Year 5 Homework Project – Summer Term 2017 (1st half)

During this term, we will be working on our topic called “The Vikings are Coming!”. Each week you must complete one task from the weekly row (you have a choice of three tasks).

Your homework book will be sent home on a Friday and your homework must be returned to school by the following Wednesday.

Set Friday 28th April
(English based learning)
Choose on activity from this row
This task is due in by Wednesday 3rd May 2017 / Write a secret message to your teacher or friend using Viking runes.
/ Write a job advertisement for a Viking warrior.
Wanted - Viking Warrior
Must be...
Be able to...
Must be good at... / Pretend that you are a Viking who is invading England. Write a letter home to your family.
What will you say? How do you feel? What is it like in England?
Set Friday 5th May
(Topic based learning)
Choose on activity from this row
This task is due in by Wednesday 10th May 2017 / Choose one of the countries which the Vikings were from (Denmark, Norway and Sweden). Find out what the country is like today and make a leaflet to tell people about it. / Create a historical timeline between the Roman period and today. Label when the Anglo Saxon and the Viking periods were. Add any other historical periods which you know about eg, Tudors, Victorians. / Research Viking longships. Choose a creative way to present your research.

Set Friday 12th May
(Maths based learning)
Choose on activity from this row
This task is due in by Wednesday 17th May 2017 / Find out what the Vikings used for money. Write down 5 facts.
/ Draw at least 2 different symmetrical designs suitable for Viking longship sails.
/ The Vikings used bows and arrows to hunt and in battle. Make your own target game (using beanbags or ball) and record the totals you score.

Set Friday 19th May
(Creative based learning)
Choose on activity from this row
This task is due in by Wednesday 24th May 2017 / Make up your own Viking sketch, like the ones on Horrible Histories. Act it out at home, film it or take photographs. / Research what Viking jewellery looked like. Design and label your own piece of Viking jewellery.
To make your own piece of jewellery. / The Vikings were great farmers. Design and make your own egg box vegetable box. Which seeds will you decide to plant?

Please remember that we expect you to keep up your fabulous reading at home, learn and rescue your spellings and keep practising your times tables.

All of these will help your learning in school and help you to make good progress.