Compulsory Induction Tasks
Aims of Lesson
- To highlight the difference between GCSE and Advanced Level or BTEC Level 3 work.
- Outline the content of the course and highlight expectations.
- To teach a sample lesson and establish the academic rigour required.
- To give a positive subject experience for ALL students.
Induction Assignment
You will be set an induction assignment which you must complete and hand in the first lesson back in September.
The results of this assignment will be reported in the Initial Review.
This will be used alongside other assessments to decide whether students are on appropriate courses early on in their Post 16 study.
Any resources for these tasks will be given to you in the induction session.
Additional Study Skills Task
Choose one of the subjects you are aiming to study in Sixth Form or have already started. The subject should interest you, motivate or inspire you (one of the reasons you have chosen it! )
You are going to carry out a piece of independent research around your subject choice.
Find out about the subject – have you studied it at GCSE? Have you started a Level 3 AS / BTEC course – or is it brand new to you? Explain why it interests you?
Explain the course structure – do you have exams? When can you sit them, is their on-going coursework involved or units of work? What skills do you need on your course?
Is the course practical or theoretical or a mixture of both? Will you have to do research work? Use source material to interpret, produce a product – sculpture, film, craft item. How do you do this and how long does it take for the assessment- time management?
How can you continue to study / use your subject when you leave sixth form?
What qualifications do you need to access University courses- what subjects /what grades letters and UCAS points?
Which Universities offer degree courses in your subject?
Choose one University course – how long does it last /can you have a year out in a work placement or travel abroad.
What is the course content year by year?
Where can you go after University – state a selection of jobs that your degree can be used for?
How would you use the skills obtained in that degree for 3 of your job choices?
Is it possible to take an apprenticeship in your subject choice .How does it work / what skills are you learning / where do you train experience the world of work.
How long does the training last? Do you receive payment for the course – how much is it?
What qualification will you receive upon completion?
UCAS website – / university prospectuses (in sixth form area) Apprenticeship website – /