Minutes of the Annual Vestry Meeting held on Wednesday, 18 April 2013 at 7:30pm in All Saints Church

1 / Opening Prayers
Opening prayers given by Revd Andreas Sistig
2.1 / Present
Revd Roy Woodhams, Revd Andreas Sistig, Revd Jennifer Sistig, Revd Pauline Moyse,
Revd Garth Kellett
Aline Anscombe, Jonny Anscombe, Andrea Barley, Julian Barley, John Baxter, Jean Belgrove, Mike Benham, Sue Benham, Joan Blowers, Jean Box, Richard Buller, Sheila Buller, Jim Burke, Jean Carr, Tony Cooper, Louisa Cooper, Rod Cutler, Nancy Dawson, Nick Doran, Dian Eddy, Nic Evans, Carolyn Ford, Mike Ford, Chantelle Gardner, Merrell Garlick, Mary Goodson, Joan Hall, Barry Hanson, Jennifer Hanson, Jon Harrow, Lynda Hix, Mike Huddie, Sue Huddie, Jane Jones, Rosemary Jones, Barbara Lyons, Timothy Lyons, John Maguire, Patricia Maguire, Brian Meeres, Andrew Moyse, Pauline Moyse, Ann Nayler, Pamela Pimm, Anne Richardson, Peter Rogers, Suzanne Rogers, Robert Smith, Erica Taylor, Jenny Thorne, Chris Waller, Elizabeth Waller, Tricia White, Rod Williamson, Juliet Worthington.
2 / Apologies for Absence
Judith Astles, Trish Brooker, Kate Dashwood, Camilla Deane, Barbara Dowe, Vivienne Durrant, Martine & Ron Dyer, Janet & Terry Henshall, Tony Holbeche, Jeremy & Judy Keep, Hugh Lunghi, John Simson, Anne Williamson
3 / Minutes of the Last Meeting
Motion to approve the Annual Vestry Meeting Minutes of 26th April 2012 was proposed by John Maguire and seconded by Nic Evans. All voted in favour. Motion Carried.
4 / Matters arising therefrom
5 / Election of Church Wardens
Mr Nick Doran was proposed as Churchwarden by Claire Holt and seconded by John Simson.
Mr Andrew Moyse was proposed as Churchwarden by Elizabeth Waller and seconded by Mike Benham.
In the absence of any other nominations, the Vicar declared Nick Doran and Andrew Moyse duly elected:
The Vestry Meeting closed at 7.40pm.

Signed …………………………………

Minutes of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting held on Wednesday, 20 March 2013 at 7:40pm in All Saints Church

1.1 / Present
As Vestry Meeting.
1.2 / Apologies
As Vestry Meeting.
2 / Minutes of the Last Meeting
Motion to approve the APCM Minutes of 26th April 2012 was proposed by Rod Cutler and seconded by Jon Harrow. All voted in favour. Motion carried.
3 / Matters arising therefrom
4 / Election of Members to the PCC Election 1 (Term of office 3 Years)
The Vicar thanked all candidates for offering their services in this important role in the life of the Church. He re-iterated that the candidates with the two highest votes from each church would go through.
The resume of Jenny Thorne was read out as it was omitted from the published list.
Candidates / Result
Jonathan Anscombe (AS)
Mike Benham (AS) / Duly elected
Jim Burke (AS)
Jean Carr (AS)
Michael Ford (P&J) / Duly elected
Mary Goodson (P&J) / Duly elected
Jenny Thorne (AS) / Duly elected
5 / Presentation of Annual Accounts
The Parish Accounts had been available to all in the two churches and on the web site for two weeks prior to the meeting. The Examiner’s Report had also been received, endorsing the accounts as being a true and fair view of the state of the PCC’s affairs as at 31st December 2012 and properly prepared in accordance with the Charities Act 1993.
Richard Buller reported that 2012 had been a very good year and that a cash surplus (before depreciation) of about £9K had been achieved. This was the first surplus for several years and was the result of sustained high level of planned giving (£100K about 30% higher than in 2010), a high recovery of income tax (nearly £28K) and many generous donations both in cash and in –kind; many people carried out tasks such as maintenance and gardening which saved the PCC a lot of money. We also received a significant legacy (£9.5K) and high halls lettings (over £35K) and magazine income (£10.5K).
In response to a question from Andreas Sistig, Richard confirmed that the ‘halls lettings’ now included a significant amount from letting P&J Church to U3A. There was also a magnificent contribution from social events, the coffee bar and the ‘150 celebrations’ of about £20K. There was a good capital growth (£6K) in unit trusts and a reasonable dividend flow therefrom (£2.6K).
The PCC’s total assets amount to £1.1m of which land/building/fixtures amount to £790K, unit trusts £61K and disposable cash £210K. The unit trusts can be converted to cash as could part of the fixed assets since the PCC is the owner of the P&J site.
Other highlights included the satisfactory resolution of our dispute with HMRC, the installation of new finance accounting software (thanks to Mike Benham) and the setting up of new bank accounts with CAFbank (thanks to Rod Cutler). The recent letters to parishioners seeking new bank mandates and new gift aid declarations have resulted so far in an increase in planned giving of about £5K/a. A Small Donation Gift Aid Scheme has now been introduced by the Government which enables tax rebate (£1,250) to be claimed on £5,000 of cash in the collection plates. Richard pointed out we handled well over £500,000 of money in 2012 and that this involved many people such as Chris Bull and Jean Carr who manage the planned giving , gift aid and tax rebate monies, Chantelle Gardner who handles the money received in the office (e.g. wedding fees) and magazine advertising income, Jim Burke who handles the coffee bar accounts and banks a lot of money as well, Juliet Worthington who handles the payroll and social events income, Chris Waller who handles the magazine sales income, Lynda Hix who handles the halls income and last but by no means the collection counters who bank about £20K cash/a.
This is quite a formidable Treasury Team and Richard Buller thanked them all. Richard Buller also thanked Judith Astles, who unfortunately couldn’t be present, for preparing the accounts and acting as a mentor and finally Tim Kite who again acted as our Independent Examiner and had agreed to do so next year as well.
There are however a few clouds on the horizon. The PCC is still forecasting budget deficits of about £50K/a over the next few years and if they materialise we will run out of cash in 2017. Hopefully the actual deficits will be lower since we don’t budget for legacies or for generous donations. Quite often the F&Ms don’t spend their budgets but this is mainly by postponing expenditure. All Saints Church will also require major expenditure in the near future and consideration is being given to establishing a Heritage Fund. Moreover the Parish Share is increasing by about £5K/a.We will incur interregnum costs such as decorating the vicarage. Finally we will need a new Treasurer by year end.
Following the detailed and thorough report, the attendees extended their thanks to Richard Buller all his hard work over the year.
6 / Election of Members to the PCC Election 2 (2 Year Term)
Candidates / Result
Jonathan Anscombe (AS)
Mike Benham (AS)
Jim Burke (AS)
Jean Carr (AS)
Jane Campbell (AS)
Tony Cooper (AS)
Kate Dashwood (AS) / Duly elected
Nic Evans (AS)
Rod Williamson (AS) / Duly elected
Jenny Thorne (AS)
Richard Buller (P&J) / Duly elected
Claire Holt (P&J) / Duly elected
The Vicar thanked all the newly elected members for offering their services in this important role in the life of the Church.
7 / Comments from the Floor on Reports of Churchwardens, Fabric and Management Committees Deanery Synod and other Parish Committees.
John Maguire questioned the priority of fabric restorations. In particular the need to fully assess the scope of Church wide restoration. Roy iterated that he and the fabric committees were aware of the issue and that nothing will be done until the whole picture was known. He believed the quinquennial inspection may also raise additional issues. We need to appoint a new inspecting Architect.
A question was raised regarding the installation of Power points at the end of the church. Roy responded that the current estimates were in the region of £1200 and so a decision to go ahead was still under review.
Chris Waller wanted to express his thanks to the many (47) Parish Magazine distributors for their work. Roy also expressed his thanks to the group..
A further point was raised questioning the possibility to appoint an inspecting Architect for both the quinquennial inspection and for on-going matters.
Rod Williamson wanted to express his thanks to Jenny and the gardening group at All Saints. Roy agreed and said both the Church gardens are looking magnificent and he extended his thanks to the Gardening teams at both churches.
8 / Electoral roll report
The 2013 Revision of the Electoral Roll has resulted as follows:
Names on roll 236 / Representing 170 Households
9 / Election of Sidepersons
For All Saints
Joan Bell, Sue Benham, Jim Burke, Nancy Dawson, Camilla Deane, Nic Evans, Jenny Hanson, Barry Hanson, Lynda Hix, Chris Johnson, Snowie Johnson, John Maguire, Tricia Maguire, Bruce Reece-Russell, Susan Taylor, Chris Waller, Anne Williamson, Rod Williamson, John Wilson, Elizabeth Waller, Dian Eddy,
For P&J
Jean Box, Sheila Buller, Nick Doran, Tim Gillman, Tony Holbeche, Karen Kite, Peter Rogers, Brian Tant, John Watts, Tricia White, Claire Holt, Richard Buller, Anne Richardson
A motion to confirm the election of the above named sidepersons was proposed by Nick Doran and seconded by Andrew Moyse. All voted in favour. Motion carried.
10 / Engagement of Independent Examiner
Tim Kite has agreed to undertake the independent examination of the Parish Accounts
A motion to confirm the engagement of Tim Kite as independent Examiner of the Parish Accounts was raised by Richard Buller and seconded by Juliet Worthington. All voted in favour. Motion carried.
11 / Election of Members to the PCC Election 3 (1 Year Term)
Candidate / Result
Jonathan Anscombe (AS) / Duly elected
Jim Burke (AS)
Jean Carr (AS)
Jane Campbell (AS) / Duly elected
Tony Cooper (AS)
Nic Evans (AS) / Duly elected
John Watts (P&J) / Duly elected
The Vicar thanked all the newly elected members for offering their services in this important role in the life of the Church.
The list of new PCC members therefore is as follows:-
Candidate / Term of Office
Mike Benham (AS) / 3 Years
Michael Ford (P&J) / 3 Years
Mary Goodson (P&J) / 3 Years
Jenny Thorne (AS) / 3 Years
Kate Dashwood (AS) / 2 Years
Rod Williamson (AS) / 2 Years
Richard Buller (P&J) / 2 Years
Claire Holt (P&J) / 2 Years
Jonathan Anscombe (AS) / 1 Year
Jane Campbell (AS) / 1 Year
Nic Evans (AS) / 1 Year
John Watts (P&J) / 1 Year
12 / Any Questions
Andrea Barley was concerned with the number of Chalice Assistants. Roy felt there was sufficient. However, If any person would like to become a Chalice Assistant please speak to Roy or Andreas. Roy also committed to review the roster.
The Folder containing PCC minutes had not been updated for some time. Andreas reported that LCC minutes have been published and John has following the meeting updated the PCC folder with the missing minutes. He has also ensured copies of Previous PCC minutes are located in both churches. Parish Office and Parish Repository.
There was a suggestion to have a digest of the PCC meetings in the Parish Magazine.
Roy responded by saying that this required someone to take on the role and attend the meetings to provide a digest for the magazine.
13 / Vicar’s Report
You are going to ‘get off lightly’ this evening! For fear of saying too many of the things that I might want to save for my leaving service, this Vicar’s Report has been cut down to a minimum!
Looking back across the nine years that I have been here, I become amazed at just how much we have achieved together, and the way that the parish has ‘moved on’ and been transformed in many different ways. I think one of the most significant things has been our Parish Mission Statement, “Welcoming all in the community into the love of Christ”. This statement has been so significant, because it has become part of our everyday language and has underpinned so much of what we have done, with our buildings, with our worship, with our outreach and with the profile of our Churches within the community.
2012 was a year of celebration in the parish as we gave thanks for 150 years of Church life and faith in the Fleet Community. And celebration is at the heart of the few things I want to say to you in this report tonight - celebration of all the good things that happen in the life of our Churches and Parishes.
Ø  Prayer initiatives
Ø  Outreach Activities
Ø  Occasional Offices
Ø  Year End Accounts for 2012
Ø  Links with the schools (and particularly All Saints School)
Ø  Work with Children and Families
Ø  Buildings
Ø  Volunteers
And so I will end with the traditional ‘thank yous’:
Ø  To the Ministry Team - Andreas, Jennifer, Pauline, Ron, Mary and John, (and to Garth who has joined us this year) for all the support that they have given to me, and for the inspiring leadership they provide for all our worship.
Ø  To our exceptionally hard-working and dedicated Churchwardens, Andrew and Nick, and their Assistants, this year, Tricia and Mike.
Ø  To Chantelle, our Parish Administrator and Coordinator of Communications, now heading towards the end of her 2nd year with us, and whose expertise and dedication in her role means that the Parish ‘runs’ more smoothly than it has for a long time.
Ø  To our PCC, and especially to Allan Butterfield, Rod Cutler and Tricia White, who are all stepping down this year.
Ø  To Helen Leather who was appointed Honorary Secretary to the PCC, but had to quickly step down due to ill health, and to John Baxter who stepped in and grasped the role with enthusiasm and expertise.
Ø  Also on the administrative side, to our Finance Committee, chaired by Richard Buller, and to Lynda Hix for managing the halls.
Ø  To the Pastoral Assistants and their teams for the hours which they give supporting the Ministry Team and engaging with those who come to us seeking pastoral care.
Ø  To the Junior Church Leaders, and Holiday Church Leaders, Youth Leaders, Creche supervisors, and leaders of Praise and Play and the Friday Toddler Group.
Ø  To our Electoral Roll Officer, Pamela Pimm
Ø  To our Social Committee, who have even more than usual during the 150th Anniversary Year done an incredible job of fundraising and providing a programme of social activities for all ages. Especially to those who do the Outreach events like the Midweek Lunches, Afternoon Teas and the Craft Group.
Ø  To our musicians, intercessors, readers, servers, sacristans, cleaners, flower arrangers, gardening teams and coffee providers.
Ø  To all of our Volunteers.
Ø  To my fantastic family for all the support which they give to me in my ministry and to the Parish.
Ø  As usual, ‘thank you’ to anyone I have inadvertently missed out!
Ø  But most especially this year, I want to say Thank You to all of you who have made my nine years in Fleet, challenging, interesting and rewarding!
Roy Woodhams – 18th April 2013
Date of next meeting
Date of next APCM meeting 28 April 2014.
There being no other business the meeting closed with the Grace at 21:00

Signed …………………………………