Today / 10/27 / 11/3
Announcements / Porter / Wedge
Song / Anthony / Comeaux
Prayer / Davidson / Dukes
Preside @ Table / Wedge / Wertz
Assisting / Dollard / George
Assisting / Dukes / Johnson
Assisting / Gauvin / Lake
Prayer / Frazier / Davidson
Evening Worship*
Announcements / Porter / Wedge
Song Leader / Anthony / Comeaux
Prayer / Frazier / Kent
Communion/Prayer / Wedge / Wertz
Wed. Evening Worship
Announcements / Porter / Wedge
Song Leader / M Maiwald / Comeaux
Invitation / Neal / Wedge
Prayer / Johnson / Frazier
Weekly Transportation / Wedge / George
1. Please arrange for a substitute if you are unable to perform an assigned
2. Notify Tim Wertz and Patty Wiggins of any changes.
3. Please be at the worship service 5-10 minutes early
October / November / December
Prepare Communion / Lake / Medina / Porter
Lockup / Anthony / Maiwald / Neal
Please take a moment each week to look over this list, to keep abreast of activities of the congregation.
Men’s Breakfast / 11/9 / 8:00am / OCB
Elders/Deacons Meeting / 11/9 / 9:30am / Building
Helpful Email Addresses:
Church building:

Special Days
Happy Birthday, November!
Ed Wiggins / 2 / Jeff Davison / 6
Reilly Martin / 7 / Betty Perez / 8
Patty Wiggins / 9 / Dan Medina / 16
Hailey Ramos / 19 / David Wertz II / 24
Michelle Lake / 24
Happy Anniversary, November!
Tom and Lynn White / 2
Charles and Gayle Swabb / 4
Stephan and Somphit Urban / 16
Dan and Jodie Medina / 26
Michael and Deb Neal / 27


A preacher preached a sermon on honesty one Sunday. On Monday morning he took the bus to get to his office. He paid the fare, and the bus driver gave him back too much change. During the rest of the drive, the preacher was rationalizing how God had provided him with some extra money he could use. But he just could not live with himself, and before he got off the bus he said to the driver “You have made a mistake. You’ve given me too much change.” And he proceeded to give him back the extra money. The driver smiled and said, “There was no mistake. I was visiting your church yesterday and heard you preach on honesty. So I decided to put you to a test this morning.” The preacher smiled back as the bus driver said “see you at church services next week preacher.”

Wow what a simple test, but what an outcome this test had, you can just imagine the thought of the driver if the preacher would not have passed the test! Paul gave the church in Corinth a test after he had written them in his epistle of first Corinthians to see if they had taken to heart his words and commandments of God that had been given to them. He said these words to them in 2 Corinthians “For to this end I also wrote, that I might put you to the test, whether you are obedient in all things” (2 Corinthians 2:9). Wow what a test. But notice Paul expected them to be obedient in all things. Then at the end of his second epistle he tells them to put themselves to the test. “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? –unless indeed you are disqualified” (2 Corinthians 13:5). We need to ask ourselves the question, are we passing the test? Ernie

For our Prayers November 3, 2013


Kennetha Marburyrecently had back surgery. While she enjoys friendly greeting at other times, she is still having pain from the surgery. So handshakes or waves would be better for her right now.

Tammy Elliott's mother, Dolly Mobley, is home and making a good recovery after her surgery.

Greenfield Senior Living

Gayle Swabb

Continued Prayers for Family and Friends:

 Omer Goolsby (Sue Bilbrey's brother) Cancer

 Eugene Jones (Kennetha Marbury's uncle) Cancer

Lucille Goolsby (Sue Bilbrey's sister-in-law) Cancer

 Harry Sweet (Cancer)

 Lenny Skutnik (Crohns)

 Sharon Ragan (Bobbie’s daughter) Crohns

 Tom Stander (Katie Wedge’s father) Cancer

Gloria Anthony (Eric’s Mom) Parkinson’s

 Ray Webb (Melissa Davidson’s father)

 OT Martin (Ernie’s dad) Alzheimer’s

Our young adult(s) who are in college, home/away:

Catie Wordham (George Mason University)

Continued prayers for our members:

Bobbie Girard Alwilda Merritt Sue Bilbrey

Katherine Wertz Colleen Wertz Robert Lake

Betty Perez Christine Liddell Charles Swabb

Will Davis James Roberson Ed Wiggins

Also remember to pray for:

…those who suffer from secret sorrows that they do not

wish to share but who need our prayers for strength to

carry them through their difficult times

...those of our number, and their families,who are traveling

…the safety of all those serving in the armed services

…all of our mission efforts around the world.

…our nation’s leaders and officials as well as other leaders

who are involved in keeping our nation safe

…the elders who shepherd usthrough the spiritual dangers

weface daily