Personalisation Support In Camden
(a subsidiary of Age UK Camden)
Background Information
Post of Advocate full-time,
fixed term contract for six months
Personalisation Service In Camden (PSIC) is a subsidiary of Age UK Camden. It is a relatively new venture, having been set up following the collapse of the previous provider of Direct Payments support to under 65's in Camden.
PSIC is tasked to provide Direct Payments support to those residents in Camden who are under 65, and are entitled to, and choose to have Direct Payments. The support will be provided for those with physical and sensory impairments, learning difficulties and those with mental health needs (including some over 65's).
PSIC is also be tasked with providing the same support to parents of disabled children also who are entitled to, and choose to have Direct Payments.
Direct Payments frequently offer service users the best options for care, giving greater choice control and independence than traditional social care provision. For Direct Payments to work effectively a support service working to the highest standards is essential. PSIC aims to develop, deliver and maintain that high standard of service.
PSIC will also offer clients a managed payroll service.
PSIC is now being tasked with providing an advocacy service to those disabled people currently in receipt of the Independent Living Fund, who will face re-assessment from Camden Social Services now that the Independent Living Fund is being withdrawn.
Background to the post of Independent Living Fund Advocate
This section should be read in conjunction with the Job Description.
In outlining the tasks of the Independent Living Fund Advocate it is important to note that the level of detailed support given will depend on each individual, and you should be guided by them as to how much or how little support you give.
The post holder meets with clients, (and where appropriate their carers), facing re-assessment from social services following the closure of ILF. Clients will be met either in their home or at PSIC offices in order to provide clear, oral and written advice, support and advocacy around the issues.
A key aspect of the role is to help the client through a potentially difficult process of re-assessment. Funds previously allocated to that client by the ILF have now been transferred to the local authority, but are not ring fenced and therefore there is the potential for service users to lose funding they are currently receiving.
The Advocate must be prepared to have met the client prior to assessment and have a full understanding of the clients needs and what they currently receive. As a result the Advocate should be fully prepared for the assessment and ensure that the client has been given all necessary information and guidance.
The Advocate must be available where requested to be present at the re-assessment, and where appropriate articulate the clients views, needs and desired outcomes, and express the will of the client where these seem to be not accepted by the assessor.
If after the assessment – and before any outcome has been reported- the client feels that there were faults with the assessment process the Advocate must be able to assist the client verbally or in writing to make representations pointing out these reservations.
Once the outcome is known the advocate will assist the client where requested in making the clients disagreements, concern and misgivings known to the local authority.
If any appeal procedures are then put in place the Advocate will provide all appropriate support taking someone through this process, and being present at any necessary hearings/meetings if requested.
The advocate will further assist with any other steps the client may want to take, up to the point of legal action, where all would be handed on to the relevant legal advisors..
For many clients the advocate will become the person they trust and look to provide advice and support in all areas concerned with these processes. It is therefore crucial that you are able to deliver the service in a friendly and patient manner, give accurate information in ways that best suit the clients’ needs, always treating the client as an equal who you are helping to achieve independence, choice and control.
Personalisation Support in Camden is an organisation that specialises in Direct Payment support and has a thoroughgoing knowledge of care issues including ILF. Therefore there will be a strong support network for an advocate taking on the above role.
This role fits importantly with the ethos of PSIC which has a deep commitment to helping Disabled people to discover and maintain independence choice and control in their daily lives
The post is full time 35 hours a week initially for a fixed period of 6 months and based at PSIC office on Phoenix Road close to Kings Cross St Pancras and Euston stations.