Practices: Implementation and enforcement of UD

by the kuala lumpur city hall, malaysia (KLCH)

(secretariat for people with disablility of KLCH )




Kuala Lumpur City Hall, Malaysia

(Unit Inovasi dan Piawaian Bangunan, Jabatan Rekabentuk Bandar dan Bangunan, Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur , Tingkat 25, Menara DBKL 3, Jalan Raja Abdullah, 50350 Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia)

Tel: 603-2617 6551 Fax: 03-26946237

Email: Cell: 019- 3298169


Towards creating a Barrier Free Kuala Lumpur, mechanisms are in the place within the departments in Kuala Lumpur City Hall to spearhead efforts to ensure that compliance to the existing legislation and policies were being made. With reference to Malaysian Standards 1183 and 1184 which is under the Uniform Building By-Laws and MS 1331 and a section outlining Barrier Free objectives in Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2020, the efforts to make the city more safe, usable and accessible for disabled people are constantly being made.


This paper have two objectives that is;the social aim - to integrate disabled people into society in order for them to take an active part in society and lead a normal life. To be active, a disabled person should be able to commute between home, work and other destinations. The technical aim is to provide a barrier-free environment for the independence, convenience and safety of all people with disabilities.


The vision for ‘Kuala Lumpur – A World Class City’ , encapsulates the ambition to make Kuala Lumpur a city that will assume a major global and sub-global role for the benefits of all its communities, workers, visitors and investors.

1.  Provide equal opportunity to all its local population and stakeholders to share in its liveability.

2.  Provide quality of life for its people.

3.  Create quality built environment with priorities to people’s safety and comfort.

Policies and principles

The Draft KL City Plan 2020 has 5 core guiding principles that will frame the Draft Kuala Lumpur City Plan 2020.

Planning principle

These are 5 core principles :

•  Planning For Wealth Creation

•  Planning For Safety and Comfort

•  Planning For Connectivity and Accessibility

•  Planning For Greener Standards

•  Planning ‘with and for’ the People


KLCH as the local government, the authority for Kuala Lumpur; the existing legislation and policies play important mechanisms to create a Barrier Free Kuala Lumpur. All the departments in Kuala Lumpur City Hall need efforts to ensure that all development must compliance to requirement of the existing Acts . With reference to Malaysian Standards 1183 and 1184 which is under the Uniform Building By-Laws and MS 1331 and a section outlining Barrier Free objectives in Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2020, the efforts to make the city more safe, usable and accessible for disabled people are constantly being made.

Barrier-Free Guidelines

•  Barrier-free design strives to make the built environment accessible to and useable by all persons. It promotes integration and independence through design that is safe, functional and dignified for everyone. Designing a barrier free environment is a design planned according to human needs which includes parent with a stroller, an individual with a visual disability, a person who uses a mobility aid, someone with a hearing loss, a cyclist, an elderly person or disable person on wheel chair.

•  A barrier free environment will allow a person with a disability to live more independently within their own home as well as access public buildings and participate in community activities. The purpose of this Barrier-Free Guidelines is a step for the City Hall seriously to implement Barrier Free Environment in any existing, new or current development in Kuala Lumpur. It is also a design guidebook made to provide basic information and data necessary of barrier free environment to the architects and designers.


Apart from the legal instruments, the summary of mechanism and tools to create barrier free city of Kuala Lumpur as follow:

•  Legislation

•  Policies

•  Standards

•  Guidelines

•  Implementation and Enforcement

•  Awareness Training

•  Access Officers in Local Government

•  Access Advisory Group / Technical Committee

•  Access Inspectors (individuals/NGOs)

All implementor departments in the KLCH shall always has these design criteria in mplementing all developments in Kuala Lumpur:

1.  Policy

2.  Adaptation and renovation starting within KLCH buildings

3.  Implementation of PWD Act 2008

4.  Universal design approach

5.  Pilot projects for all implementor departments

6.  Access audits for existing and new developments

7.  Access Consultants (professionals/training)


a)  Maintenance

b)  Coordination and collabortion between all utilities agencies and authorities

c)  Periodical enforcement

d)  Public awareness- society, developers, users (vehicles owners, traders, contractors)

e)  continuity

f)  financial

g)  Existing localities and constraints

h)  Private commitments


Efforts to create barrier free environment and infrastructure for the urban population whilst to ensure a sustainable development require continuous manouvres an endless commitment from the various level in the governments, NGO and the private sections. DBKL desires to work closely with all relevent organization individuals of Kuala Lumpur to realise the success of the vision of KL structure plan 2020 towards a world class city ambition by year 2020.

These divine intentions to create barrier free environment can be achieved through vigorous and collaborative effort from all section to provide the PWD the physical and infrastructure facilities in the urban environment in coperating designs into the building interior, spaces between buildings, open spaces, parks and recreational use areas,market places, school public halls, the roads/walkways, commercial spaces and etc. we actually build the environment for our own future use, when we are old now. Simply said, woman, are temporary PWD when she is pregnant and injury occur, a person may need to use callipse.

Therefore ,may I call upon you to have a paradigm shift in our thought on the need to create this barrier free environment for all to use, and may Allah bless you, insya ALLAH …please let me access to heart to be together in changing the Kuala Lumpur into barrier free city.


MS 1184: 2002 – Code of Practices On Access For Disabled Persons To Public Buildings (First Revision) (2002): Department of Standards Malaysia, SIRIM.

MS 1331: 1993 – Code of Practice For Access For Disabled People Outside Buildings (1993): Department of Standards Malaysia, SIRIM.

Biwako Millenium Framework for Action towards an Inclusive, barrier-free

and Rights-based Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific”

Paradorn Tanyapan (2003) – Accessibility, Regional Training Course of Trainers on the Promotion of Non-handicapping Environments for People with Disabilities, APCD, Bangkok, Thailand.

Government of Western Australia; (1999), “Access – Helping to Remove Physical and Social Barriers to Full Participation by all People in the Community of Ryde”; Ryde City Council; Australia.

Government of Western Australia; (1996), “Access – Resources Kit : With Checklists To Improve Access For People With Disabilities”; Disability Services Commission.

Ar Choo, G. W. (2007, February). Design for Barrier Free Architecture. Berita Akitek, PAM , p. 1.

Mesyuarat Majlis Penasihat dan Perundingan Kebangsaan Bagi Orang Kurang Upaya, (Social Welfare Department, 2009

Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (PWDs) & optional Protocol to the Convention on the right of PWDs, 2006

Akta Jalan, Parit dan Bangunan19749 (Akta 133).

Undang-undang Kecil Bangunan Seragam 1984.

Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa 1976 (akta 172) Akta Perancangan dan Desa (Pindaan ) 1995 (Akta A 33).

Garis Panduan “Building Requirement for Disable” oleh Jabatan Kerajaan Tempatan, tahun 1999.

Garis Panduan “Building Requirement for Disable” oleh JabatanPerancang dan Desa, tahun 2000.

Piawaian Malaysia, MS 1183; 1991 Code of Practice for mean of escape for disabled persons to Public Building.

Designing a barrier free city, Interim report of Kuala Lumpur Local Plan.

Polisi Kerajaan Terhadap Golongan Orang Kurang Upaya di Malaysia oleh Prof. Madya Dr. Asiah Abdul Rahim pada 25hb. Julai 2000 di Penthouse (Tingkat 30), Bangunan DBKL, Jalan Raja Laut, 50350 Kuala Lumpur.

Perancangan Bagi Golongan Kurang Upaya di Kawasan Bandar oleh Dr. Jamalunlaili bin Abdullah pada 26hb. Julai 2000 di Penthouse (Tingkat 30), Bangunan DBKL, Jalan Raja Laut, 50350 Kuala Lumpur.

THE FUTURE OF KUALA LUMPUR 2020 Menara Kuala Lumpur, Monday 22 August 2005, at 12.00nn to 2.30pm by Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur.

FACILITIES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT 2005:;THE GOVERNMENT’S ROLE IN FACILITIES MANAGEMENT-Effective Facilities Planning and Management Conference on 12th September 2005, The Sheraton Imperial, Kuala Lumpur.

Purpose of the Study

Approach and/or Methodology

Results or Expected Results


Topic Code: Please choose one topic code for each abstract submission (see Abstract



This paper have two objectives that is;the social aim - to integrate disabled people into society in order for them to take an active part in society and lead a normal life. To be active, a disabled person should be able to commute between home, work and other destinations. The technical aim is to provide a barrier-free environment for the independence, convenience and safety of all people with disabilities.

In 2002 government had gave commitment in the BIWAKO MILLENNIUM FRAMEWORK FOR ACTION TOWARDS AN INCLUSIVE BARRIER-FREE AND RIGHTS-BASED SOCIETY FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN ASIA AND PACIFIC to achieve 75% ‘barrier-free” environment in 2012. City Hall Kuala Lumpur will take the lead in achieving that vision.


Kuala Lumpur is a multi-cultural city that truly reflects an Asean city. The Malays (41%) and Chinese (39%) almost equally share the majority population in the City while the Indians comprise of 10%, followed closely by the foreign population at 7%. Such trend will continue until 2020 when Kuala Lumpur population grows to 2.2 million.

Kuala Lumpur has a small proportion of elderly residents. Only 4% of the residents are 65 years and above whilst its persons with disabilities account for only 1.13% of the City’s population. Though the number is small, Kuala Lumpur will ensure that facilities and accessibility for this small group of residents is comfortable and the City is reachable especially to public spaces and buildings.

The target group is composed of five major categories:

(a) Wheelchair users
(b) People with limited walking abilities
(c) The sightless
(d) The partially sighted
(e) The hearing impaired

Type of disability / 2003 / % / 2004 / % / 2005* / %
Vision Impaired / 1525 / 13 / 1601 / 12 / 1703 / 11
Hearing Impaired / 2131 / 18 / 2284 / 17 / 2501 / 16
Physically Handicap / 3573 / 30 / 3971 / 30 / 4435 / 28
Mental / 4538 / 39 / - / - / - / -
Learning Disorder (LD) / - / - / 5322 / 40 / 6851 / 44
Cerebral Palsy (CP) / - / - / 20 / 1 / 61 / 0.39
Othes / - / - / 1 / 0.1 / 2 / 0.1
total / 11,757 / 100 / 13,199 / 100 / 15,553 / 100
Ratio with population – 1,379,310 (2000) / 0.85% / 0.95% / 1.13%
Ratio of PWD per 1000 population / 8.52 / 9.57 / 11.27


The vision for ‘Kuala Lumpur – A World Class City’ , encapsulates the ambition to make Kuala Lumpur a city that will assume a major global and sub-global role for the benefits of all its communities, workers, visitors and investors.

4.  Provide equal opportunity to all its local population and stakeholders to share in its liveability.

5.  Provide quality of life for its people.

6.  Create quality built environment with priorities to people’s safety and comfort.

KLCH has social obligation in providing facilities and services to the city society from womb to the tomb:

Stages involve as follow:

1.  Pra and Post natal maternity checkup

2.  After birth – imunisation for babies and children

3.  nursery

4.  kindergarden

5.  Guidance class for primary and secondary students

6.  Intensive guidance class for examination

7.  Programmes and activities for teenagers

8.  Sport and community centre

9.  Club for elderly people

10. Grave yards

and plus others services:….

·  Maternity & Pediatric Clinic

·  Public Parking

·  Sports Complex

·  City Theatre

·  Neutering Services for Animals Online Services

·  e-Complaint

·  e-License

·  Real Time Traffic

·  e-Services

·  Examination System (SPPI)

·  Develoment Control System

·  myTempahan

·  Sistem Semakan PembayaranMobile Servis



The Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2020 (KLSP 2020) emphasizes that the Vision and goals of Kuala Lumpur have been formulated with the aims of creating a sustainable city with Kuala Lumpur City Hall (KLCH) ensuring that the planning for Kuala Lumpur will strike a balance between physical,economic, social and environmental development.

Draft Kuala Lumpur City Plan 2020 (Draft KL City Plan 2020) is KLCH’s primary planning and development strategy. It is the draft local plan for Kuala Lumpur prepared under provision of section 13 of Federal Plan sets out a twelve year plan on what must happen to achieve the vision for the City of Kuala Lumpur in 2020. This will guide decision makers, city planners, designers and builders the direction of growth for Kuala Lumpur and lead the City into a World Class City status.


Kuala Lumpur - A World Class City’ - This vision is a commitment that by the year 2020, the City of Kuala Lumpur will have made many positive changes to the physical environment without compromising the local environment and its ecology. It also commits to create a liveable and attractive environment for residents, businesses and visitors.

The Draft KL City Plan 2020 has adopted a set of strategic directions to realise this vision and they are centred on the five main goals of the KLSP 2020.

Goal 1

To enhance the role of Kuala Lumpur as an international commercial and financial centre.