Parent Handbook


Bright Beginnings is located at 6 Park Street, Hopedale, MA 01747. BBC is a smoke free environment and a locked facility.

Early Childhood Programs at the Bright Beginnings Center

Mission Statement: The Bright Beginnings Center is committed to providing a quality early education program to all children. We offer accessible, affordable and developmentally appropriate programs in a safe, nurturing and inclusive environment. Through these programs, children gain a sense of belonging and respect for themselves and others. Opportunities are provided for meaningful, hands-on experiences which foster skills in all developmental areas. Children are encouraged to explore their own interests, develop friendships, and become playful, active learners. Parents, family, and community members are seen as vital resources to the well-being and education of all children, and are welcome to participate in all of our programs and activities.

Long-Term Goals

1.  To provide a safe, friendly, and structured atmosphere where children feel comfortable learning.

2.  To implement a developmentally appropriate curriculum that enhances the whole child (cognitive, language, social-emotional, motor, self-care) and helps children reach their full learning potential.

3.  To provide an environment that develops and fosters positive social interactions and enhances the children’s self-esteem.

4.  To encourage children to be playful, active learners.

5.  To allow for flexibility within the routine to foster the children’s coping skills.

6.  To observe and evaluate the children on an on-going basis to determine their present ability/interest levels, and to communicate with parents through formal and informal means.

7.  To encourage parent involvement in the program through classroom volunteering, participating in school events, and supporting the parent organization.

8.  To provide an interdisciplinary team approach in which teachers work collaboratively with the speech/language pathologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist and behaviorist.

9.  To evaluate the program annually and to implement any changes necessary to further the success of the program through staff and parental input.

Curriculum: The staff has developed a theme based curriculum that is aligned with the Massachusetts State Guidelines for Preschoolers. In addition, the Bright Beginnings staff utilizes the following curriculums:

·  Skill streaming for Early Childhood (social skills program)

·  Second Step Social Skills Program

·  Touch Math

·  Telian Lively Letters Program

·  Everyday Math for Preschools

·  Handwriting Without Tears

The preschool teachers plan lessons and learning opportunities that are consistent with our overall program goals and align the activities with our theme based curriculum and state guidelines. In addition, the preschool teachers take into consideration when planning the information provided by families through our “Getting to Know You” form and child web form. The program goals and objectives guide the teachers’ assessment of the children’s progress throughout the year. Teachers meet on a weekly basis to discuss and develop plans based on themes and skills.

Observation and Assessment of Children

The preschool teachers and special education staff conduct assessments as an integral part of our early childhood programs. Within the classroom setting, the staff conducts observations, collect work samples for the children’s portfolios, assess skills related to planned lessons, and complete bi-annual progress reports for each child. If a child is referred for a special education evaluation, a combination of formal and informal assessment tools is administered to ascertain the child’s current level of performance.

The preschool teachers and special education staff follow the procedures described regarding the assessment of children in our programs:

a.  Within the classroom setting, staff assesses the children’s skills on an on-going basis to determine current skill levels and progress within the curriculum. Progress information is shared formally twice per year through a progress report. On an informal basis, parents have the availability to speak with the teachers as often as needed to discuss progress. The purpose of all assessments is to gain information regarding the child’s skill levels and to measure progress of these skills as the child accesses the curriculum

b.  If a teacher has a concern regarding a student’s learning, data is collected, parents are contacted, and the teacher brings the student’s name to the Instructional Support Team (IST) that meets on a monthly basis. The team will discuss strategies to help the student meet with success in the classroom. A classroom intervention plan may be developed and put into place for a period of time between 4-8 weeks.

c.  Parents will sign in agreement of the plan and will receive updates from the educators implementing the plan as specified in the document.

d.  The IST will meet again at the completion of the child’s intervention plan. If the team determines that further assessments are required, a special education referral will be completed and the special education process will begin. Please refer to the special education timeline enclosed for a detailed explanation of the evaluation process. At the start of the evaluation process, parents receive a Parent’s Notice of Procedural Safeguards informing them of the special education process and their participation in this.

e.  At the completion of the formal evaluation timeline, the team, comprised of the evaluators, parents and relevant staff, will meet to discuss the test findings and make appropriate recommendations based on the findings.

f.  If an IEP is recommended, the team including parents develops this together to meet the learning needs of the child. As part of the referral process, parents are given a questionnaire asking them to describe their child’s strengths and their concerns and vision for their child.

g.  All student records are kept confidential.

h.  Parents are informed of developmental guidelines of skills and milestones formally during the curriculum night in September of each year. Parents are also given a copy of the developmental milestones.

i.  Through assessments of lessons and the use of rubrics that correspond to lessons/activities, the preschool teachers have the opportunity to modify and adapt teaching strategies according to the data collected.

j.  Assessments are also utilized to improve the quality of our learning environments through the daily implementation of best teaching practices, consultation with other staff, the development of yearly teacher and school improvement goals. The preschool staff meets on a weekly basis to review curriculum and plan collaborative lessons.

k.  Testing reports are due to parents two days prior to the TEAM meeting.

l.  The preschool staff formally meets with families twice per year for parent-teacher conferences. Informally, the staff speaks with families on an on-going basis through emails, meetings, and phone conversations to discuss progress.

All information regarding students is communicated with parents in a manner sensitive to family values, culture, identify and home language. Families can request all written and verbal information be provided in their home language. Interpreters are provided at meetings when necessary.

Policies & Procedures

Supervising Children Policy: The Bright Beginnings teaching staff will remain with the preschool children at all times primarily by sight. Supervision by sound is permissible for short periods as long as teachers check frequently on the children who are out of sight such as when they are utilizing the bathrooms. Within the full day programs, the staff supervises the children by sight and sound while they are resting.

Tuition Policy:

1.  The Registration Fee of $30.00 is non-refundable and is not deducted from the first month’s tuition invoice.

2.  Tuition payments are due the first day of each month and are paid to reserve an entire month; irrespective of the actual number of days your child attends the Program.

3.  Each family is given monthly payment coupons to be submitted with their payment.

4.  When taking a sibling discount, that discount is taken off the lowest tuition rate.

5.  Financial aid is available to families who qualify. Families may contact the Director to obtain additional information regarding financial assistance.

6.  A $15.00 late fee will be charged to tuitions received after the fifteenth of the month.

7.  Written notice to the Director is required if a child withdraws from a program. Families are responsible for fees until the withdrawal notice is received.

8.  A parent may request an alternate payment schedule for extenuating circumstances. The Director must approve this alternative.

If tuition payments are in arrears, the following guidelines shall apply:

1.  Without an approved payment schedule for late tuition payments, a family will receive notification that the student(s) will be discharged from the program within thirty days of notice. When payment is received, or an approved payment schedule has been made, the student(s) may return to the program.

2.  A family with an outstanding balance from the previous school year will not be eligible to attend any tuition-based programs with the Hopedale Public School system until the balance is paid in full.

Transportation: Arrival and dismissal times are important parts of our daily routine. While these routines facilitate and foster positive family and staff interactions, it is a time when safety is of utmost importance. It is the responsibility of the parents to provide transportation to and from school with the exception of the children enrolled in the special education programs. The following rules and regulations must be followed when dropping off and picking up children from the Bright Beginnings Center. The Hopedale Police Department will be monitoring Park Street to make sure parents are adhering to these rules.

ü  In order to keep the traffic going in the same direction, use Dennett Street to Park Street.

ü  Parking is allowed on one side of the street only (school side).

ü  Do not park on the sidewalks as children and their caregivers require access to the sidewalks.

ü  Do not park in the school driveway or our neighbors’ driveway. Families of children with special circumstances and/or special needs may talk with their teacher if their drop off and pick up warrants parking in the school lot.

ü  Do not block the school driveway or our neighbors’ driveway.

ü  At arrival time, the BBC staff is responsible for taking students off the school van if applicable.

ü  A staff member from each preschool class will be at the entrance way at arrival and dismissal times to facilitate a smooth transition to home and school. Children are not allowed into the building unless accompanied by an adult.

ü  During arrival time, each class completes an attendance form. The office staff informs the teachers when a family has called their child out.

ü  During dismissal time, the staff will release children to their caregivers or those who are on the emergency contact list.

ü  All special education students who are transported by the school van will be placed in their child safety seat by a staff member.

ü  Once your child has been met or released by a staff member, please leave immediately in order to free up your parking space for the next parent and to ensure the safety of all children and families who are leaving the Center.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Children Release Policy: The children will not be released to anyone but their parents, guardians, or designated persons unless written permission is given. At the end of each session the parent/guardian is required to sign their child out on the dismissal log. This will ensure the children’s safety. Please help us by listing responsible people on your emergency form, calling us when you have an unavoidable emergency and, most of all, by thinking of your child. A child left alone after everyone else has gone feels terribly lonely.

Absences: If a child will not be attending the program because of an illness, a scheduled appointment, vacation or other planned absence, the parent should notify the school office. Please refer to the Sick Policy before returning your child to school after an illness.

Late Pick Up Procedure: A late fee will be charged to any parent who picks up 10 minutes after closing time. A fee of $5.00 will be charged beginning 10 minutes after ending time and $1.00 for each additional minute. If you anticipate that you may be late, a phone call is appreciated. The late fee is still applicable. The fee must be paid in cash to the office before your child returns to school. Your child’s teacher will keep a logbook with the child’s pick up time. Chronic tardiness may result in termination of services. Each family will receive one exemption for late pick-ups.

Snow Policy:

If the school system calls for: / Delay Opening /

No School

Morning Preschool / NO AM Preschool
For either integrated or non-integrated programs /


Afternoon Preschool / PM Preschool will be in session as regularly scheduled. /


Full Day Preschool & Learning Center / 1 Hour school delay – Full day programs will be in session at 9:45 a.m.
2 Hour school delay – Full day programs will be in session at 10:45 a.m. /


In case of bad weather parents should listen to WMRC radio 1490 AM, or TV channels 4, 5 and 7 or check the Hopedale Public Schools website for school delay or cancellation information. Parents will also be notified via our Automated Calling System.

Automated Calling System: Hopedale Public Schools uses an Automated Calling System to communicate information quickly and efficiently to a large group* of students, parents and/or staff. This system is used to share information regarding a variety of topics such as:

·  School closing due to inclement weather.

·  Notification of unexcused absences.

·  Event notifications, cancellations or changes.

·  Emergency situations such as power outages, utility shutdowns, or other conditions that may require early dismissal of students.

*Automated Calling System is not intended to contact parents regarding individual student concerns or emergencies.

School Bags: Each child has a mailbox in school to keep all their papers and projects in. It is requested that the children each bring in some type of bag everyday in which they can carry their belongings home.

Outside Toys and Materials; Toys representing guns, swords, or other weapons are not permitted at the Center. All home toys will be used and shared in the class at the discretion of the teacher.

Clothing: It is also requested that each child send in a change of clothing to be kept in the class in case of an emergency. Please put the clothing in a labeled container for easy storage. Also, please dress your child in comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing. On most days, the children will be going outside. Please write your child’s full name on all book bags, lunch boxes, and personal belongings.