ADA Grassroots Manager
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I contact my legislators using Grassroots Manager?
To contact your legislators using Grassroots Manager, please follow the steps listed below:
1. Click “Take Action” beneath your selected Action Alert.
2. Step 1: Verify your information listed under “Is this You?”. You may edit this information if you wish. Fields with a red asterisk next to them are required fields. Once you have verified your contact information, click on “Continue”
3. Step 2: Select your method of communication under “Target Your Messages”. You may select from the available options. If you do not wish to contact a legislator, you may select the red button at the far right.
4. Step 3: You may edit/personalize the “Message Subject” and the “Your Message” fields. The “Title Line” field is not editable – this field will automatically insert the name of your legislator when your message is sent. When you’ve completed your message, click on “Send Messages”. If you selected the Fax option, your message will be sent automatically and you will see the “Actions Complete” message.
5. Step 4 – Phone Call: If you selected the phone option, you will see the available phone numbers for your legislator, as well as the text of your letter to use as talking points for your phone call. When you complete your call, choose the appropriate option from the “Call Result” drop-down menu and click “Log Phone Call”. If you are calling more than one legislator, the next legislator’s information will appear. If you are only making one phone call, you will see the “Actions Complete” message.
Step 4 – Webform: If you selected webform, you will see a small screen displaying your legislators webform (read more about webforms below). Please fill out the requested information, including your message and submit the form. When you’ve completed this action, select the “Check Here to Confirm that You Have Sent Message” and click “Next”. If you are contacting more than one legislator, the next legislator’s information will appear. If you are only contacting one legislator, you will see the “Actions Complete” message.
What is a webform? Why can’t I email my members of Congress?
A webform is an online form used by federal legislators to manage their constituent contacts. Congress utilizes webforms because legislators can restrict incoming communications to ensure they hear from constituents only, and can also block unwanted spam messages. Federal legislators now use webforms in place of email for all incoming constituent messages. Webforms are now the best way to contact your legislator electronically.
I want to personalize the salutation of my message, but it just says “Dear [[Target Name]]”.
The name of your legislator will be automatically populated when the message is sent. For example, if you are contact Senator John Smith, Grassroots Manager will automatically insert his name when the message is sent – so it will read “Dear Senator Smith” when it is received by your legislator.