The Intersection of Child Welfare and the

Criminal Justice System:

Maximizing Resources and Minimizing Damage When Your Client Faces Child Abuse Allegation in Criminal and Dependency Court

Ariane Eigler, LMSW - The Bronx Defenders

Kara R. Finck, Esq. - The Bronx Defenders

Diana Rugh Johnson, Esq.

Robert G. Rubin, Esq. – Peters, Rubin & Sheffield

July 13-14, 2011


This workshop presents an overview of the intersections between the child welfare and criminal justice system. The presenters will focus on strategies for handling medically complicated child abuse cases such as shaken baby syndrome as an example of working with clients accused in both systems. In addition to providing a general overview of the collateral consequences of criminal justice involvement for parents, the presenters will provide tips for working with a client’s criminal defense attorney, and advocating for parents who are incarcerated.


Adeno – / gland
Adreno – / adrenal gland
Angio – / vessel
Ano – / anus
Arterio – / artery
Arthro – / joint
Balano – / glans penis
Blepharo – / eyelid
Broncho – / bronchus (windpipe)
Cantho – / canthus (angle at either end of Slit between eyelids)
Capit – / head
Cardi- or
cardio – / heart
Carpo – / wrist
Cephalo – / head
Cerebello – / cerebellurn (part of brain)
Cerebro – / cerebrum (part of brain)
Cheilo – / lip (mouth)
Chole – / bile (Note: Chole plus cyst, meaning bladder, equals gallbladder;
chole plus doch, meaning duct, equals choledocho or common bile duct.)
Chondro – / cartilage
Chordo – / cord or string (usually used in connection with the vocal cord or spermatic cord)
Cilia – / hair (Latin)
Cleido – / collarbone
Coccygo – / coccyx (end bone of the spinal column)
Colpo – / vagina
Cordo – / cord (usually vocal cord)
Coxa – / hip (Latin)
Cranio – / head
Cysto – / sac, cyst, or bladder (most often used in connection with the urinary bladder)
Cyto – / cell
Dacryo – / tear (used commonly in relation to tear duct or sac)
Dento- or
donto – / tooth
Derma – / skin
Duodeno – / duodenum (part of small intestine)
Emia – / blood
Encephalo – / brain
Entero – / intestines
Fascia – / sheet or band of fibrous tissue (Latin)
Fibro – / fibers
Gastro – / stomach
Genu – / knee (Latin)
Gingivo – / gums
Glomerulo – / glomerulus (often a structure of the kidney)
Glosso – / tongue
Gnatho – / jaw
Hallux – / great toe (Latin)
Hem, hema,
hemo, hemato – / blood
Hepato – / liver
Hilus – / pit or depression in an organ where vessels and nerves enter (Latin)
Histio – / tissue
Hystero – / uterus (Note: This term may also pertain to hysteria.)
Ileo – / ileum (part of small intestine)
Ilio – / flank or ilium (bone of the pelvis)
Jejuno – / jejunum (part of small intestine)
Kerato – / cornea or horny layer of the skin
Labio – / lips (either of mouth or vulva)
Lacrimo – / tears (used also in connection with tear ducts or sacs)
Laparo – / loin or flank (also refers to abdomen)
Laryngo – / larynx
Linguo – / tongue
Lympho – / lymph
Masto – / breast
Meningo – / meninges (coverings of the brain and spinal cord)
metro – / uterus
Morpho – / form
Myelo – / bone marrow and also spinal cord (Note: The use of this term will determine which tissue is meant.)
Myo – / muscle (Note: The Latin word for muscle is mus.)
Myringo – / eardrum
Naso – / nose
Nephro – / kidney
Neuro – / nerve
Oculo – / eye
Odonto – / tooth
Omphalo – / navel or umbilicus
Onycho – / nails
Oophoro – / ovary
Ophthalmo – / eye
orchido – / testis
Oro – / mouth
Os – / bone - or mouth
Osteo – / bone
Oto – / ear
Ovario – / ovary
Palato – / palate of mouth
Palpebro – / eyelid
Pectus – / breast, chest, or thorax (Latin)
Pharyngo – / pharynx
Phlebo – / vein
Pilo – / hair
Pleuro – / pleura of lung (relates also to side or rib)
Pneumo or
pneumono – / lungs (also used in referring to air or breath)
Procto – / rectum
Pyelo – / pelvis of kidney
Pyloro – / pylorus (part of stomach just be fore duodenum)
Rhino – / nose
Sacro – / sacrum
Salpingo – / fallopian tube or oviduct
Sialo – / saliva (used in connection with a salivary duct or gland)
Splanchno – / viscera
Spleno – / spleen
Sterno – / sternum
Stoma – / mouth
Tarso – / instep of foot; ankle (also edge of eyelid)
tenonto – / tendon
Thoraco – / thorax or chest
Thyro – / thyroid
Trachelo – / neck, particularly the neck of the uterus
Tracheo – / trachea
Unguis – / nail
Uretero – / ureter
Urethro – / urethra
Uro – / urine; urinary
Utero – / uterus
Vaso – / vessel
Veno – / vein
Ventriculo – / ventricle, either of heart or brain
Viscero – / viscera