The process of getting the seeds to move from the dormant stage to an active stage where it begins to sprout. Once sprouted then we can proceed to transplant to the aeroponics system.


Need to be germinated in soil at a temperature of 70 F. it should take 2 days to germinate.


Needs to be germinated in soil at a temperature from 75-85 F. It should take up to 6 days to completely germinate.


Need to be germinated in soil at a temperature from 65-85 F. It should take up to 7 days to germinate.



•Takes 50 to 60 to fully harvest.

•Produces large, packed together leaf-type lettuce that has light green and curled leaves.

•Can also resist cold weather.

•Seeds should be planted ¼ to ½ inches deep.

•12 to 18 inches apart

•10 seeds per foot.

•Watering frequently causes rapid growth for the leaves, which is good. (Careful not to over water)

Harvesting and Common Problems:

•Leaves of the lettuce should be cut off before they obstruct the growth of the remaining plants.

•Can cut when they are large enough to use.

•Aphids: these are insects that colonize and eat the sap of stems and cause them to be distorted.

•Tip-burn: the tips fold back and die because of a change in moisture between the soil and the plant.

•Foliage rots: the leaves rot due to too much water or not enough water.


•50 to 60 days to mature.

•The seeds are also heat resistant variety.

•Should be planted one inch deep.

•2 to 4 inches apart

•Rows should be 18 to 24 inches apart.

•Never soak seeds before you plant them (soils moisture content would be too high)

Harvesting and Common Problems:

If you harvest before they are ready then you might experience a bacteria disease that can destroy your crops. (bacterial blight)Be sure to harvest when the pods are firm and fully elongated. You should only take them out when they are fully dry after the dew is gone. REMOVE ALL BEAN DEBRI FROM GARDEN.


•67 to 75 days to harvest.

•Vine grow 30 inches tall and the pods grow 3 inches

•Plant depth should be one inch

•Spacing seed should be 1 to 2 inches

•Even though they do better in colder climates they need full sun to grow properly.


•They should be picked when the pods appear round.

oRecommended you pick some everyday to determine whether or not they are ready to harvest.

Common Problems:

•Peas don’t do well in the heat.

•Fusarium wilt and Root-Rot disease.

oYellowing and wilting of lower leaves


NPK stand for the chemicals that are used in plant solution to help vegetables and plants grow. N is for nitrogen, P is for phosphorous, and K is for potassium. Determining which plant needs more of a certain chemical is very important. Some vegetables can’t have nitrogen, phosphorous, or potassium in their solution because it can hinder their growth.

“NPK plant foods are used to ensure flowering, fruit set, yield and quality.”


Recommended amounts of NPK: 30-10-10

Nitrogen should be high. This provides lettuce with nutrition for healthy leaves.


Recommended amount of NPK:

Peas already give off nitrogen.

A farmer is in a low fertility area (P1,K1). The fertilizer regime will be 3 bags of 0:7:30 and 1 bag of 50% Muriate of potash.
A farmer is in a medium fertility area (P2,K2). The fertilizer regime will be 2 bags of 0:10:20.
A farmer is in a good fertility area (P3,K3). The fertilizer regime will be 1.5 bags of 0:10:20.


Recommended amount of NPK:

A farmer is in a low fertility area (P1,K1). The fertilizer regime will be 4 bags of 0:10:20 and 1/2 bag of 50% Muriate of potash.
A farmer is in a medium fertility area (P2,K2). The fertilizer regime will be 3 bags of 0:10:20.
A farmer is in a good fertility area (P3,K3). The fertilizer regime will be 1.5 bags of 0:10:20.

Plant Nutrition Solution:

FloraBloom 0-5-4

Phosphate 5.0%

Soluble Potash 4.0%

Magnesium 1.5%

Combined Sulfur 1.0%

No nitrogen

FloraGro 2-1-6

Nitrogen 2.0%

Available Phosphate 6.0%

Soluble Potash .5%

Magnesium .5%

FloraMicro 5-0-1

Total Nitrogen 5%

Soluble Potash 1%

Calcium 5%

Boron .01%

Cobalt .0005%

Iron .01%

Magnesium .05%

Zinc .015%

Molybdenum .0008%

Seedling Care


1) What kind of soil and fertilizer?

2) How deep do you seeds need to be into the soil?

3) How much water do you need to water your plants and how long does this watering have to occur?

4) How long will these changes take place?

5) What is the change that will take place?

Garden Beans

  1. Average soil (not so moist and not so dry soil) and high phosphorus content and lower nitrogen content. A 1-1-1 or 1-2-1 ratio.
  2. The seed should be 2 in. deep and 5cm wide and covered with about 2” of fine soil.
  3. You should give water to the beans for 2 to 3 inches, and you need to water it for a few seconds.
  4. 5-9 days
  5. Garden beans will be long and narrow with a yellowish color with a waxy appearance

Pea (Dark seeded early perfection)

  1. Any type of soil (has to be rich in organic material and should be well fertile) (Calcium, Magnesium and sulfur) and no nitrogen and for Phosphate 120-150, potassium is 90- 120
  2. The seed should be 1 in. deep and 5cm wide. and covered with about 2 in of fine soil.
  3. Peas require a regular amount of water, the watering amount depends on what type of soil you are using.
  4. 5-7 days.
  5. Peas will be able to harvest when they are fully round.

Lettuce (Simpson Elite)

  1. Average soil (not so moist and not so dry soil)(nitrogen phosphate and potassium )and the fertilizer would be light.
  2. The seed should be ¼ in. deep and ½ cm wide. and covered with about ¼ of fine soil.
  3. The soil should be evenly moist and watered regularly, you use one inch of water a week. Water the plant only for a few seconds.
  4. 40-45 days
  5. Thin, fragile, pale green leaves


The plants first produce a flower and that flower has female parts and male parts. The female parts produce the eggs in the ovaries and the male parts produce pollen. For a fruit to form, the egg needs to be pollinated. When the flower’s ovaries get fertilized, the ovary begins to ripen. Fruits form from the swollen ovaries of a plants flower. The ripening ovary may produce a dry fruit or a juicy fruit depending on what kind of plant it is. Fruits not only protect seeds, but also help disperse the seeds.

Lettuce produces a flower which resembles a dandelion. Lettuce produces a stalk instead of a fruit, which contains the seeds. Both garden beans and peas produce a flower called Pueraria lobata. Both beans and peas have their seeds in seed pods instead of fruit. Lettuce, peas, and garden beans all self-pollinate. The stigma pushes against the anthers in the flower, which allows pollination to occur. Many insects have been reported to pollinate lettuce, peas and garden beans, including honey bees. Once beans and peas produce a seed pod, flowers usually stop growing. If it stops producing flowers, then no more new seed pods can grow. As new seed pods grow, the older ones slowly stop growing. You will need to remove dead seed pods from the plants.