JULY 10, 2012

6:00 P.M.

ATTENDANCE Mayor Rob Ware and Councilmembers Mary Littlejohn, Nellie McCain, Ken Landers, Robin Clements and Peggy Allgood attended the meeting.

CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ware called the meeting to order.

PLEDGE TO FLAG Peggy Allgood led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.

PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Ware asked that the comments be kept short, sweet and to the point. He stated that tempers have been high recently. He asked that any speakers be respectful to all of the citizens and conduct business accordingly. Mayor Ware added he did not want anyone inflamed by anything said this evening.

ERIC HANEY Eric Haney wanted to speak about the meeting that occurred the day before concerning the Water Club’s alcohol license. Haney stated that following the hearing a number of citizens were quite dissatisfied and disappointed in the actions of the Councilmembers of this City. A large number of these people that were here yesterday, and some that were not, gathered to determine what needed to be done. In many instances it is felt that the Councilmembers have used their positions not in the best interest of the City, but have made decisions based on personal whim and personal feeling. Haney stated that this is inappropriate and not good for City government and that the situation has risen to a level that is no longer tolerable. The group decided to move forward with a petition to enact a resolution for a referendum to remove Councilwoman Mary Littlejohn from her post. Haney stated that this would be a difficult process because the state law defines exactly what must be done. It will be a long, drawn-out, defined process. It will also play out in public form. Haney added that being southerners and human beings sometimes make people do things secretively and behind one another’s backs instead of face to face like they should be handled. Haney stated that this is the reason this group has been formed and they are determined for this to be played out in public in Cave Spring as names are collected on petition ballots. It will also play out in public form in Rome and in the Rome News Tribune. In Floyd County there is a definitive step necessary in which the case will go before the Judge in State Superior Court until a resolution is met. Haney also expressed unhappiness with the rest of the Councilmembers (excluding Nellie McCain). Haney then thanked the Mayor for the chance to express the opinions of this group.

NOLAN GORHAM Nolan Gorham, citizen of Cave Spring, believes that there is a group of people in Cave Spring who believe that they are above the law and can “punish” those who do not do what they want. Gorham stated that he believes that there were innuendos made about vendettas and such and Mayor Ware let it happen. Gorham referenced a comment about Ken Landers not running the store the way some people think is fit and that comment was allowed. Gorham thinks that a certain group of people took over the meeting, cheering, booing, and applauding. Gorham stated he doesn’t believe this is how business should be conducted and it is not good for the City or the public.


JULY 10, 2012


JESSIE MCCAIN Jessie McCain, citizen of Cave Spring, believes Mayor Ware and the City Council are fair, not only to him, but to everyone.

RICK LAM Rick Lam stated he wasn’t aware of what went on at the meeting on the previous day, but added that he apologizes to the citizens of Cave Spring for the embarrassment. He stated that he did not exactly understand what agenda people have against this business in the City that is trying to help economic development. He noted that if they did wrong that they admitted it. Like all other businesses, they should be punished, but what he understands is that permanent suspension is being considered and he does not believe this is fair. Lam stated he is embarrassed of what went on at the alcohol hearing and what he read in the newspaper. Cave Spring is a community and he hopes it can promote this business, in turn bringing more economic development to the City. He added that some of the Councilmembers are great advocates of another restaurant in the City that typically violates the same ordinances and never do anything about that.

DOUG SMITH Doug Smith asked if this was the night of the regular Council meeting and also asked what the meeting last night was about. Mayor Ware responded that the meeting the previous evening was concerning complaints issued against the Water Club restaurant for violations of the alcohol ordinance. Smith asked if the hearing could have waited one more night so that it could have been at the regular council meeting. Mayor Ware responded again by saying that it was decided to have a separate meeting for it and it was advertised the same as any other meeting of the Council.

APPROVAL OF MOTION: Ken Landers made a motion to approve past minutes. Nellie McCain

PAST MINUTES seconded the motion. All voted yes.

DAYCARE REPORT The daycare report was in written form. Nellie McCain asked if any more children had signed up for fall. Director of daycare, Betty Sue Hickman, responded that fall registration had not yet been held, however the number of children is low. She added that there are no small children coming into Cave Spring and the number of children at Cave Spring Elementary School is also down.

D.D.A. REPORT Nancy Boehm, D.D.A. chairman, noted that they raised $1,177.99 from the sale of Boston Butts. They also had just over $100.00 from sale of tomato sandwiches at the Fireworks display. The next fundraiser scheduled is the Low Country Boil being held July 28th at 11:00 a.m. The work on the bathroom at the Welcome Center has stopped. Problems arose when the bathtub and other fixtures were removed, including the floor collapsing and part of the siding on the back falling through. There was also water and termite damage. Boehm said she had been told that all of the D.D.A.’s funds had been spent, so the Welcome Center is sitting there with a new floor but no facilities. Mayor Ware asked how far the D.D.A. had gone with the necessary repairs. The concern is that people cannot use the welcome center because it has no bathroom. Mayor Ware added that it is definitely an issue that needs to be resolved. Boehm responded that the hole in the back wall needs to be fixed immediately. Also, the bathroom needs to be made handicapped accessible and a ramp and handrails need to be added to the porch area.


JULY 10, 2012


Boehm stated that these renovations will cost a lot of money. Mayor Ware asked if she felt like it is something that needs to be discussed tonight. Boehm responded yes. Mayor Ware stated Council could decide to add it to the agenda for further discussion.

POLICE REPORT Chief Ely reported 76 calls and 3 citations for the month of June. He also noted that the new police car would arrive Thursday. Peggy Allgood asked if any arrests or warnings were issued during the July 4th event. Chief Ely responded that it was a very quiet event.

COURT REPORT Fines levied in the month of June were $1,385.00 and fines collected were $947.00.

FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Randy Lacey reported that the Fire Department responded to 18 brush fires in

REPORT the month of June. Mayor Ware added that the Fire Department has done an excellent job in the last month. He stated that anyone who doesn’t appreciate what the Fire Department does should see the Firemen in action. On behalf of the City, the Mayor expressed appreciation to the Fire Department for all they do.

WATER/SEWER It was reported that a rate increase went into effect. Billings were up for the month of

REPORT June so the rate increase accomplished that goal. Revenue is up and unaccounted for water is down. So far this month there is an increase in the number of leaks being reported due to the dry weather. The water department has been working hard to keep things together.

ADJUSTMENTS Jessi Lambert, billing clerk, was asked to prepare an explanation about some of the reasons for recent high water bills. Lambert reported these were still leaks from when the new system was installed. The City allowed Astra to repair these leaks which took longer than if the City had repaired the leaks itself. Ken Landers questioned whether or not Astra would reimburse the City for water loss. Mayor Ware stated no.

MOTION: Ken Landers made a motion to approve all current adjustments. Peggy Allgood seconded the motion. All voted yes.

DIANE LANGSTON Mayor Ware reported on the long service line for Martha Davis’ old house. The service line has been repaired a number of times and Mayor Ware feels that the service needs to be completely replaced. The residents had reported low pressure, but instead of informing the water department, they called a plumber first. It turned out to be a problem on the City’s side. In order to fix the problem the line will need to be removed from the middle of the field to the right of way which should fix the problem once and for all. Ms. Langston has asked to be reimbursed for the plumbers call. She did make the call on her own and the City needs to consider this. Ken Landers noted that he wishes she had called the City first. The Council has the authority to make any kind of adjustment they see fit. Any adjustment made does have to be done by an act of Council.

MOTION: Peggy Allgood made a motion to reimburse Ms. Langston 50% of the plumber bill and a $68 adjustment on the water bill. Nellie McCain seconded the motion. All voted yes.


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BRYAN PARRIS Mr. Parris filled up his pool and is requesting an adjustment on the sewer and debt service charges.

MOTION: Nellie McCain made a motion to approve the adjustment for Mr. Parris. Peggy Allgood seconded the motion. All voted yes.

CLERK’S REPORT The work session is scheduled for Friday, August 10, 2012, at 9:00 a.m. Council was also updated on the new software system.

MOTION TO MOTION: Nellie McCain made a motion to pay all bills. Peggy Allgood seconded the

PAY BILLS motion. All voted yes.


FIRE CODE There has been ongoing discussion about enforcing fire codes within respective

ENFORCEMENT businesses and buildings, and how this should be handled. This has been discussed for several months, including an extensive discussion at the last work session. Mayor Ware asked if Council preferred to go ahead forward with this or discuss it in more detail. Fire Chief Randy Lacey was present to answer any questions. Peggy Allgood, who was absent at the work session, asked how the inspections would affect historical buildings considering that most Cave Spring businesses are located in such buildings. She does want to keep the public safe however. Allgood asked if the A.D.A. laws for people with disabilities were also included in this inspection. Chief Lacey stated that historical buildings have different guidelines, but agreed with Allgood that the public needed to be kept safe. It was noted that Assistant Fire Chief Tracy Packer has done much studying on this matter and is very knowledgeable therefore could answer most questions.

MOTION: Ken Landers made a motion to table this again until the next work session. Peggy Allgood seconded the motion. All voted yes.


MOTION TO MOTION: Nellie McCain made a motion to add to the agenda bathroom and handicap

ADD TO AGENDA features for the Welcome Center. Peggy Allgood seconded the motion. All voted yes.

MOTION TO MOTION: Ken Landers made a motion to add to the agenda the purchase of a

ADD TO AGENDA jackhammer for the water department. Peggy Allgood seconded the motion. All voted yes.

PURCHASE OF Mayor Ware stated that the water department was in need of a jackhammer in order to

JACKHAMMER complete a job.

MOTION: Nellie McCain made a motion to approve the purchase of a jackhammer with the purchase price not to exceed $1,050. Peggy Allgood seconded the motion. All voted yes.


JULY 10, 2012


WELCOME CENTER Nancy Boehm, D.D.A. chairman, stated they have received three bids for completion of the bathroom at the Welcome Center, which will make it handicapped accessible. This will also include a handicapped ramp and railings on the porch.

MOTION: Peggy Allgood made a motion to contract with Jessie Hambrick to complete the above mentioned improvements and repairs to the Welcome Center, not to exceed $4,500.00, which will be taken out of hotel/motel tax. Mary Littlejohn seconded the motion. All voted yes. Mayor Ware stated that this is a reasonably good investment for the City because the Welcome Center will be safe and handicapped accessible.

ADJOURN Mayor Ware adjourned the meeting.




