Annual Information Requested by the SVDP Austin Diocesan Council,

as reflected in detail as reported to the National Office for the

Fiscal Year: October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013

By the Conference of ______




Utilities: (Please list 3 companies receiving largest sums of funding and how much went to each.)

A. $

B. $

C. $ Total Utilities $

Rent and Mortgages $

Foods (Please indicate money actually spent on food; not an in-kind estimate) $

Medical Care & Medicines $

Christmas & Thanksgiving:

Food (if any or all is purchased) + Gifts (if cash is spent) $

Furniture & Other Household Goods $

Motel or Room Costs $

Child Care $

Clothing (if clothing is purchased or paid for on store vouchers) $

Transportation $

Funeral Expenses $

Religious papers (such as bibles, pamphlets, & rosaries) $

Miscellaneous/Other: $

Cash grants to Non-Vincentian charities (page 106 of the 2002 U.S. Manual: contributions

received must be devoted exclusively to the charitable purposes and programs of the Society.

Officers and members are prohibited from applying funds to non-Vincentian causes or works,

howsoever praiseworthy these may be). $

Religious Preference: Percentage of families assisted who are Catholic %


Please describe total dollar amounts and unique characteristics of income received by your conference:

·  grants $ ______

·  twinning from other SVdP $ ______

·  FOTP Walk $ ______

·  special fundraising activities $ ______

·  restricted gifts $ ______

·  other donations $ ______

Prepared by:______, ______

(print name) (Title)


Annual Information Requested by the SVDP Austin Diocesan Council

Fiscal Year: October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013

By the Conference of ______

Share pertinent information in the spaces below or provide attachments;

How are you doing? What concerns do you have? (funding, recruitment, leadership, etc.):


How can the Diocesan Council help? What would you like to see our office do?


Fund Raisers (Easter lily sales, garage & breakfast taco sales, etc.):


Special Projects (donating time to Christmas/Thanksgiving drives for clients; food pantries & other organizations; having SVDP truck on weekends; other ways to increase donations or members):


Spirituality (Conferences should have an active Spiritual Advisor, not pastor in name only, attendance at annual Diocesan Retreats or Vincentian Feast Day celebrations, etc. If conference does not have an active Spiritual Advisor, please tell us why.)


Visibility/Recruitment (efforts to let parishioners know about the Society at your parish. It is imperative to elevate the name of the Society to that of other organizations, such as Red Cross and Salvation Army):


Have you used “Invitation to Serve” to recruit new members? ____ no ____ yes


Date that the current Conference president was elected: ______

Date of election, if President has served more than six consecutive years: ______

Does your president regularly use email? Email address: ______

If no, please give us the name and email address of someone at your conference willing to help with communication: ______

Do you send the Diocesan Council’s Friday News to your conference members?

___ yes, always ___ sometimes ___ no

Do you use the national database to track your members? ___ yes ___ somewhat ___ no

Would you like help learning how to use the national database? ___ yes ___ no

Do you have an electronic database for managing client cases? ___ yes ___ no

Would you like to be a part of our pilot group to test a new and robust client management system?

___ yes ___ maybe ___ no Please explain: ______

COMMUNITY RELATIONSHIPS How is your relationship with:

Your priest? ______


Your parish? ______


Your fellow Vincentians? ______



Do you have an ___ official or ____ unofficial mini-Vinnies (youth) group associated with your conference? ____ no _____ yes What does that look like? ______

How many bilingual Vincentians do you have doing:

Intake: ______Home Visits: ______Other work: ______

Please describe bilingual work: ______



Additional Comments or Information:


Along with this report, please submit a paper copy of the following:

·  Intake form

·  Home visit form

Please contact Stacy Ehrlich, Executive Director of the Diocesan Council to discuss any private matter. 512-251-6995.