1. Do the assignments of chapter -2,3 and 14 from practice book in practice copy.
2. Practice test paper of UT-1 of practice book.
3. Revise chapter-2,3 and 14 from NCERT.
1. Read any one book by Rabindra Nath Tagore
2. Write the book review on the basis of : Cover page; About the author; Introduction; Summary; Characters; Your opinion
3. Pictorially represent any one character or enactment of any one scene you like the most.
4. Do the following exercises based on Tenses and Subject Verb Agreement page no.-from Wren & Martin page no 79 ex 45 page 83 ex 46 , 47 . page 86 ex 48,56 . page 100 ex 56 . page 243 ex 110
1. Imagine if the oil supply gets exhausted one day, how would this affect our life style. Write a report on this.
2. What is the need to switch over to non-renewable sources of energy?
3. Explain the working of e-rickshaw and solar boat. Explain how it can help to minimize the dependence of us on fossil fuels.
· Complete the assignments of chapter Nutrition and respiration in bio copy
· Make a chart on diseases related to following systems:
Digestive System (XA)
Respiratory system (XB)
Brain (XC)
Kidney (XD)
Heart (XE)
Prepare a Chart on Following as per the topic allotted to each section. The chart should be innovative
and you should avoid using thermofoam and plastics.
a) Acids Bases and Salts – their uses in daily life. XA
b) Uses of metals and nonmetals. XB
c) Carbon. XC
d) Different types of chemical reactions. XD
e) Periodic table – its importance and applications. XE
Social Science
· Prepare a PRJECT REPORT on any one topic to be selected from Project list and as per CBSE guidelines. Submit this project by 3rd week of July.
Topics/Themes for Project Work on Disaster Management :The student should select any one of the following project topics.
PROJECT 1 - Project Report on First Aid- The content shared in the report should be supported with adequate pictures so as to give a clear and elaborate understanding about the topic. Also submit a First Aid Kit/Box along with the project.
PROJECT 2 - Role of Government and NGOs on Disaster Response with reference to Nepal Earthquake- Prepare a project report on how the government and non government agencies played a major role in Disaster Response in the recent Earth quake in Nepal. Supprt the project with newpaper /magazine clippings.
PROJECT 3- Preparation of Disaster Management Plan for CRPF Public School
The Plan should be based on an actual survey of the school. The Plan prepared should consist of the maps, inventory of resources available and a detail plan that can be implemented in the school.
1. The total length of the Project report will about 8-10 written pages and 4-5 pages for maps/ diagrams/photographs/ clippings on foolscap size plain pages (A-4 size). (Write / Paste only on Right side of the pages only). You can use colour pages also. The projects and models prepared should be made from eco friendly products without incurring too much expenditure.
2. The Project report should be Handwritten and credit will be awarded to original drawings, illustrations and creative use of materials. Leave proper margin on the left side while writing the project.
· Make a poster on aFull size cartridge sheet on any one of the following topics.
Ø Major soil types of North and west India
Ø Major Crops of North and West India
Ø Major Minerals in North and West India
Read Chapter 2 of Geography from Assignment Booklet and write answers of all Assignment Question of this chapter in your Geog/Economics Notebook.
Prepare a poster on a cartridge sheet on the following topics:
a) Monuments / Architecture of India.
b) Various dance forms.
c) Cultural heritage of India.
- Paint a canvas with acrylic colours on any one of the following themes:
a. Devotional
b. Realistic
c. Abstract
d. Landscape
- Best Out Of Waste
a. Create anything INNOVATIVE with waste material.