Hanna United Methodist Church

June 13, 2014
INTRODUCTION: We, the consultation team, would like to thank Pastor Darren Williams, the staff, the lay leadership and the congregation of Hanna United Methodist Church for the invitation to consult with this body of Christ.

The following observations and Ministry Action Plan are the result of this team studying the following information: 1) Hanna UMC’s self-study document provided by its leaders; 2) FCJ on-line survey; 3) interview with pastor, 4) interviews with staff and ministry team leaders; 5) a focus group with participants from the congregation; 6) a meeting with the Church Council; 7) a MissionInsite demographic report of the area’s population; 8) Faith Perceptions Mystery Guest Report; 9) and input from Thursday evening’s leadership workshop.

Our prayer is that God will use this assessment experience and consultation report to help Hanna UMC more effectively make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the community and the world.



Hanna UMC is a very friendly, welcoming congregation. This was affirmed in leadership interviews, the FCJ on-line survey, and the mystery guest worshipers report. One church member commented, “This church is like a second family to me. The people have really good hearts, always willing to help someone in need, whether they go to this church or not.” Several people expressed appreciation for the way the congregation shows genuine concern and prays for one another. One of the mystery guests commented, “They were the friendliest people I ever met. I felt so comfortable and welcomed into their church. As I walked to my seat up in front, many of the people near me got up and introduced themselves and also shook my hand. What a great group of folks!”


Throughout the written reports and the interviews, the consultations team heard of the various ways that Hanna UMC seeks to be a vital part of the community. Several places where church members serve include the local food pantry, the Women’s Care Center, Stepping Stone Shelter, hospitals, community events such as Hanna Fest, community block party and VBS. This desire to reach beyond the walls of the church provides many opportunities to witness to the love of Jesus Christ and also helps people to put their faith into action. Through these and other, focused, outreach efforts Hanna UMC is on the path to becoming the heartbeat of Hanna.


The consultation team was impressed with the building and the care that is taken of the Hanna UMC facilities. The rooms are nicely decorated with attractive colors and the building is kept clean and uncluttered. The church has adequate, functional space for current and expanded ministry for the foreseeable future. We affirm the use of the facilities by “outside” groups that help connect the community with the church. We understand that the fellowship hall is often referred to and marketed as the “Hanna Community Center” to let people know it is available for community groups to use.



Hanna UMC has no clear, shared vision that connects current ministries with the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. The motto, “Helping people say Yes to Jesus,” has provided good motivation to reach people for Jesus, however, only a few people could articulate what that looks like in actual hands-on ministry. This motto does not include a plan to connect those being served to a relationship with Jesus and the church. The lack of a clear, shared vision prevents the church from being able to evaluate and utilize resources and leadership in fulfilling the mission.


While the consultation team heard good reports and support for the outreach ministries of the church, many persons expressed a hunger for the continued spiritual development of those within the congregation and those who are new to the congregation. This lack of spiritual development leads to a deficit of new leadership, which was identified clearly through the interviews. When asked how leaders are developed at Hanna UMC, the consultation team heard, “We don’t.” The church lacks an intentional plan to help people grow in their faith and to grow future generations of leaders for the kingdom of God.


The FCJ on-line survey as well as all our interviews and interactions with the church, revealed that the number one concern raised by the members was an aging congregation coupled with a lack of children and young families in the life of the congregation. The consultation team concurs with these self-identified concerns and lifts them up as major issues for the church to address. While the church does have a Kids Club, Vacation Bible School, Children’s Chat and Children’s Church, no one could articulate an intentional, strategic plan to reach these population groups.


In order to address the above concerns, Hanna UMC must implement the following:


The congregation understands that the day this consultation report is accepted (should that be the case) this congregation will adopt the United Methodist Church’s mission: “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”

The congregation will have a worship service of prayer and forgiveness by August 15, 2014, to become focused and unified around the mission of Jesus Christ. This will help the congregation to be more spiritually prepared for the Lord’s vision for the future. This will be organized by the pastor and conducted by the Conference FCJ Prayer Coordinator or the person she designates.

The coach will conduct two coordinated workshops on Core Values and Vision for the congregation by August 31, 2014. The purpose of these workshops is to help the congregation define the values and discern the vision that will guide future decisions and ministries of the church. The core values and the vision will be adopted by the Church Council by September 30, 2014.

Upon adopting the new vision, ministry leaders will demonstrate how each ministry will accomplish the mission and vision. To that end, the leaders will conduct a ministry audit to evaluate all ministries for their faithfulness and fruitfulness to the mission and vision. Any ministries that are not faithful to the mission and vision will be dissolved; any ministry that is faithful but still not fruitful will be modified and re-evaluated for fruitfulness. All continuing ministries will set goals and objectives in alignment with the mission and vision. This audit must be completed by June 30, 2015. All future ministries must demonstrate how they will be aligned to the mission and vision and have a plan for fruitful ministry.


The pastor, in consultation with the coach, will put together a team of five people on or before September 30, 2014, to create a plan of spiritual development for those within the congregation as well as those served by the congregation. Just as every person within the church needs to grow in their commitment to Jesus Christ, the church must find ways to invite those whom they serve to join in a spiritual development process. The team will explore the necessary opportunities for entry into the spiritual development process that could include small groups, Bible studies, prayer meetings, service opportunities, mission trips, and additional Sunday school classes.

The purpose will be to help each person discover where they are on their spiritual journey and assist them in moving forward to a deeper spirituality in their lives. This plan will encourage each person to:

·  connect and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ;

·  be transformed by studying the principles of the Christian faith;

·  use connection opportunities with other believers for support and accountability;

·  be in service to others for the purpose of the mission;

·  invite others into a relationship with Jesus and His church; and

·  further discern his/her call to spiritual development and leadership.

This new process will be adopted by the Church Council and implemented in the life of Hanna UMC at all ministry levels by January 31, 2015.

The team will explore different models of developing new leaders and create a system to help people new to the congregation become connected to the church and mobilized for ministry. The new system will also encourage persons already within the congregation to use their gifts and talents to mentor others in making new disciples and developing the next generation of leaders. This plan will be presented to the Church Council for adoption by May 31, 2015.


In order to develop inspiring, relevant ministries with children and young families in the greater Hanna area, the pastor in consultation with the coach will create a Family Ministry Team of no more than five people to work with Helene Foust, Associate Director of Student Ministries - Indiana Conference or the person she designates, by September 31, 2014.

To prepare for developing a ministry plan, this team will:

1) Study the demographic material from MissionInsite to see the potential for vital ministry with children and young families.

2) Visit two or three churches approximately Hanna UMC’s size who have active and vital ministries with children and young families to discover what those churches are doing and how they are organized to do the ministry.

This discovery process will be completed by December 31, 2014.

Following this discovery process, the team will develop a ministry plan that will include the following components:

1) Identify and recruit a team of volunteers to lead ministry with children and young families.

2) Develop a strategy to reach children and young families in the greater Hanna community.

3) Develop a strategy to expand the number of leaders for children and young families while also reallocating funds for children and family ministries.

4) Review and update as needed the existing Safe Sanctuaries Policy and have the Church Council adopt a new Safe Sanctuary policy.

The ministry plan will be completed and adopted by the Church Council by May 31, 2015.


We, the Consultation Team, want to thank you for the opportunity to serve your congregation through this Fruitful Congregation Journey assessment process. Our prayers and hope for your congregation is that God will use this process to help your church become more effective and fruitful in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. May God give you courage and strength as you move forward.

Jack Hartman, Lead Consultant

Rob Seewald, Coach

Sheila Wilimitis, Consultant

Town Hall Meeting Dates (at the church):

Tuesday June 17, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

Monday June 30, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

Church Conference Date (at the church):

Monday July 7, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.