan 1 Begin submitting FAFSA applications


TBD College Goal Oregon. Details in

ASPIRE or at

Jananuary, Chemeketa Scholars info session at

McMinnville campus.

Jan 6 FAFSA Help Night at YCHS from6-7:30


Feb 4 Last day of first semester.

Feb 1 FAFSA deadline for Oregon Opportunity


Feb5 Senior Pictures due to Mrs. McKinney.

Feb 15 Early Bird deadline for OSAC scholarship


Feb 26 Chemeketa Scholars Application-

delivered in person to the McMinnville


Mar 1 Final deadline for OSAC scholarship eApp.

Mar 4 Chemeketa Scholars deadline- last day

to hand deliver the application to the

Salem Campus.

May 20 Senior Project Presentations

June 12 Graduation

Principal’s Message


Can you believe how fast the clock is ticking! You will all be walking across the stage at graduation before you know it! It is incredibly important that you take these last few months of your senior year seriously and work to ensure that you take care of all of your business early. Do not wait until the end when it could be too late. For those of you who need to finish up your essential skills of reading, writing and mathematics now is the time to get it done.

Each and every one of you know what you need to do and ultimately it is up to you to execute your plan to ensure that you'll be walking across the stage to receive your diploma from me in June. Finish strong all the way.Take care of yourself and your friends to ensure that the class of 2016 has a fantastic senior year and that you are prepared to move on and take on the world together! If you should need anything from me, please never hesitate to ask. I could not be more proud of the class of 2016!!

On Time

On Task

And on a Mission!

Gregory Neuman

Graduation Costs

If you have not yet ordered your cap and gown, you have until December 5 to turn in your order and still receive the reduced rate. A deposit is not required with orders. Please turn in your order even if there is a question as to whether you will be walking. There is no charge for orders not picked up. This includes announcements, name cards, etc.

Students can use a black cap and gown from a former graduate. You are required to purchase the stole and tassel, which can be ordered from Jostens for $25.00. Check with the rep. if you have questions. For additional questions, email Dan Peters at or contact Jostens at (503) 690-7488. Orders can be placed online at

Senior Pictures

Be sure to turn in senior pictures to Mrs. McKinney for the yearbook as soon as available.The final deadline to submit a photo is February 5. The Yearbook staff is available to take pictures of students who do not have a senior picture. To make arrangements to have your picture taken, contact Mrs. McKinney at (503) 852-7632.

Post High School Planning

Sign up for a mentor through the ASPIRE program.

Use the Career Information System Online ( as a resource for scholarship and college information. The user name is ychs and the password is tiger.


Transcripts can be requested in the Counseling Office. Please plan ahead and allow 3 days for requests to be processed. If you need a transcript uploaded for OSAC please turn in your paper-work to Mrs. Ready in the Counseling Office by February 15 to meet the early bird drawing or by March 1for the final deadline.

Students who are applying online using the Common Application or SENDedu form do not need to request a transcript to be sent. Their transcript will be uploaded and sent with the Counselor School Report.

Letters of Recommendation

Students, if you are requesting a letter of recommendation from a teacher, counselor or administrator please allow a minimum of 2 weeks for the letter to be completed. Teachers receive multiple requests and are working on these on their own time. It is also helpful to provide your activity sheet as a reference. When requesting a recommendation online, as with the Common Application, be sure to make the request in person prior to submitting the request online.

College Visitation

Y-C High School allows pre-arranged absences in order to make college visits.

Check college websites for college visitation dates.

Representatives from colleges visit Y-C throughout the fall. Dates of visits are in the announcements and on the Counseling page of the high school website. Be sure to sign up in the Counseling Office to meet with representatives from the colleges you are considering.

4 Year University

If you have not taken the SAT, the late registration deadline for the December 5 SAT is November 23. To register for the SAT go to To sign up for the ACT go to The deadline for the December 12 ACT is November 20. Study guides are available in the Counseling Office.

The SAT and ACT are given at McMinnville High School. Send your SAT/ACT scores directly to the colleges which you are applying to meet application deadlines. Some schools will accept SAT/ACT scores on your transcript; others require they be sent directly from College Board or ACT. Check with the school if you have questions.

Community College

Consider the many benefits of attending community college. Students can be admitted with a high school diploma or GED. No specific GPA or SAT scores are required. Options range from one or two-year certificate programs in professional technical fields to earning the first two years of a transfer degree at less expense than four years at a university.

Community colleges require prospective students to take a placement test prior to admission. To arrange for your placement test, go to and apply for admission. Once you receive your K#, you will be able to take your test. Testing times are available on their website. Testing and applications should be completed by May to ensure the best chance of getting into classes. If you are planning to attend a different community college, go online for an orientation session and arrange testing. If the community college is outside our area, ask if they will accept Chemeketa’s placement test.

The Yamhill-Carlton High School Code Number, which you will need for various applications, is:

3 8 1 2 7 0

Parent Corner - Grad Night Activities

The 2016 Grad Night Committee is looking for volunteers to help with fundraising and Grad Night activities. Grad Night is funded and supported by the efforts of seniors’ parents. Please volunteer and help continue the tradition of offering an alcohol/drug free event. The next meeting is November 11 at 6 p.m. at Zippy’s pizza. If you would like more information, please contact Jane Harloff 503-730-6782 or Shelly Ready at 503-852-7609 or email .

Upcoming Grad Night Fundraisers:

Dutch Brothers Gift Cards: If you are interested in buying or selling these please contact Shelly Ready or Lori Reid.

Thanksgiving Pie Sales: During November, Order your Thanksgiving pies from Grad Night. Orders will be filled by Blue Raeven Farmstand.

Poinsettia Sale: Poinsettias can be picked up at the Carlton Holiday Craft Fair on December 4 and 5.

3 Point Shots: Volunteers are still needed to help run this event during home basketball games. Grad Night is also looking for donations of soda or Gatorade to give away as prizes. Contact Jane Harloff 503-730-6782.

Papa Murphy’s Coupon Cards: Cards cost $5 with close to $20 in coupon savings. For each card sold Grad night gets $4.

Silent Auction and Bingo: Looking for volunteers to help coordinate this event and any donations for silent auction items and bingo prizes!

Mother’s Day Flower Sale: Beautiful baskets and flowers will be for sale onMother’s Day weekend at Yamhill Bellweather parking lot and Da-Boys parking lot.

**For senior parents and grads not wanting to help raise funds for Grad Night, please donate money in place of volunteering. This is an important night and they need your support.


ASPIRE mentors are trained and available to help students through the college search and admissions maze and the financial aid process as well as with researching scholarships. Sign-up forms are available in the ASPIRE office (Room 310). ASPIRE permission forms require both student and parent signatures (unless the student is over 18).

PARENTS: We are seeking additional ASPIRE mentors to work with YC students one to two hours a week. If interested please contact Janet Herring-Sherman at (503) 852-7614; or . A little of your time can make a remarkable difference to a student’s future – and make you feel good, too! Learn more at


In order to file a free FAFSA, student and parents must EACH sign up for a FAFSA FSA ID# at (Old pin #s will no longer work.)

Start filling out the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) worksheet now.

To apply for aid, complete the FAFSA at when it goes liveon Jan. 1, 2016.Make sure you check the box for OSAC if you are going to an Oregon university.

YC will host a FAFSA Help Night from 6-7:30 p.m. Jan.6. Parents: Be sure to bring your tax returns from 2014. Students: Be sure you have your Social Security Number with you. And bring your FSA ID#s, too.

File the FAFSA by the end of January at the very latest – especially if you are hoping for a work study job, as those funds go fast. The sooner the FAFSA is completed and submitted, the better the chance of getting funds if a student qualifies. Complete the FAFSA by Feb. 1 to apply for Oregon Opportunity Grant.

Make sure to indicate that the FAFSA analysis be sent to each college, university, community college or degree-granting private/ vocational/ technical school to which you are applying.FAFSA is THE single most important piece in applying for financial aid.


On Nov. 1, review the Office of Student Access and Completion (OSAC) scholarship list and begin completing the e-app online. This single application, WHEN DONE COMPLETELY AND ON TIME, puts you in the running for some of the 450 Oregon scholarships.

The OSAC application is due March 1; however, if submitted by Feb. 15, there’s a chance at a $500 scholarship.


Scholarships are filed in the ASPIRE Office as they become available. A list of local scholarships will be available mid-February and will be mailed home as well as posted on the high school website.

For information regarding college visits, financial aid and scholarships, go to ASPIRE in the “student” section of the YCHS website, or check “Tiger Times.”

Also check out these websites:

Office of Student Access and Completion:

The Financial Aid Page:

Most colleges require separate applications (and have different deadlines) for admission and scholarship consideration. Be sure to check your prospective schools’ requirements.

Oregon Promise – a college education to successful high school students

New legislation in Oregon was recently passed in an attempt to improve the rate of graduation. The Oregon Promise is designed to provide successful high school students a chance to earn a degree. Graduating students with a clean record and a GPA of 2.5 or higher are now able to attend Oregon community colleges – tuition free.


 Oregon resident for at least 12 months prior to enrolling in community college

 Received a high school diploma or GED certificate, or completed grade 12

 Earned a cumulative high school GPA of 2.5+ or equivalent

 Within six months of high school completion, enrolls in courses at an Oregon CC required for….

o One-year curriculum for students transferring to another postsecondary institution

o Associate degree

o Program in career and technical education

 Completed a FAFSA for each academic year

 Has not completed more than 90 credit hours or the curriculums/programs noted above.

 Continues to be eligible if person …

o Maintains a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better o Makes satisfactory academic progress

o Enrolls at least half time each term for at least three terms each consecutive academic year

 Persons who fail to maintain a 2.5 GPA become ineligible for the term after which they fail to meet the GPA requirement unless the requirement is waived by OSAC

For further information visitThe Oregon Promise website.