Northern Section 2012 Award Recipients

Best Practices Award
SJSU/VTA Collaborative Research on Transit Oriented Development Residential Parking
San José State University (SJSU); and Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority (VTA)

Best Practices Award of Merit
East Bay Regional Park District Wildfire Hazard Reduction and Resource Management Plan
East Bay Regional Parks District; and LSA Associates, Inc.

Comprehensive Planning Award, Small Jurisdiction
City of Redwood City General Plan¹
City of Redwood; Hogle-Ireland, Inc.; Strategic Economics; and Fehr & Peers

Comprehensive Planning Award, Large Jurisdiction
The Envision San José 2040 General Plan¹
City of San José, Department of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement; City of San José, Department of Transportation; City of San José, Office of Economic Development; City of San José, Department of Housing; San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission; and California Department of Transportation

Comprehensive Planning Award of Merit, Large Jurisdiction
TheCity of Fremont General Plan Update
City of Fremont

Focused Issue Planning Award
TheCity of San Pablo Health Element
City of San Pablo; and Dyett & Bhatia

Focused Issue Planning Award of Merit
Adapting to Rising Tides: Transportation Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Pilot Project
Metropolitan Transportation Commission; San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission; AECOM; and California Department of Transportation

Grassroots Initiative Award
Central Market Economic Strategy
City and County of San Francisco; and AECOM

Grassroots Initiative Award of Merit
Developing the Seedbed for Arcata’s Emerging Entrepreneurs
City ofArcata; and Greenway Partners, Inc.

Innovation in Green Community Planning Award
Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island Design for Development
Treasure Island Community Development; and Perkins+Will

Innovation in Green Community Planning Award of Merit
Concord Reuse Project
City of Concord; and Arup

Neighborhood Planning Award
El Camino Real/Chestnut Avenue Area Plan
City of South San Francisco; and Dyett & Bhatia

Planning Achievement Award, Academic
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab’s Second Campus Economic Impact Analysis¹
Karen Chapple, Ph.D., UC Berkeley

Special Recognition of Excellence Award
Hing Wong, AICP


¹ Subsequent APA California Chapter 2012 AwardRecipient. ² Subsequent APA California Chapter 2012 Award of Merit Recipient (None). ³ Subsequent APA National 2013 Award Recipient (None).

Other 2012Award Recipients from within the Section

APA California Chapter: Planning Landmark Award
California Coastal Protection Program
California Coastal Commission