CURRICULUM VITAE Anders Larrabee Sønderlund

2 Ingham St


Melbourne VIC 3056


LinkedIn profile: Click here


  • Social identity complexity, identity compatibility and stigmatisation
  • Social justice
  • Psychophysiology
  • Health norms and intervention
  • Alcohol-related injury and aggression


2012-15Ph.D.Candidate (social psychology), College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Department of Psychology, University of Exeter, UK.

2012M. Phil., College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Department of Psychology, University of Exeter, UK.

2008HonoursDegree(psychology), Deakin University, Australia.

Thesis: ’Intergroup Attributions of Responsibility for Ambiguous Negative Outcomes’.

2007Bachelor Degree (Psychology)(History), Deakin University, Australia.


2012-Associate Research Fellow, School of Psychology, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, UK.

  • Literature review, focus group facilitation and research publication on EU project iWidget.
  • Design and implementation of correlational and experimental studies into ethnic majority and minority well-being.
  • Psychophysiological laboratory manager.

2011-2015Ph.D.Candidate, School of Psychology, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, UK.

  • Project: Beyond identity quantity: the relationship between multiple group membership and well-being.
  • Psychophysiological data collection (electrocardiography, impedance cardiography, blood pressure) and analysis (e-Prime, Biopac, AcqKnowledge).

2011-2012Research Officer, Tobacco Control Unit, the Cancer Council Victoria, Australia.

  • Programming and implementation of online therapy intervention for tobacco smokers
  • Literature reviews and written reports
  • Data analysis (SPSS, STATA, NVIVO)

2008-2011Research Officer, School of Psychology, Deakin University, Australia.

  • Research planning and design
  • Research site liaison
  • Data collection (quantitative/qualitative)
  • Data analysis (SPSS, NVIVO)
  • Literature review and report write-up

2010Research Officer, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne, Australia.

  • Data collection (administering the mental ability test Woodcock-Johnson III to 3-5 year-old pre-school children)
  • Data analysis (SPSS)

2010Assistant supervisor of Graduate Diploma (Psycholgy) group

(With Assoc. Prof. Peter Miller and Dr. Lucy Zinkiewicz), Deakin University,Australia.

  • Supervising student data-collection, -cleaning, and statistical analyses
  • Evaluating and marking literature reviews.

2009-2010Teacher in the undergraduate psychology curriculum, Deakin University, Australia.

  • HPS111 Introduction to Psychology A
  • HPS121 Introduction to Psychology B
  • HPS204 Social Psychology A

2003-2008Full-time studentDeakin University, Australia.


European Association for Social Psychologists (EASP)

The British Psychological Society (BPS)

Society of Australasian Social Psychologists (SASP)

Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)

Association for Psychological Science (APS)


  1. Delavari, M., Sønderlund, A. L., Mellor, D., Mohebbi, M. & Swinburne, B. (2014).Exploring obesogenic environments: Design and development of migrant obesogenic perception of the environment questionnaire (MOPE-Q). BMC Public Health (Impact factor: 2.000).
  1. Sønderlund A. L., O’Brien, K., Kremer, P., Leslie E, Zinkiewicz L, Rowland, B., De Groot, F., Staiger, P. & Miller, P.(2014). The association between sports participation, alcohol use and aggression and violence: a systematic review. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 17(1):2-7 (Impact factor: 3.001).
  2. Delavari, M., Sønderlund, A. L., Mellor, D., Swinburn, B., Renzaho, A. (2013). Acculturation and obesity among migrant populations in high-income countries – a systematic review. BMC Public Health, 13:458 (Impact factor: 2.000).
  3. Romios, P., Renzaho, A., Crock, C.Sønderlund, A. L. (2013). The effectiveness of cultural competence programs in ethnic minority patient-centred healthcare – a systematic review of the literature. International Journal for Quality in Healthcare25 (3): 261-269 (Impact factor: 2.402).
  4. Evans, S., Sønderlund, A. L. & Tooley, G. (2013). Effectiveness of online interprofessional education in improving students’ attitudes and knowledge associated with interprofessional care. Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 14 (2): 12-20.
  5. Sønderlund A. L., Miller, P., Palmer, D. & Kremer, P. (2013). The association between alcohol interventions and DUI incidents in Geelong, Victoria. Alcoholism & Drug Dependence, 1 (1) 1-6.
  6. Miller, P. G., Sønderlund, A. L., Coomber, K., Palmer, D., Tindall, J., Gillham, K. & Wiggers, J. (2012). The effect of community interventions on alcohol-related assault in Geelong, Australia. The Open Criminology Journal, 5: 8-15.
  1. Miller, P. G., Tindall, J., Sønderlund, A. L., Groombridge, D., Lecathlinais, C., Gillham, K., McFarlane, E., De Groot, F., Droste, N., Sawyer, A., Palmer, D., Warren, I., & Wiggers, J. (2012). Dealing with alcohol-related harm in the night-time economy (DANTE) – Final Report. Melbourne: School of Psychology, DeakinUniversity; Hunter New England Population of Health (HNEPH) for the National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund (NDLERF)VicHealth/Australian Drug Foundation.
  1. Miller, P. G., Coomber, K., Sønderlund, A. L., & McKenzie, S. (2012). The long-term effect of lockouts on alcohol-related emergency department attendances within Ballarat, Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review, 31 (4): 370-376(Impact factor: 1.646).
  1. Miller, P. G., Palmer, D., Droste, N., Tindall, J., Gillham, K., Sønderlund, A. L., McFarlane, E., de Groot, F., Sawyer, A., Groombridge, D., Lecathelinais, C. & Wiggers, J. (2012). Dealing with alcohol-related problems in the night-time economy: A study protocol for mapping trends in harms and stakeholder views surrounding local community level interventions. BMC Research Notes 4 (1): 204.
  1. Miller, P. G., Sønderlund, A. L., & Palmer, D. (2012). Pubs and Clubs Project Final report: Literature review and baseline trends (2000-2010). Melbourne: School of Psychology, DeakinUniversity for the Australian Drug Foundation, VicHealth and Traffic Accident Commission.
  1. Miller, P. G., Sønderlund, A. L., Chikritzhs, T., Palmer, D. & Graham, K. (2011). Best practice for responsible management of licensed venues and responsible service of alcohol. Melbourne: School of Psychology, DeakinUniversity for the Queensland Government, Qld. Australia.
  1. Miller, P. G., Sønderlund, A. L., Coomber, K., Palmer, D., Tindall, J., Gilham, K. & Wiggers, J. (2011). Do community interventions targeting licensed venues reduce alcohol-related emergency department presentations? Drug and Alcohol Review, 30 (5):546-553(Impact factor: 1.646).
  1. Miller, P. G. & Sønderlund, A. L.(2010)Using the Internet to research hidden populations of illicit drug users: A review. Addiction, 105 (9): 1557-1567 (Impact factor: 3.842).

Publications under review

  1. Delavari, M., Sønderlund, A. L., Mellor, D., Mohebbi, M. & Swinburne, B. Immigration, acculturation and environment: The determinants of increasing obesity rates in migrants to Australia.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Impact factor: 2.000).

Publications in preparation

  1. Sønderlund, A. L., Hutton, C., Smith, J. & Kapelan, Z. Utilising smart meters for household water consumption feedback: knowns and unknowns.
  1. Sønderlund, A. L., Morton, T. & Ryan, M. Looking beyond identity quantity: Identifying the mechanisms underpinning the relationship between multiple group membership and well-being.
  1. Sønderlund, A. L., Ryan, M. & Morton, T. Identity compatibility, visibility and stigma: Identifying the mechanisms underpinning the relationship between multiple group membership and well-being.
  1. Sønderlund, A. L., Morton, T. & Ryan, M. Identity quantity and compatibility and the experience of stress: How do multiple identities protect or undermine adaptive stress coping?


Conference presentations

2014Leading author (with Ryan, M. & Morton, T.) of symposium talkBeyond identity quantity: the relationship between multiple group membership and well-being given by Anders L. Sønderlund at the 2014 European Assocation for Social Psychologists (EASP) General Meeting. Amsterdam, Netherlands.

2012Leading author (with Ryan, M. & Morton, T.) of talk Beyond identity quantity: social identity complexity and well-being given by Anders L. Sønderlund at the College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter UK.

2011Leading author(with Miller, P., Palmer, D., Kremer, P., Tindall, J., Gillham, K., & Wiggers, J.) of presentation The association between alcohol interventions and driving while intoxicated in Geelong, Victoria given by Anders L. Sønderlund at the 2011 Kettil Bruun Society Conference in Melbourne, Australia (April 2011).

2010Co-author(with Evans, S. & Tooley, G.) of presentation Collaborating with students and facilitators – the experience of synchronous and asynchronous online learning environments for interprofessional education given by Anders L. Sønderlund at Deakin Teaching and Learning Conference 2010, in Melbourne, Australia (November, 2010).

2010Co-author(with Miller, P.) of presentation The effect of community interventions targeting licensed venues on all alcohol-related emergency department attendances – what’s happening in Geelong given by Dr. Peter Miller at the 2010 Kettil Bruun Society Alcohol and Violence Thematic Meeting, Melbourne, Australia (March, 2010).

2009Co-author(with Miller, P.) of presentation Alcohol and Interpersonal Violence given by Dr. Peter Miller at DeakinUniversity, Geelong(October 2009) and Turning Point Alcohol & Drug Centre, Melbourne (November 2009).

Conference, seminar and workshop attendance

2014European Society for Social Psychology (EASP) General Meeting, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

2014Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Annual Conference, Austin, Tx, USA.

2013Experimental Psychophysiology – workshop given by Dr Daan Scheepers, Exeter, UK.

2013The British Psychological Society (BPS) Annual Conference, Exeter, UK.

201137th Annual Alcohol Epidemiology Symposium of the Kettil Bruun Society Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

2010Deakin Teaching and Learning Conference 2010, Deakin University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

2010Kettil Bruun Society - Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol: Alcohol and violence – relationships, causality and policy. Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

2010School of Psychology, DeakinUniversity: NVIVO Training Workshop. DeakinUniversity.


2013De Ensomme Gamles Værn (Senior Citizens and Loneliness Fund)(AUD$13,500). Looking beyond quantity: The underlying mechanisms of the relationship between multiple group membership and well-being. Sønderlund, A. L.

2011Knud Højgaard Fond (AUD$16,500). Negotiating bicultural identities: Understanding the social expression of complex stigmatised social identities (PhD project). Sønderlund, A. L.

2010 Deakin SRC [Mental Health & Well-being](AUD$19,200). Investigating factors in reducing alcohol-related harm connected with community sporting clubs. CI’s: Miller P, Sønderlund A. L., Kremer, P, Leslie E, Zinkiewicz L, Rowland B, De Groot F, Toumbourou J, Staiger P.


Prof. Michelle Ryan

Deputy Head of Psychology/Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology

College of Life & Environmental Sciences, Streatham Campus,

University of Exeter, Exeter, UK, EX4 4QG.


Ext: 5120

Dr Thomas Morton

College of Life & Environmental Sciences, Streatham Campus,

University of Exeter, Exeter, UK, EX4 4QG.


Assoc. Prof. Peter G. Miller

Senior Research Fellow/Commissioning Editor Addiction

School of Psychology, DeakinUniversity

Geelong Waterfront Campus, VIC, 3217



Dr Lucy Zinkiewicz

School of Psychology, DeakinUniversity

Geelong Waterfront Campus, VIC, 3217

