Ringing World Index 2017

Index 2017

Introductory Notes

Acronyms and abbreviations: ANZAB Australian & New Zealand Assoc of Bellringers; AGM Annual General Meeting; Assoc Association; ART Association of Ringing Teachers; B Bob; BR bell ringers; CA County Association; CC Central Council; contrib contributor; D Delight; DA Diocesan Association; DG Diocesan Guild; obit obituary; QP quarter peal; quarters quarter peals; RW Ringing World; S or ST Saint; S Surprise; TB Treble Bob; TP Treble Place.

Filing orders: Mc filed as Mac; St filed as Saint; personal initials under first letter e.g. AJB in the 'A' section. Letter writers are indexed under the main heading ‘letters’; names of individual CC Committees e.g. Public Relations Committee are indexed under the main heading ‘Central Council Committees’.

Locators: bold locators are used where appropriate to indicate the most significant reference(s) or front page articles; italics are used for photographs and illustrations, though these are only distinguished where they form a significant subject in themselves rather than as part of the article; the suffix (let) is used for letters; the suffix (eds) is used for editorials.

Alphabetical Index


Ringing World Index 2017

12-bell ringing: Cirencester, Glos, S John Bapt in 1767 96; judging striking 220–221; new contest for North West 121–123

see also National 12 Bell Striking Contest

50 Ringing Things (ART) 332, 527–528 (let), 574 (let), 1255

Abbey ringers remembered 538

Abbots Bromley, Staffs, S Nicholas 516

academic journal, bells 787

access to towers, 'Thought for the week' 567

accidents/incidents: Bristol, C Bris, S Michael 359; "Cumberland Secretary takes plunge" 682; Worcester, Worcs, Cath Ch of Christ & BVM 171 (eds), 175, 245 (let)

Accrington, Lancs, S James 953

activity trackers 101 (let)

Adams, David (contrib) 121–123

ageing and ringing 592

Agg, Anne and Rex 817

Ainsworth, Alan 1133

Ainsworth, Elva, family ring 482, 495

Alderney Channel Islands’ Ringing Centre 'Wells Bells' 1063

Alderney, S Anne, long length peal: breaking the Maximus record 1030–1031, 1034; Bristol S Maximus composition 1136; congratulations 1136; Hilling interview 1134; Mounsey interview 1134; photos 1125, 1128; publicity 1129; success 1100; technology 1126; Thurman interview 1135; Tiebout interview 1134; umpiring 1129; Wilby interview 1126–1127

All Wales Striking Competition 1071

Allen, Clive (obit) 358, 564

'Alternative Hobbyist': beekeeping 739 (eds), 757; brick laying 236–237; buttons 853; harp 636–637; post boxes 404–405, 471

see also rowing; Scout Association

America see Canada; USA

Anderson, John E. (Jack) (obit) 830, 854

Anderton, Frank (obit) 283

Anglican Church see Church of England

Angrave, Mick (contrib) 1172, 1197

anniversaries: Abbots Bromley, Staffs, S Nicholas 516; Ash by Wrotham, Kent, SS Peter & Paul 781; Elizabeth II, Queen, 70th Wedding Anniversary 911 (eds), 928–929; Exeter Colleges Guild 217–219, 916, 932; first ten-bell peal 300th 309; Handbell Ringers of GB 50th 120, 174 (let), 517; Leeds and Liverpool Canal bicentenary 69; Radio Leicester’s 50th 1172; Reed, Colin and Beryl 472; Roving Ringers 70th reunion 548–549; Sibson, Derek 698; Stepney, Gr London, S Dunstan 1100; World War I 816 (let)

appeals see charity; fund raising; restoration projects

Appleby, Robert (contrib) 150

Armistice centenary 1206 (let)

Armitage, Geoffrey D. (obit) 284–285

'Around and About', 25 Years Ago 574, 854

'Around' peal tour, Pidley, Cambs 866

ART see Assoc of Ringing Teachers

art: Durham Cathedral's Lumiere Festival 1109; Milton Keynes soundmap 1123

ASCY see College Youths, Ancient Society of

Ash by Wrotham, Kent, SS Peter & Paul 781

Ash, John (contrib) 617–619

Ashton, Emily (contrib) 1074

Aslett, Peter (contrib) 587

Aspland, Andrew R., resignation 150

Assoc of Ringing Teachers (ART): 50 Ringing Things 332, 527–528 (let), 574 (let), 1255; 2016 Annual Report 380–381; awards 2017 263; awards 2018 applications 1028; conference 2017 243 (eds), 264, 265–267, 267 (eds); learning handbells 168; Learning the Ropes 1024, 1053–1055, 1150, 1246; A Ringer's Guide to Learning the Ropes 72; Teacher’s Guide to Learning The Ropes 957–958; Technology in Teaching 550; "What happens after an ART course?" 1254–1255; workshops 571

Athawes, Angela (contrib) 1001

Atkinson, Eric (contrib) 119

Atom (obit) 522

Audley, Helen (contrib) 1254

augmented rings, Blockley, Glos, SS Peter & Paul 1253

see also new bells; restoration projects

Austin Reed 759

Australia: Bexley, Aus, New South Wales, S Gabriel 492; new bells for Ingleburn 96; steel bells 196–197, 223 (let)

ANZAB 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 434–435

Austrian student research project 494, 574 (let)

Aves, Simon (author) 1080–1081

awards: Assoc of Ringing Teachers 263, 1028; Beamish, David 25; Dorothy L. Sayers Award 1056–1057; Skelton, Neil 71; Technology in Teaching award 550

Bachelor, Sandra (contrib) 116

Back, Charles William, Lance Corporal 927

Bagley, David (contrib) 500, 514

Bailey brothers 764–765

Bailey, Margaret (contrib) 1149

Bailey, Roger (obit) 11, 30 (let)

Baldry, Tony, Sir 691 (eds), 692–693

Balls, Ed, returns to ringing 1147

Bamford, Stuart I. (author) 408

Bampton, Margaret Anne (obit) 587, 615

Banister, William 622

Banton, Jonathan (contrib) 998

Barber, Alan (contrib) 999

Barber, Rachel (contrbi) 711

Barnes, Jean (contrib) 283

Barnes, Phillip (contrib) 126, 450, 763, 766, 1156–1157

Barnes, Tim (contrib) 1105

Basford, Hazel (contrib) 1175

Basil, Jones 1133

Basildon, Essex, S Martin of Tours, Basildon Bell Tower 685

Bath & Wells DACR: honorary life members reunion 1122; QP month 632

BBC see broadcasts; Children in Need; radio

BBC Music Day: 280 towers ring for 619; "all about harmony" 523; "an insight into" 644, 645; BellBoard 496, 567; full list of towers 772–773; ringing response to 671 (let)

Beach, Donald John (Don) (obit) 118, 261

Beach, Jonathan (contrib) 261

Beacham, David (obit) 188, 198 (let)

Beaminster, Dorset, 50 Years Ago 638

Beamish, David, honours 25

Bedford, Stephen J. (contrib) 1251

beekeeping, 'Alternative Hobbyist' 739 (eds), 757

beer and ringing, 'brewsters' 270 (let), 293 (let), 319 (let)

'Beer Matters' 1292

Belcher, Lesley (contrib) 1254–1255

belfry maintenance: bell frames 495; louvres 741; Manual of Belfry Maintenance 832; woodwork 722

Belgium see Ypres, West Flanders

bell founders: John Taylor & Co 619 (eds), 812; Matthew Higby & Company 620; and Nicholson Engineering Ltd 550; Radio 4 interview 3 (eds), 24; steel bells 196–197

25 Years Ago: 12-tonne bell case at Loughborough 167

50 Years Ago: York bell foundry 1206

see also Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd

bell frames 495

bell funds see Fred E. Dukes International Bell Fund; fund raising; grants

bell towers, 'Thought for the week' 23

BellBoard: 178 Methods 371; Agg, Anne and Rex 817; Ainsworths three generations ring 482; Alderney Channel Islands’ Ringing Centre 'Wells Bells' 1063; Alderney long length 1087; 'animal week' 250; Austin/Williams wedding peal 841; BBC Music Day 496, 567; big bells 31; Birmingham undergraduate peal 1232; Birmingham, W Mids, Cath Ch of S Philip 941; Bladon, Brian 1139; Bridle, Peter 225; Bristol, S Thomas the Martyr 1207; Bristol undergraduate peal 1271; Brock, Dennis 673, 1187; Calvert band 176, 192; Carey, Ben 987; combination with Peals.co.uk 407; Cumberland Youths 394; Dillistone, Pip 648; Dordrecht Challenge 1109; Exeter Colleges Guild 916; FaceTime 56, 72; Goodyer, Tom 298; Grand Tour 2017 225, 240; Groves, Bernard 696; Haynes, Bill 528; Higby, Matthew 458; Hilling, David and Matthew 1038; Holdsworth, James 745; Horton's Four 506; January review 8, 24; Lawson, Gareth L. M. 176; 'likes' 79; Liverpool, Mers, Cath Ch of Christ, 1160; London, C London, Cath Ch of S Paul 793; long length Bob Doubles 176, 192; Manchester arena attack 554; in memoriam 600; National 12 Bell Striking Contest prep 625; outdoor ringing 767; Page, Daniel 965; performance list 128; Pipe, Henry J. W. 56, 72; Reading, Alan 1012; Regan, Alison 722; Ringing World access 980; Sherwood, Anna 965; silent peals 320; Southwark bells 342; Town, James 745; tribute performances 153; Tulloch spliced s maximus 576; University of London Society handbell peal 865; university ringing 107, 153, 176, 200; York, N Yorks, Cath & Metropolitical Church of S Peter (York Minster) 298; York ringers 200; young ringers QP 275; Ypres, West Flanders, Belgium, S George 888

bellringers’ blessing 879

Bells & Bellfounding (Milsom) 1232

Bells4StGeorgeYpres 733–735

see also Ypres, West Flanders, Belgium, S George

Bennett, Peter (CRAG Team) 789

Bentley, Alan (contrib) 28

Beresford, Jeremy (contrib) 1171

Beresford, Peter (obit) 1171

Beverley Surprise, 'Education Column' 856

Bevis, Peter 6 (let)

Bexley, Aus, New South Wales, S Gabriel 492

Biddenden, Kent, All Saints, 100 Years Ago 1218

Big Ben: casting 905–906; out of action 836, 837; 'Thought for the week' 931

Birkenhead Park, Merseyside 360

Birks, Frederick, 2nd Lieutenant 975

Birmingham, W Mids, Cath Ch of S Philip, National 12 Bell eliminators 264

Birmingham, W Mids, National 12 Bell team 610

Birmingham, W Mids, S Martin (Bullring) 1296; 50 Years Ago 45; Ringing World National Youth Contest 641–643, 737–741, 767 (let)

Birmingham, W Mids, SS Peter & Paul, Aston, Don Finnemore 716

birthdays: Brock, Dennis 1187, 1200; Goodyer, Tom 298, 336; Robertson, Ross 796; Slatford, Fred 845; Walker, Jim 878

Black Bourton, Oxon, S Mary V 1225–1226

Blackawton Boys, Devon, S Michael, history 78–79, 102–103

Blackman, Jean Elizabeth (obit) 999

Bladon, Brian 1139, 1152

blessings: Southwark, Gr London, Cath Ch of S Saviour 76–77; Ypres, West Flanders, Belgium, S George 979, 1077–1079

Blockley, Glos, SS Peter & Paul 1253

Bodenham, Harry 784

books, inc ('Book Review'): 50 Ringing Things 332, 527–528 (let), 574 (let), 1255; academic journal on bells 787; Bells & Bellfounding 1232; Compendium of Plain Doubles Methods 408; Fifty English Steeples (Flannery) 164–165; historian J. C. L. Stahlschmidt 4–5; A History of Change Ringing in Scotland 1080–1081; listening skills 28–29; Manual of Belfry Maintenance 832; A Ringer's Guide to Learning the Ropes 72, 640; Teacher’s Guide to Learning The Ropes 957–958; On This Day... 710

Booth, Roger (CRAG Team) 789

Borden, Kent, SS Peter & Paul 909–911, 913

Border, Ruth (contrib) 235

Borman, Will (contrib) 515

Boston, MA, USA, Christ Church, Old North 100–101

Bosworth, Will (contrib): ART conference 2017 265–267; bell projects in York 141; Church Buildings Council 815; Diocesan Advisory Committee 804; Heritage Lottery Fund 815; judging striking 669–670; long length on Alderney 1030–1031, 1034; Ringing for Peace 1104–1105; Ypres, West Flanders, Belgium, S George 1077–1079

see also BellBoard

Bow, Gr London, S Mary, peal withdrawn 621 (let)

Bowers, Malcolm (contrib) 879

Bradford, Andy (contrib) 357

Bradley, Edna (obit) 331, 928

Brent Tor, Devon, S Michael 249

'brewsters' 270, 293 (let), 319 (let)

brick laying, 'Alternative Hobbyist' 236–237

Bridle, Peter, 5000 peals 225, 252

Bristol, C Bris, National 12 Bell team 611

see also Gloucester & Bristol DA

Bristol, C Bris, S Mary V, Redcliffe 931

Bristol, C Bris, S Michael 359

Bristol S Maximus, long length 1136, 1252 (let)

Bristol, S Thomas the Martyr 1207

Bristol University Society (UBSCR), cupid selfie challenge 120

British Empire Medal, Neil Skelton 71

broadcasts: BBC Music Day 496, 523; bell founders interview 3 (eds), 24; Chilham, Kent, S Mary on BBC 47; Radio Leicester’s 50th Anniversary 1172; Russian bells 1027; Songs of Praise 349; Sunday Worship 841 (let)

25 Years Ago: memorial service of John Arlott 107

Brock, Dennis 673, 1187, 1200

Brooke, Norfolk, S Peter 617–619

Brown, Kathleen M. (obit) 1148

Brown, Keith 866

Brown, Michael Ernest (obit) 307–308

Bulleid, Chris (contrib) 21

Bund, Konrad (contrib) 1281

buoy bell 716

Buswell, Alan (contrib): mid-year 2017 observations 741, 783; November observations 1223; QP report 2016 330; QP September records 1027

Buswell, Brian Maurice (obit) 612–613

Buswell, Neil (contrib) 1076

Butler, Bill, On This Day... 710, 716

see also peal ringers, 'prolific'

Button, Roger (contrib) 383, 458

buttons, 'Alternative Hobbyist' 853

calendar, Ringing World 544, 1052

'Call me observation': Christmas Special 1290; conductors 735; exam season 591; practices 519; "quirky foibles" 567; ten pin bowling 543; "To Peal or not to Peal?" 639, 671 (let); understanding the more advanced ringer 615

calling methods see 'Education Column'; talking while ringing

calling positions 1248

Cambrai anniversary 6 (let)

Cambridge, Cambs, National 12 Bell team 611

Cambridge, Cambs, Our Lady & Eng Martyrs 600

Cambridge Minor, 'Education Column' 652–653, 712, 760, 808

Cambridge University Guild (CUGCR), Annual Dinner 2017 292–293

Camp, John E. (obit) 29 (let), 221

Campbell, Wendy (contrib) 539–540

Campton Festival of Bells 1151, 1204–1205

Canada: anniversary of confederation 1156–1157; York ringers' trip 932

cancer see Strike Back Against Blood Cancer campaign

Canford School Society 528 (let)

Cannon, Freda (obit) 70, 213–214

Canterbury, Kent, Cath & Metropolitical Church of Christ: exile in 19th Century 1082–1083; logbook 790, 839, 917, 982, 1035

Carey, Ben 220, 987

Carey, Ian (contrib) 1001

Carr, Alan, Revd (contrib) 1223

Carson, Marie (contrib) 636–637

Caryer, Chris (contrib) 548–549

Casserley, Richard (obit) 1074, 1099, 1220

casting see bell founders

Cattell, Mike (contrib) 1196–1197

Cawley, David (contrib) 689–691

centenaries, World War I 816 (let)

see also anniversaries

Central Council: 2016 AGM 418–425; 2017 Annual Meeting minutes 1051; 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 409–448; apathy towards 523 (eds); Christmas message 1251; Church Buildings Council 691 (eds), 692–693, 979; CRAG response 479–481 (let); date touches 1286–1287; Decisions framework 1105; Ecclesiastical Insurance Group 625; Edinburgh meeting 383, 545–547, 547 (eds); Historic England meeting July 615; louvres 741; Manual of Belfry Maintenance 832; new leadership 545–546, 574 (let); new website 144, 148, 433; November away day 1183; reform plans 663, 837; 'Ringing Remembers' 1257; visual aids for public speaking 621 (let); volunteers called for workgroups 914; "What people say" 26–27; woodwork 722

simplifying the rules: approach and architecture 934–935, 937; consultation 1227 (eds), 1230–1231; First Draft 1058–1059

see also CRAG (Central Council Review Action Group)

Central Council Committees: CRAG report 505

Administrative Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 432–433; March meeting 311; October meeting 1102

Bell Restoration Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 438–439; restoration projects 337–339

Biographies Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 439–440; meeting in Edinburgh 662

Carter Ringing Machine Collection 446

Compositions Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 440

Dove's Guide 447

Education Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 440; reform needed 199 (let); resources from 171