OSURA Board Meeting Minutes
February 1, 2013
10:00 AM-noon
Present: Roy Arnold, Sue Borden, David Chilcote, Kelly DiCristina, Carroll DeKock, Carol Kronstad,Jim Krueger, (presiding), Cheryl Lyons, Tom McClintock, Gerry Olson (recorder), Helen Polensek, Gordon Reistad, Mary Ann Roberts, Tom Savage, Terri Tower, Tony Van Vliet Absent: none
Guest speaker: 10:00 A.M. OSU Vice-President, Steve Clark
Mr. Clark brought the OSURA Board up to date on University Events. Highlights include President Ray’s Portland presentation, “Impact 2013” to a record crowd of nearly 500 alums, community and media leaders. In addition there have been multiple collaborative efforts to maintain fiscal strength such as obtaining research and OSU Foundation support, working with students on tuition issues, and receiving a large NSF project utilizing expertise from multiple colleges to design ocean research vessels. Multimillion dollar grants for Liberal Arts and Engineering programs have been received, with the latter including funds for a new engineering building.
Work is underway to identify an OSU Brand that all can buy into. The Brand will include a logo and a statement that defines the University. Themes for the brand may include a statement such as “…authentic community of accomplishment” (real, collaborative, action based), and descriptors such as leadership, innovation and excellence, with a view to world health – including physical and economic well-being. The brand is intended to be a motivator for what can be, as well as a foundation for integrative marketing. Currently there are nearly 500 people employed to promote OSU.
In discussion with OSURA Board members, important issues were raised. On-line education is one priority, as isletting people know what is being done on line now. Kiosks in the Portland Airport are in the works, and another possibility is to utilize county OSU Extension offices as part of the e-campus. Currently 7,000 to 10,000 students are doing on-line work through OSU. Cooperative efforts to keep students safe were noted, and parking discussions with the community are going well. Tony Van Vliet mentioned the use of a thumb drive or personal App for students visiting campus. These devices are impressive and useful for orientation. Internal communications was also noted as needing a complete reorganization, as both faculty and students need to know what OSU is doing.
Tom Savage led off the discussion to inform Steve Clark of the work OSURA does on behalf of OSU. Activities include undergraduate student scholarships, program activities for retirees, volunteer work efforts, and our first sponsored campus speaker. Mr. Clarke asked for OSURA’s help with a planned Corvallis up-date similar to the one in Portland. OSU is also considering a sesquicentennial celebration in 2016.
Approval of January 11 Minutes –Tony VanVlietmoved, and Gordon Reistad seconded a motion thatminutes of the January 11, 2013 meeting be approved as distributed. Carried
Treasurer’s Report -- Carroll DeKock distributed OSURA financial accounts prior to the meeting. We have $2,500 in our scholarship contributions account at the OSU Foundation. Other accounts are approximately as budgeted, with some concern over a drop in paid memberships.
Old Business
(1) By-laws report-Jim Krueger distributed a copy of OSURA By-laws,edited and revised by Tom McClintock and Jim. There are some changes in format, and new committees approved by the Board at an earlier date have been added. Board members should bring their copies to the next meeting as it will be voted on at that time. Any recommended changes or corrections sent to Jim by 2/15 will be sent to the Board in time to facilitate the vote.
(2) Nominations Committee - Terri Tower, Committee Chair, Roy Arnold, and Tom Savage have met and are seeking new board members. Current Board members are asked to submit names of potential candidates to them as soon as possible. The committee will be meeting soon.
(3) Interest-group start-up–Jim Krueger, Roy Arnold, Cheryl Lyons, and Gordon Reistad met, and have planned an initial organizing meetingforFebruary 25, 2013 at 3:30 PM, place TBA.(The OSU foundation conference room will be used if it’s big enough.) Several people will be asked to present travel ideas at that time, and plan for future meetings will be made. Board members are asked to send e-mail feedback to Jim.
Committee Reports
Program – Helen Polensek reported a change in the out of town trip lead by Curt McCann who is now planning a coast tour for the second or thirdweek in April on either a Wednesday or Thursday. NOAA and the Coast Guard are potential inclusions. A Native American presentation is being planned for early in May, to be held at the beautiful, new Longhouse. The Powwow will be held later,perhaps the 3rd week in May.
Membership – David Chilcote led a discussion related to attracting new members.
Communications/Newsletter -Terri Tower isworking on an e-news draft to be distributed to the OSURA Listserve. She will ask for comments, and then move it on to Kelly DiCristina to besent out.
Member Services - Gordon Reistad affirmed the planned presentation for March 5th, 3:30 PM, with speaker Melinda Manore. Betty Miner has been organizing this session which will meet in the OSU Foundation Board Room. The Member Services Committee will meet on Feb 14.
Scholarship - Tom Savage distributed a thoroughreport on OSURA Scholarships prior to the meeting. All is moving along as planned.
Volunteer – Sue Borden is working to enlist a total of 30 volunteers for the Career Fair in February.
Golf – Carol Kronstad reported that the date for theOSURA golf tournamentisSeptember 10th, convening at 2:00 PM, with golf starting at 3:00. On August 1 the “save the date” card will be mailed. We would like to have Steve Clark attend!
History - No report.
Staff report - KellyDiCristina noted that they are interviewing for a second coordinator for University Events. Upcoming events for the office include the OSU Food Drive (1/28 – 3/1) for Linn/Benton Food Share & the OSU food bank for students. Shelly Signs is coordinator for state-wide drive. Shelly is also hosting soup lunches to encourage donations. The Science Pub is a monthly event at noon at the Old World Deli. Come at 5:00 PM, eat, and learn. Their Schedule of Events is posted on the UE website, so feel free to check it out. A Flickr account has been created for OSURA. UE is hoping for OSURA volunteers to review andselect photos, and learn how to upload, post, and manage the site. The site is public, but requires a password for access to upload. Terri Tower reported that she couldn’t find the scholarship donation formso Kelly will check this out.
New Business
(1) Flickr access-Jim Krueger and KellyDi Cristina will work on this in conjunction with our communication chair, Terri Tower.
(2) Annual meeting plans. JimKrueger invited ideas for entertainment at the annual meeting. The “Three Healthies,” noted in “Impact 2013,”were suggested as a topic for President Ed Ray to address. Inviting new retirees to the annual meeting was suggested. There was no response to our invitation last year, but we can try again. The problem is that this invitation uses our “one contact” limit for new retirees, so we may need to discuss this further.
Tony Van Vliet moved that we adjourn and Dave Chilcote seconded the motion. CarriedThe meeting was adjourned at 11:55 AM
Board meetings: Fridays, 10:00 A.M, Cascade Hall: Mar. 1, Apr 5, May 3, May 8 (Annual Meeting)