City Hall,
8th May, 2007.
To Each Member of
Kilkenny Borough Council.
A Chara,
You are hereby summoned to attend a Monthly Meeting of the Kilkenny Borough Council convened by direction of Councillor M. Brett, Mayor, to be held in Council Chambers, City Hall, High Street, Kilkenny on Monday, 14th May, 2007 at 7.30 p.m. for the transaction of the business as set out hereunder.
Mise, le meas,
Brian Tyrrell
Senior Executive Officer.
1. Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on 10th April, 2007 (enclosed).
2. Matters brought forward by direction of the Mayor.
3. Planning Policy and Enforcement.
4. Launch of 2007 Tidy Towns Campaign.
5. Litter Management Plan (enclosed).
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6. Presentation from “Voice 4 Youth” Group.
7. Kilkenny Play Policy (enclosed).
8. Presentation on Recreational Needs Study.
9. Progress Report on Ossory Park Remedial Scheme (enclosed).
10. Fix Date for Annual Meeting.
11. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. A. McGuinness received 11.01.2007.
"That Kilkenny Borough Council resolve to carry out an audit of all the trees throughout the Assumption Place housing scheme and the graveyard at O'Loughlin Road to determine how many need to be pruned back properly in the course of 2007".
12. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. J. Reidy received 19.04.2007.
"Kilkenny Borough Council enters into discussions with interested parties regarding the future use of the James Stephen's swimming pool"
13. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. B. Manning, Cllr. J. Reidy and Cllr. J. Coonan received 23.04.2007.
"That the Borough Council establishes a Municipal Policy Committee to deal with forward planning and urban development".
14. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. S. ÓhArgáin received 01.05.07
“That Kilkenny Borough Council will immediately undertake to examiner the possibility of becoming the first city in Ireland providing universal free wireless internet access throughout the city area, and will set up a working group of councillors and officials to this end, with a view to progressing the project in the current calendar year.”
15. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. A. McGuinness received 11.01.2007.
"That Kilkenny Borough Council resolve to replace the signage erected at O'Loughlin Road with appropriate modern signs, indicating the housing schemes of O'Loughlin Road & Assumption Place". Contd./…….
16. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. J. Reidy received 19.04.2007.
"That Kilkenny Borough Council resolves to take immediate action on foot of motions already passed to engage with the Gardai to ban HGV's from Old Callan Road, Rioch Street and Stephen Street and that the following works be undertaken immediately as part of the overall traffic management in the area:
1. Existing pedestrian crossing to be raised.
2. Four extra ramps to be provided in appropriate locations on that stretch of road.
3. Bollards to be erected along Rioch Street to indicate pedestrian priority.”
17. Notice of Motion in the name Cllr. J. Coonan received 2.05.2007.
"That the Kilkenny Borough Council Members would immediately address and clarify the position of title of common ground adjacent to The Fr. McGrath Centre,St. Joseph's Road, Kilkenny City."
18. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. S. ÓhArgáin received 01.05.07
“That membership fees for Kilkenny Libraries should be discontinued totally as soon as possible, and that as an immediate step, membership for children and all those over 65 should be free.”
19. Conferences.
20. Correspondence.
12. HHHhhH