SC Meeting Minutes November 16, 2015 Page 11.


Monday, November 16, 2015 7:00 P.M. Highlands Elementary School

305 River Street

School Committee Present: Cyril Chafe/Thomas Devin/Lisa Fiske Heger/George Kokoros/Kate Naughton/David Ringius/Mayor Joseph Sullivan

Administration: Superintendent of Schools – Dr. Frank Hackett

Assistant Superintendent of Schools – Ms. Jennifer Fay-Beers

Business Manager – Mr. Ed Cronin

Student Representatives: Edmond Bousaleh, Brian McDermott, Sarah Murphy

Recorder: Diane Intravaia


Mr. Ringius called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

He began by offering as a community thoughts and prayers to all of the individuals who have been affected by the tragic events in France on November 13th. In addition, sadly Mr. Ringius noted Ms. Mary Tantillo, an employee and most recently a guidance secretary in the Braintree Public Schools (BPS) for many years passed away on November 11th. Mary is survived by her husband James, they were married for 42 years. Their son James attended BPS and Mary was quite active in many areas throughout the town of Braintree including the PTO. Mr. Ringius offered condolences on behalf of BPS to all of Mary’s family and friends on their loss.

There was a moment of silence on behalf of the victims in France and for Ms. Mary Tantillo.

  1. Approval of Minutes

VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mr. Devin and seconded by Mr. Kokoros to approve the minutes for the Open Session of October 19, 2015.


AYES – 7

Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/ Mayor Sullivan

  1. Communications
  2. BHS Cast and Crew – ‘Wonderful Town’
  3. BHS 2015 Veterans’ Day Guest Keynote Speaker Program
  1. BHS Chorus/Concert Choir & Show Choir – Veteran’s Day Ceremony
  2. American Legion Essay Award Winners
  3. John & Abigail Adams Scholarship 2016 Recipients
  4. School Newsletters, October 29th BEAM & SEPAC Meeting Minutes from September 30, 2015
  5. BHS Fall Athletic Accomplishments
  1. Highlands Elementary School 2015-2016 School Improvement Plan, Principal Dr. Nancy Pelletier

Dr. Pelletier provided a presentation in which she highlighted Highland’s commitment to promoting high expectations for all students. She explained how key messages such as “We believe in you”, “We’ll never give up on you”, “Effort is important”, and “Education is important” are expressed routinely at Highland’s throughout the school days.

Dr. Pelletier went on to specify Highland’s 2015-2016 School Improvement Goals and Objectives

·  To promote reading for pleasure and develop a reading incentive program for 2015-2016.

·  By June 2016, all teachers will work on differentiating their instruction in a wireless classroom.

·  By June 2016, all teachers will work on differentiating their instruction to address advanced learners’ needs.

·  Teachers will pilot collaborative team teaching (CTT) as an instructional model for co-teaching by classroom teachers, special education staff, ELL, Remedial Reading, Math specialist.

·  Throughout the year, the staff at Highlands will work to successfully support the MSKC and provide a safe and educational kindergarten experience for our home school students. We will work to incorporate a new full day kindergarten class at Highlands.

Throughout her presentation, Dr. Pelletier provided details on how each of the goals and objectives would be achieved during the school year.

She stated the staff at Highlands truly understands the importance of family involvement in the education of students. Communication is provided through a variety of ways, including but not limited to, GP Village, Connect-Ed, email, conferences, Open House, progress reports, PTO, volunteer opportunities, etc.

Dr. Pelletier concluded with the quote “If you are not willing to learn NO ONE CAN HELP YOU. If you are willing to learn no one can STOP YOU!

Mayor Sullivan thanked Dr. Pelletier for her leadership and her presentation. He noted how much he likes her philosophy with regards to “Effort is Important”. In addition, he reiterated as she already stated in her presentation, what a super volunteer Ms. Swain is at the Highlands School. In response to a question from Mayor Sullivan, Dr. Pelletier stated the wireless access at Highlands is working great. The topic of the playground usage was brought up by Mayor Sullivan and Dr. Pelletier agreed it would be great to start using the playground in the spring now that it has been repaired. She did have concerns regarding the height of the slide and plans to limit the use of the slide for the younger grades. Mayor Sullivan also stated there are plans to add new turf to the field in the spring. Dr. Pelletier noted there are a few parents that are working on grants that would allow the school to build one possibly two outdoor classroom areas which would include elevated vegetable beds and flower beds.

Mr. Ringius stated he had the opportunity to meet Mr. Ned Berman, the community representative on the Highlands’ School Council. Mr. Ringius mentioned Mr. Berman is thrilled to be a part of the Highlands’ community. Dr. Pelletier stated she is equally pleased to have him involved in the council. She also expressed her pleasure in seeing Mr. Berman’s smiles and waves throughout the school year.

  1. Proposed Braintree High School Master Schedule for 2016-2017, Headmaster Jim Lee

Dr. Hackett stated Mr. Lee’s presentation is an overview of the proposed 2016-2017 Master Schedule for Braintree High School (BHS). Tonight’s presentation is to present the proposal, solicit feedback and field any questions the committee may have. There is no action to be taken this evening on the BHS proposed 2016-2017 Master Schedule. It will be an agenda item again at the upcoming December meeting. Dr. Hackett thanked the BHS staff for coming up with a very creative and fiscally responsible proposal.

Mr. Lee and Mr. Andrew Delery, Housemaster at BHS came forward to present the proposal. Mr. Lee began by reviewing the rationale and background of why there is a proposal to change the schedule at BHS. Prior to 2005-2006, students were required to take 6 courses. That however changed in 2005-2006 due to a dearth of elective offerings. In 2008 staff reductions eliminated Technology/Engineering, Food Skills and certain Foreign Language classes. In 2010-2011 the Scheduling Committee was formed to assess the schools schedule to maximize instruction. Then in 2012-2013 the BHS School Improvement Plan again raised the work of the Scheduling Committee stating, “The staff should explore other school schedule options in an effort to maximize staff and respond to the ongoing complications that the present departmental scheduling has on the scheduling process.” Lastly, in 2005–2006, 581 students were NOT enrolled in six (6) classes. In 2011-2012, 669 were not enrolled in six (6) classes. Approximately 49% of student had 2 studies.

Mr. Lee went on to explain the research and planning which has taken place surrounding this topic. In 2012-2013, the Scheduling Committee examined schedules from 26 comparable schools, visited four schools using proposed schedule, identified potential schedule type, and discussed pros/cons at the January Department meeting in addition to creating mock schedule for the school year. In 2013-2014 the mock schedule was presented to the directors, the faculty however decided at that time, the benefits of change did not justify moving to a new schedule.

Mr. Lee stated in 2014-2015 after requests to continue new schedule conversations a survey was constructed and provided to faculty in the fall of 2014. Feedback from the survey was utilized to adjust the new scheduling proposal to maintain science labs in certain subjects. Scheduling discussions were brought to the School Council in November for feedback and the council was positive on the new proposed schedule. In addition, teachers from Hingham visited to discuss implications of teaching under the proposed schedule, mock schedules were created using new parameters that demonstrated the assumed benefits of the schedule change, department meetings revealed consensus to move to the new schedule.

The benefits to the new schedule are:

-  New schedule of 7 periods with six meeting each day

-  Classes 57 minutes

-  No daily homeroom – 4 min. passing time

-  Classes better balanced, reducing larger class sizes

-  18 additional instructional hours

-  60+minutes additional prep time

-  Non-science labs remain, but detached in core subjects

-  Existing AP lab schedule intact

-  No labs in science electives

-  Potential for increased electives in science and Physical Ed.

-  80% of students received requested courses compared to 73%

Mr. Ringius thanked Mr. Lee and Mr. Delery for not only their continuous effort on this topic but also the effort on the part of the BHS administration.

Based on a request from Mr. Kokoros for Mr. Lee to verbally walk through a day under the new schedule, Mr. Lee distributed a mock schedule of what the 7 periods with six meeting each day would look like. He proceeded to explain there would be no homeroom (on a regular basis) the first period would 60 minutes long. The first period includes a few extra minutes for attendance to be taken, announcements, etc. opposed to all other periods which are 57 minutes long. In the example provided each period/class is assigned a letter of the alphabet A-G respectively. On Day 1 students would meet with classes A-F (G would drop off). On Day 2 students would begin with class G and continue with classes A, B, C, D, and E (F would drop off). On Day 3 students would begin with class F and the cycle would continue. The proposal includes running a special schedule every 2 weeks allowing BHS to have a homeroom for the purpose of allowing guidance and advisors the flexibility to meet with students. Mr. Lee stated with this new schedule BHS would be able to offer more electives for the students. One of the new electives would be an Astronomy class.

Mr. Devin inquired as to what schools the Scheduling Committee met with, Mr. Lee stated Hingham, Reading and Foxboro. Upon further inquiry by Mr. Devin, Dr. Hackett stated he is familiar with the new proposed schedule supports it. He feels the new schedule has many benefits as was highlighted in the presentation. From a School Committee budget/fiscal point of view the strong benefit the students will receive in the reduction in classroom sizes, increase class time and additional electives selection is a very strong benefit compared to the small amount of money it will cost. Dr. Hackett feels this is one of the most efficient and cost effective schedules that can be run at the high school level.

Mayor Sullivan thanked Mr. Lee and Mr. Delery for their work on this topic. He feels they were creative and strategic in their thinking in putting together the new proposed schedule. Mayor Sullivan feels it allows for a more focused program and allows for more classroom time and allows for additional electives. Although Mayor Sullivan sees many benefits he would like to know if there are any negatives associated with the new proposed schedule. Mr. Lee explained the concern he sees in the new proposed schedule is possibly lost contact time with teachers given the schedule includes a dropped class each day. If you happen to hit a snow day, a sick day, long weekend, etc. in addition to a particular class coinciding with its drop day, students could potentially go a few days without contact with a particular teacher. Mr. Lee feels most of the concerns will diminish once everyone gets acclimated to the new schedule. With the additional 10 minutes in each class, teachers will have to rethink how they will re-pace their classes and be sure to schedule their assessments appropriately. Mr. Lee would be looking at the fall of 2016 for implementation of the new schedule. He confirmed for Mayor Sullivan attendance is taken every period of the day via ASPEN. Mayor Sullivan asked given the implementation of this new schedule and 10 more minutes of classroom instruction should the School Committee be expecting the teachers to be looking for additional pay. Mayor Sullivan wants to know if there is a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) associated to this proposal. Mr. Lee stated there has been continuous communication with the Teachers’ Union throughout the process. Although they teach more in a given period it all balances out to an additional 2.5 hours over the course of the year. In addition with the new proposed schedule teachers will pick up additional prep time throughout the course of the year as well. Dr. Hackett stated he has had a conversation with the Teachers’ Union and his understanding is that they are on board with this proposed change.

Ms. Fiske Heger noted the reference earlier in the presentation of 49% of the students have 2 studies. Mr. Lee stated with the new proposed schedule he would hope 250 to 300 students would be out of the second study.

Mr. Brian McDermott stated students have voiced concerns regarding a class being dropped the day before a test, midterm, final or an AP exam. Students feel it may make it more difficult to prepare and retain information for the upcoming test. Mr. Lee stated teachers will need to be forthcoming regarding what day the assessments is scheduled for so the students can adequately prepare. Mr. Lee noted in many cases the class being dropped the day before an exam is a benefit in that the student only has preparation for the test the evening before given they did not have class that day. Mr. McDermott also stated the students would like to have a voice in the selection of the new electives that would be offered with the new proposed schedule, if possible. Ms. Sarah Murphy stated overall she is onboard with the proposal. Mr. Edmond Bousaleh is unconvinced at this point with the proposal but he is open to the idea.