Western Expansion Study Guide Name ______

1.  In the North, why did industry flourish instead of farming?

2.  What group of people made the largest single migration in history?

3.  Great Britain and the United States resolved the Oregon issue by setting the boundary between them at ______line of latitude.

4.  What industrial system brings the entire production process together under one roof?

5.  The South’s economy was built primarily on farming because

6.  What group migrated to the Great Salt Lake area in 1846 to escape religious persecution?

7.  Between 1840 and 1860, 1.5 million immigrants came from ______to America because of severe famine in their home country.

8.  The United States mainland reached its present size with the

9.  Under whose presidential administration was the United States at war with Mexico?

10.  During the Gold Rush, local merchants charged miners inflated prices for goods and services because

11.  What did President James K. Polk use as grounds for declaring war against Mexico?

12.  Who was the commander of the army of the Republic of Texas?

13.  In the early 1800s, many Americans wanted to add California to the Union. What were the reasons for wanting California to have statehood?

14.  By 1860, the Midwest and the East were united by a large network of

15.  What allowed people from both Britain and the United States to settle in Oregon country?

16.  Among the first settlers of the Oregon country, after trappers, were the ______.

17.  Who was the Tennessee backwoodsman who lost his life at the Alamo?

18.  What was the third part of James K. Polk’s war plan?

19.  What group took the law into their own hands in Gold Rush society?

20.  Founded by the Mormons, which city was originally called Deseret?

21.  The United States gained part of Oregon in 1846 after ______.

22.  Having a strong or exaggerated alliance or loyalty toward the region in which you live is called

23.  What invention filled the need for a method of communication that kept up with the industrial growth and fast-paced travel of the mid-1800s?

24.  What was the high point of the year for mountain men?

25.  Reports of what persuaded many Americans to settle in Oregon country?

26.  What philosophy meant that the United States was set apart to extend its boundaries all the way to the Pacific?

27.  Santa Anna was captured in the battle of ______.

28.  What did the United States insist was the border between the United States and Mexico?

29.  The Gadsden Purchase of 1853 was made mainly to

30.  What people made huge profits during the Gold Rush?

31.  What event ended in a few years but had long-lasting effects on California’s economy?

32.  The South’s economy depended primarily on farming and the North’s economy depended primarily on

33.  Who led the Mormon migration to the Great Salt Lake area?

34.  Northerners opposed annexing Texas because ______.

35.  In order to convince Congress to annex Texas, Sam Houston ______.

36.  What state was once an independent nation known as the Bear Flag Republic?

37.  What was the land called that was ceded to the United States in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

38.  Who was the commander of the army of the Republic of Texas?

39.  What was the name of the pass the Mormons used to get through the Rocky Mountains?

40.  From 1800 to 1850, many ______were built to connect lakes and rivers and provide more shipping routes between cities.

41.  What states did the Mormon Trail pass through between Nauvoo and Salt Lake City?

42.  The system in which the power to govern is shared between the national government and the states is ______.

43.  A government in which citizens rule through elected representatives is called a ______.

44.  The Virginia Company allowed the colonists to set up the ______so they would have some say in their government. This assembly had the right to make local laws for the colony.

Western Expansion Study Guide Answers

1.  In the North, why did industry flourish instead of farming? Too difficult to farm the rocky soil of New England

2.  What group of people made the largest single migration in history? Mormons

3.  Great Britain and the United States resolved the Oregon issue by setting the boundary between them at 49˚ line of latitude.

4.  What industrial system brings the entire production process together under one roof? Factory system

5.  The South’s economy was built primarily on farming because the mild climate and flat land made farming easy.

6.  What group migrated to the Great Salt Lake area in 1846 to escape religious persecution? Mormons

7.  Between 1840 and 1860, 1.5 million immigrants came from Ireland to America because of severe famine in their home country.

8.  The United States mainland reached its present size with the Gadsden Purchase.

9.  Under whose presidential administration was the United States at war with Mexico? Polk

10.  During the Gold Rush, local merchants charged miners inflated prices for goods and services because the miners had no other place to go for food and other items.

11.  What did President James K. Polk use as grounds for declaring war against Mexico? Attack of Zachary Taylor’s forces

12.  Who was the commander of the army of the Republic of Texas? Sam Houston

13.  In the early 1800s, many Americans wanted to add California to the Union. What were the reasons for wanting California to have statehood? Belief in Manifest Destiny, California provided excellent trade routes for ships, and improving national defense against a foreign naval attack

14.  By 1860, the Midwest and the East were united by a large network of railroad tracks.

15.  What allowed people from both Britain and the United States to settle in Oregon country? Joint occupation

16.  Among the first settlers of the Oregon country, after trappers, were the missionaries.

17.  Who was the Tennessee backwoodsman who lost his life at the Alamo? Davy Crockett

18.  What was the third part of James K. Polk’s war plan? To capture Mexico City

19.  What group took the law into their own hands in Gold Rush society? Vigilantes

20.  Founded by the Mormons, which city was originally called Deseret? Salt Lake City

21.  The United States gained part of Oregon in 1846 after agreeing to divide Oregon with the British.

22.  Having a strong or exaggerated alliance or loyalty toward the region in which you live is called sectionalism.

23.  What invention filled the need for a method of communication that kept up with the industrial growth and fast-paced travel of the mid-1800s? telegraph

24.  What was the high point of the year for mountain men? rendezvous

25.  Reports of what persuaded many Americans to settle in Oregon country? Fertile land

26.  What philosophy meant that the United States was set apart to extend its boundaries all the way to the Pacific? Manifest Destiny

27.  Santa Anna was captured in the battle of San Jacinto.

28.  What did the United States insist was the border between the United States and Mexico? Rio Grande

29.  The Gadsden Purchase of 1853 was made mainly to provide a good railroad route to California.

30.  What people made huge profits during the Gold Rush? merchants

31.  What event ended in a few years but had long-lasting effects on California’s economy? Gold Rush

32.  The South’s economy depended primarily on farming and the North’s economy depended primarily on industry.

33.  Who led the Mormon migration to the Great Salt Lake area? Brigham Young

34.  Northerners opposed annexing Texas because Texans practiced slavery.

35.  In order to convince Congress to annex Texas, Sam Houston went on a nation-wide speaking tour on behalf of annexation.

36.  What state was once an independent nation known as the Bear Flag Republic? California

37.  What was the land called that was ceded to the United States in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? Mexican Cession

38.  Who was the commander of the army of the Republic of Texas? Sam Houston

39.  What was the name of the pass the Mormons used to get through the Rocky Mountains? South Pass

40.  From 1800 to 1850, many canals were built to connect lakes and rivers and provide more shipping routes between cities.

41.  What states did the Mormon Trail pass through between Nauvoo and Salt Lake City? Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming

42.  The system in which the power to govern is shared between the national government and the states is federalism.

43.  A government in which citizens rule through elected representatives is called a republic.

44.  The Virginia Company allowed the colonists to set up the House of Burgesses so they would have some say in their government. This assembly had the right to make local laws for the colony.