543 Rubber Avenue

Naugatuck CT 06770

(203) 720-5293


Winter 2016 #2

Dear Parents and Friends of the AFJROTC program at Naugatuck High School, this is our second newsletter for this year. For additional information please visit us at the Naugatuck High School homepage for updates and AFJROTC events at then click on Clubs and Organizations and then click on AFJROTC.

Curriculum in Action Trips

Cadets Present the Colors-Cadets had a Curriculum in Action trip to the Sounds Tigers Game in November at the Webster Arena in Bridgeport (see photo above). They once again as in past years attended a career orientation about working in the sports industry and presented the colors in their Class A uniforms to an audience of over 5,000 people.

We also had a great curriculum in action trip to the New England Air Museum this past January where students got to sit in the cockpits of several vintage aircraft and helicopters.

Cadet Corps Commander Patricia Carvalho in a vintage aircraft cockpit at the New England Air Museum Curriculum in Action Trip Jan 2016.

Next Curriculum in Action Trip-28 March 2016 to the USS Intrepid Air, Space and Sea Museum NYC. Also—later in April will be making a trip to Westover Air Reserve Base in Chicopee MA to observe C-5 operations.

As a reminder we need to have signed parental permission slips 5 school days before a trip. Lists of students on a trip must go out to teachers, the nurse and school staff. Students continually bring in permission slips a day before a trip.

Animal Shelter Donations—Community Service

We continue to take old towels and blankets, dog/cat food and any pet supplies you don’t need to support the Meriden Humane Society (no-kill animal shelter). When you do your fall cleaning think of us and donate whatever you can to help these needy animals. Donations are welcome year round anytime.

Great Fund Raiser—Bake Sale, Saturday, 9 May Walmart

We had a fabulous fund raiser by doing a bake sale at Walmart in October. Our cadets did a super job and we earned funds to put toward our awards banquet in May. We also plan to have another fund raiser bake sale again at the Naugatuck Walmart on the Saturday 9 May before Mother’s Day.

Spring Cadet Corps Leadership/Semester 2:

Cadet Corps Commander Kevin Pimpinelli

Cadet Corps Vice Commander Patricia Carvalho

Cadet Corps Director of Operations Chad Cole

Cadets Corps Directors of Logistics Allen Noss/Adianna Alejandro/Leanne Blanc

Squad A and Squad B: Patricia Carvalho & Chris Farmassony

NCO and Airman of the Month—2015=2016

Congratulations to the following cadets for being selected as Airman or NCO of the Month

Month / Airman / NCO
September / Michael Steinbacher / Nick Testone
October / Zak Robushi / Logan Lowe
November / Fran Atse / Adiana Alejandro
December / Siul Vazquez / Matt Pimpinelli
January / Jazmine Sanchez / Joseph Taveras

Mandatory Parades—Just a reminder

The AFJROTC unit participates in two mandatory parades each year: Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day. Cadet participation is required unless a parent note is sent in ahead of time excusing the cadet from this event due to illness, work or family travel. If you plan to be away and your son/daughter cannot attend the parade please let us know in writing—otherwise they will receive a grade of zero for this event. The Memorial Day Parade will be on Monday, 30 May. Cadets will form up at 8:15 in front of the Naugatuck Union City Post Office.

AFROTC Unit at Yale University

Now we have two senior level AFROTC detachments here in CT. We have Detachment at UCONN Storrs and now we have Air Force R.O.T.C. Detachment 009 at Yale University. In addition to Yale College students, the Yale detachment enrolls students from other universities that participate under cross-town arrangements to take the ROTC program at Yale (examples include SCSU, WCSU, Quinnipiac, Wesleyan, Sacred Heart, Fairfield and UNH). High school juniors and seniors and college lower-classmen are encouraged to contact ROTC leaders for information about the program and the many benefits it can offer qualified candidates. Scholarships are available for those who qualify.

Air Force ROTC, Detachment 009, Yale University, 55 Whitney Avenue, Suite 450

New Haven, CT 06510, 203-432-9431


A reminder about uniform wear

Every Wednesday unless otherwise directed, the AFJROTC uniform must be worn all day—this is mandatory by the Air Force to be in our program and is an integral part of the curriculum. If for some reason a cadet cannot wear his/her uniform on that day, they are expected to make up the uniform the following Thursday, Monday or Tuesday day or a zero will remain for their uniform grade for that day (no makeup Fridays as this is a P/T exercise day). The Class A uniform will be worn the first Wednesday of the month. Other Wednesdays require the Class B uniform. Additionally if you go on a field trip with another class and you miss a uniform day you are required to make up the uniform day.

Very Important—if you plan to wear your sports jersey to NHS for a game that same day or night (football, volleyball, baseball, basketball players) and this falls on an AFJROTC uniform day, please wear your AFJROTC uniform the day before (Tuesday).

Make more money when you join the military upon graduation:

All the military services will give new enlisted member’s additional pay/rank once they graduate from basic training if they have been enrolled in a JROTC program for three years during high school. For some students this can mean over $400 each month above other new recruits so there is a distinct advantage to being in AFJROTC. If interested please see us to discuss further.

Contacting Our Unit: If you need to speak with us about our program, learn more about our academics curriculum, leadership or community service goals, uniform questions or any other issues, we are eager to hear from you anytime at ;

or simply call our direct line at 203-720-5293.


Senior Aerospace Science Instructor Aerospace Science Instructor