Scholastic Motivation Ministry (SMM)

Super Rally

December 17, 2016 from 10:00am to 12noon

I. Call to Order:

II. Prayer:

III.Scripture:When thou saidst, Seek ye My Face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek. Psalm 27: 8

Chant: “Get Motivated with SMM”, “Get Motivated with SMM”, etc.

IV. Reading of the Minutes:

V. Treasurer's Report:

VI. Theme: All or Nothing: Give Me You!!!

Song: Give me You. By Shana Wilson

VII. On-Going Old Business:

1.Updating list of churches in the state

2.Updating list of church representatives

VIII. Committee Reports:

1.Registration 8. Non-Competitive Event Coordinators

2.Hospitality 9. Lunch Hour Activity

3.Ways and Means 10. Audio

4.Program Committee 11. Web-site:

5.Public Relations 12. Face, Twitter & You Tube

6. Choir 13. Media Department

7. Competitive Event Coordinators

IX. New Business:

1. Update report from Ways & Means on recent new school walk thru and hotel reservations for YIA Day 2017. Richmond County Technical Career Magna (RCTCM) School – (Mrs. Clark, Principal), located off Deans Bridge Road on the campus of Augusta, Technical College. The address for Augusta Tech is:3200 Augusta Tech Drive, Augusta, GA 30906. 2. Our "Final meeting for YIA Day” is January 7, 2017@ Headquarters Church, time 8am. General Registration & Spirit of Excellence District Nominations ends following Bishop’s meeting. All Fees will change to on - site Registration prices@ 1200N.

X. Old Business: Ongoing : 1. Confirmation of contracts for 2017 information, i.e. Email Contacts, ongoing. 2. It has been confirmed that going forward, “our SMM Choir” will sing our Official Theme Song for each Year during YIA Day events, because our Youth invest too much time in their selection process; Choir Director to address same. 3. Special Committee report on YIA Day Mayor and his Cabinet members on a Church & District levels.

4. We have a request for “HELPERS” both Males & Females for our Youth Classes, but especially for our new Special Needs none gender Class for ages 5-17yrs of age per Mother Giddens, Birmingham District,.

XI. Adjournment:

SCHOLASTIC Motivation Ministry (SMM)

Northern GA II Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction COGIC

Augusta District Meeting Minutes

November 19, 2016

The meeting was called to order by District Rep. Miss’y Maxine Gamble

Prayer by: Elder Gregory Shields

Minutes were read and approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Elder Boris Williams states $1,155.11 in Checking Account and $25.00 in Saving Account.

Elder Williams states that our Registration Packets are coming in very slowly; as of today he has only received “2” registration packets. Miss’y Gamble states that we have a new venue for YIA Day (SMM) 2017; it is the Richmond County Technical Career Magna School, located on Augusta Tech campus 2500 Lumpkin Road in Augusta. This is a two story building, with one elevator; to be used by our elderly and/or handicap only. Church Representatives, we must keep our Youth engaged in Church activities. Please encourage Your Youth to participate, and encourage each Youth to invite a friend. We must keep Our Youth in Prayer. There are many National scholarships, for our youth on COGIC National Website, we encourage your local churches & Districts to seek them out.

Miss’y Gamble states the deadline for The Spirit of Excellence Award Nominees will be due December 31, 2016, hard copies are available on our web site @ forms require signatures. Onsite Preparation night will be February 3, 2017 from 5:00 pm until. YIA SMM Day will began @ 5:00am on February 4, 2017. President Gwendolyn Bonner spoke on our SMM YIA Day Theme Song, we are asking our Choir to sing the song each year because our Youth select our Song, Scripture and Theme. Spelling has returned. We have Special Needs Co Ed Class, which is requesting helpers, both male & female.Many of our classes are requesting helpers, male and female. President Bonner also stated that we still need Mayor and Council criteria’s on the Church and District level, in order to continue.

Tambourine Class: Sister Alicia Williams is asking all who sign up for this class must bring their own Tambourine starting YIA 2018. Question: Can you go to the Music Stores and ask for donations? Answer: Yes, thanks for the suggestion. Sister Williams, who also is our Facebook and Twitter Coordinator, asked all in attendance to send in their Church & SMM Day announcements to her and she will post them.

Stems/Robotics Coordinator: Deacon Fred Lewis spoke on the Stem Showcase (Science Projects) Youth must fill out an additional form with their registration form. Robotics class for 2017 is “The Space Challenge”. 1st Session will be Introduction & assembly of Robots with basic programming. 2nd Session will be the Robotics Competitions.

Prayer Room – Evangelist Blair states that there will be two sessions for the Prayer Room. Anointed Oil and Prayer Cloths in red for the Blood of Jesus will be available. The Theme will be “Seeking God’s Face, There’s A Balm in Gilead”.

Elder Gregory Shields will be over the Augusta Bible Bowl Team. Augusta District Miss’y Jacqueline Millender attended, and gave words of encouragement. . Miss’y Gamble reminded us that all classes are still in need of helpers.

Closing Prayer: Elder Boris Williams

Submitted by: Sister Venessa Harris

Next meeting Saturday December 17, 2016, Soperton Super Rally

Fact Sheet for YIA DAY 2017

Jurisdictional Meetings:

June 2016

June 18th ……………………………..…………ALL Events Must be confirmed at meeting

June 23rd …………………Deadline date to receive ALL web site information for posting

August 2016

August 6th....8-9:45am………………………………………Headquarters Church - meeting

September 17th...11:00am -Teleconference number: (513) 386-0000 - Access Code: 504175#

October 22nd.....11:00am -Teleconference number: (513) 386-0000 - Access Code: 504175#


District Rallies:

Augusta District…Saturday November 19, 2016 at Old Time Way Church – Date: Nov 19th, Time 10:00-12noon.

Super Rally...First COGIC 1227 Canady Ave - Soperton, GA - Date: Dec 17, Time 10:00am

January 2017

January 7th... 8-9:45am………………………Headquarters Church - "Final Preparation meeting for YIA Day”.

General Registration & Spirit of Excellence District Nominations Ends following Bishop’s meeting. Fee change to on - site registration price@ 1200 noon.


February 3th…….………………………From 5p.m. until On - Site preparations

February 4th ………………………….…….…………………"YIA Day Event"

6:30 - 8:30 a.m. Self - serve Breakfast

8:00 - 8:45 a.m. "All staff briefing"

9:00 - Opening Services

1:15 - 3: 30 p.m. Closing Services

“Give Me You Lyrics “ By: Shana Wilson


Give me you. Everything else can wait. Give me you. I hope I'm not too late.
Lord, give me you. Lord, give me you. Lord, give me you. Lord, give me you. (Repeat) Cause it's me oh, Lord. I'm on my knees. Crying out to you. It's me oh; Lord I'm on my knees. So, give me you. Give me you.
All: Repeat after Lead:

Give me you. Everything else can wait. Give me you. I hope I'm not too late. Lord, give me you. Lord, give me you. Lord, give me you. Lord, give me you. (Repeat)
Give me you. Everything else can wait. Give me you. I hope I'm not too late. (5x)

(Lord, give me you. Lord, give me you. Lord, give me you. Lord, give me you.) (2x)


(It's me oh, Lord. I'm on my knees. Crying out to you. It's me oh; Lord I'm on my knees. So, give me you. Give me You.) (2x)

Repeat after Lead:

Give me You. Everything else can wait.Give me You. I hope I'm not too late. Lord,give me You. Lord,give me You. Lord,give me You. Lord,give me... Lord I hope I’m not too Late, I hope I’m not too Late,give meGive me You. I hope I’m not too Late, I hope I’m not too Late, Lord,give me You. (x’s 5)
It's me oh, Lord. I'm on my knees. Crying out to you. It's me oh; Lord I'm on my knees. (x’s 5). So, give me you. Give me you.


Give me You. Everything else Must wait.Give me You. I hope I’m not too Late!!

Scholastic Motivation Ministry (SMM)

Augusta District Rally, Old Time Way COGIC November 19, 2016 from 10am to 12noon

I. Call to Order:

II. Prayer:

III.Scripture:When thou saidst, Seek ye My Face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek. Psalm 27:8

Chant: “Get Motivated with SMM”, “Get Motivated with SMM”, etc.

IV. Reading of the Minutes:

V. Treasurer's Report:

VI. Theme: All or Nothing: Give Me You!!!

Song: Give me You. By Shana Wilson

VII. On-Going Old Business:

1.Updating list of churches in the state

2.Updating list of church representatives

VIII. Committee Reports:

1.Registration 8. Non-Competitive Event Coordinators

2.Hospitality 9. Lunch Hour Activity

3.Ways and Means 10. Audio

4.Program Committee 11. Web-site:

5.Public Relations 12. Face, Twitter & You Tube

6. Choir 13. Media Department

7. Competitive Event Coordinators

X. New Business:

1. Super Rally @ 1st Church Soperton, GA on December 17th from 10:00am to 12 noon.

XI. Old Business: Ongoing 1. 1. Confirmation of contracts for 2017 information, i.e. Email Contacts, ongoing. 2. Continue to confirm District Rally dates, ongoing. 3. It has been confirmed that going forward, “our SMM Choir” will sing our Official Theme Song for each Year during YIA Day events, because our Youth invest too much time in the selection process. 4. CONT discussion on YIA Day Mayor and his Cabinet members on a Church & District level. 5. Reminder our Jurisdictional meeting is January 7, 2017 @ 8:00am, YIA Day fees will change to onsite fees.

XII. Adjournment:

Scholastic Motivation Ministry (SMM)

Augusta District Rally, Old Time Way COGIC November 19, 2016 from 10am to 12noon

I. Call to Order:

II. Prayer:

III.Scripture:When thou saidst, Seek ye My Face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek. Psalm 27:8

Chant: “Get Motivated with SMM”, “Get Motivated with SMM”, etc.

IV. Reading of the Minutes:

V. Treasurer's Report:

VI. Theme: All or Nothing: Give Me You!!!

Song: Give me You. By Shana Wilson

VII. On-Going Old Business:

1.Updating list of churches in the state

2.Updating list of church representatives

VIII. Committee Reports:

1.Registration 8. Non-Competitive Event Coordinators

2.Hospitality 9. Lunch Hour Activity

3.Ways and Means 10. Audio

4.Program Committee 11. Web-site:

5.Public Relations 12. Face, Twitter & You Tube

6. Choir 13. Media Department

7. Competitive Event Coordinators

X. New Business: Super Rally @ 1st Church Soperton, GA on December 17th from 10:00am to 12 noon.

XI. Old Business: Ongoing 1. 1. Confirmation of contracts for 2017 information, i.e. Email Contacts, ongoing. 2. Continue to confirm District Rally dates, ongoing. 3. It has been confirmed that going forward, “our SMM Choir” will sing our Official Theme Song for each Year during YIA Day events, because our Youth invest too much time in the selection process. 4. CONT discussion on YIA Day Mayor and his Cabinet members on a Church & District level. 5. Reminder our Jurisdictional meeting is January 7, 2017 @ 8:00am, YIA Day fees will change to onsite fees.

XII. Adjournment:

Scholastic Motivation Ministry (SMM)

Northern Georgia Second Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction COGIC

October 22nd @ 11:00am - conference call

I. Call to Order:

II. Prayer:

III.Scripture:When thou saidst, Seek ye My Face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek. Psalm 27:8

Chant: “Get Motivated with SMM”, “Get Motivated with SMM”, etc.

IV. Reading of the Minutes:

V. Treasurer's Report:

VI. Theme: All or Nothing: Give Me You!!!

Song: Give me You. By Shana Wilson

VII. On-Going Old Business:

1.Updating list of churches in the state

2.Updating list of church representatives

VIII. Committee Reports:

1.Registration 8. Non-Competitive Event Coordinators

2.Hospitality 9. Lunch Hour Activity

3.Ways and Means 10. Audio

4.Program Committee 11. Web-site:

5.Public Relations 12. Face, Twitter & You Tube

6. Choir 13. Media Department

7. Competitive Event Coordinators

X. New Business: 1. Web sites is up and running. Report on: Face, You Tube & Twitter.

2. Augusta District Rally @ Old Time Way COGIC. Nov 19th from 10:00am to 12 noon.

3. Super Rally @ 1st Church Soperton, GA at December 3rd from 10:00am to 12 noon.

XI. Old Business: Ongoing 1. Confirmation of contracts for 2017 information, i.e. Email Contacts. 2. Continued confirm District Rally dates. 3. It is “our” desire that “our SMM Choir” sing “our Official Theme Song” going forward, during YIA Day events. 6. Report on using audio/equipment and engineer from Dublin for YIA Day 2017, Elder B. Jones.

7. CONT discussion on YIA Day Mayor and his District Representative Cabinet members 2017.

8. Next Jurisdictional meeting is January 7, 2017 @ 8:00am, YIA Day fees will change to onsite fees.

XII. Adjournment:

Scholastic Motivation Ministry (SMM)

Northern GA II Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction COGIC Jurisdictional Teleconference Minutes

October 22, 2016

Prayer by: Elder Boris Williams

SMM chant: Get Motivated with SMM

Scripture: Jeremiah 33:3

Minutes read by Missionary Bonner

Treasurer Report: Only one church registered to date/Finance report $1,085.58 checking; $25 savings.

Deacon Kelli is our new cook; lunch menu (adults): Mashed potatoes, chicken, spaghetti, roast beef, chicken nuggets/spaghetti; veggies: cabbage/ broccoli/cauliflower mix; dinner rolls (pastor table) butter beans desert: candy yams/cake. Breakfast: Bacon/sausage and eggs, cereal and ilk/doughnuts

Ways & Means: have to plan what rooms will be used for what class. New school has two floors and an elevator. Elders will be placed on the lower level. The elevator is only to be used for those with disabilities and Elderly. Ways and means will keep the key at all times.

Public Relations: Will remain the same.

Our YIA Day Choir is to sing our Theme song during each YIA Day event, going forward; Mother Janie Baker to contact Choir Director Sister Lakeisha Blackwell to inform her of our desire.

Competitive Events: Remember that Spelling is available for 2016.

Noncompetitive: Tambourine Band – Next year, tambourine will be required for the class.

Registration (Missy Gamble): No packets as of yet, but Elder Williams has received 1 packet to date, LTM’s. The churches will turn in their packets at their rallies to Elder Williams, who will number them (for the first 10 churches). Walkthrough of the school to be done for registration and for the cook; Churches need to register as early as possible, in order for us to pay for our venue etc.

Social Media: Churches can send Sister Aleshia Williams their local information for any events or announcements they want to get out, regarding SMM or otherwise, and she can post them to the Facebook/Twitter pages. Need the church, district, and event details as well as a point of contact.

Question directed to Mother Catherine Jones: For Churches in Augusta District, has anyone expressed interest in Bible Bowl Team? Answer: Old time Way is trying to get a team together. Thank you. We need more Districts to participate.


Closing Prayer by: Elder Gamble

Submitted by: Aleshia Williams

Scholastic Motivation Ministry (SMM)

Northern Georgia Second Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction COGIC

Saturday – September 17, 2016

11:00am – 1:00pm

I. Call to Order:

II. Prayer:

III.Scripture:When thou saidst, Seek ye My Face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek. Psalm 27:8

Chant: “Get Motivated with SMM”, “Get Motivated with SMM”, etc.

IV. Reading of the Minutes:

V. Treasurer's Report:

VI. Theme: All or Nothing: Give Me You!!!

Song: Give me You. By Shana Wilson

VII. On-Going Old Business:

1.Updating list of churches in the state

2.Updating list of church representatives

VIII. Committee Reports:

1.Registration 8. Non-Competitive Event Coordinators

2.**Hospitality 9. Lunch Hour Activity

3.Ways and Means 10. Audio

4.Program Committee 11. Web-site:

5.Public Relations 12. Face, Twitter & You Tube

6. Choir 13. Media Department

7. Competitive Event Coordinators

X. New Business: YIA Day 2017 will be at a new venue, Augusta Technical Magna High High School on the campus of Augusta Technical College, off Deans Bridge Rd.

XI. Old Business: Ongoing 1. Confirmation of contracts for 2017 information, i.e. Email Contacts & Cook. 2. Confirm District Rally dates, confirmation of Bible Bowl equipment. 3. Web sites: Face, You Tube & Twitter.

4. Opening date for Registration has begun for 2017.

5. It is “our” desire that “our SMM Choir” sing “our Official Theme Song” going forward, during YIA Day programs. 6. Report on using audio/equipment and engineer from Dublin for YIA Day 2017, Elder B. Jones.

7. CONT discussion on YIA Day Mayor and his District Representative Cabinet members 2017.

8. Due we still need the next Teleconference meetingOctober 22nd 11:00am?

XII. Adjournment:

Save this information for our Conference calls: Free Conference

Teleconference number: (513) 386-0000 - Access Code: 504175#

Scholastic Motivation Ministry (SMM) Northern GA II Ecclesiastical Jurisdictional SMM Meeting Minutes September 17, 2016

The meeting was called to order by President Gwendolyn Bonner with a song: “Jesus I’ll Never Forget”

Prayer was said, Scripture Mother Jane Baker

Secretary, Sister Venessa Harris husband, Brother Melvin’s Funeral is being conducted today; that is why she is not here for our meeting. Sister Minutes taken by President Bonner

President Bonner stated that the first 10 churches to send in their registration packet will get an award. SMM will have a new cook for YIA Day from Millen we awaiting Elder Boris for up. There will be two different menus, one for Youth and Adults. Ways and Means Brother Grady King felt everything went well for SMM 2016. We will have a new Venue for SMM 2017, either a Public or a Magnet School. We are still waiting on the criteria for the Mayor and Council both for each local Church and each District. Elder Enoch Gamble and Mother Jane Baker are in charge of our Mayor & Council guidelines on the Church and District levels; this must be presented prior to continuation of same for 2017. Mayor Malachi Walden stated we want all voices to be heard; so, he agrees that guidelines are needed; he continued, I missed the last meeting because no one called him. Our next meeting will also be by Conference call, on October 22, 2016 at 11:00 via teleconference. SMM Website is off line until we get our SMM National Bible Bowel Book, Robotics and Stems information. The SMM members present stated that our YIA Day Choir “MUST” sing our Theme Songs going forward. AIM 2016 Northern GA II did well; Stems, Robotics and Math were successful. AIM 2017 will use Space Challenge Kit to compete in YIA Day and AIM 2017. National Adjutant, Elder Wade Martin explained what happened in our National AIM 2016, and he presented “TWO Enormous First Place Trophies” from the National to SMM. Elder Martin continued that his Pastor Superintendent Eduardo Parker will purchase the new Space Challenge Kit for Alabama. A new none gender specific class, for “Special Needs Youth” between the ages of 5 & 17 yrs. is being introduced; the Coordinator needs volunteers both male & females. Miss’y Tressy Parks our Spelling Coordinator was the first Coordinator to submit her study packet for 2017. Non Competitive Classes: Coordinator Elder Short from House of Mercy spoke on his class, Advertising, how to make it “eye appealing” with Graphic Designs, Event Flyers & Marketing; states his 2016 Class was received well. Prayer Room, Miss’y Ann Blair stated that the Lord truly “Blessed”; there were Victorious Testimonies, their theme was “Seeking God’s Face”. Sister Venessa Harris asked if we gave monetary prizes for the Stems Showcase (Science Projects) for 1st place $25.00 and 2nd place $10.00; Miss’y Lewis was not at our meeting. We haven’t confirmed our School venue for 2017. Registration and the Spirit of Excellence will be opened September 17, 2016. We need to update all Church & District Representative email addresses & phone numbers. Closing Prayer by Elder Hutchins Next meeting by Teleconference October 22nd @ 11:00am Our next meeting is October 22nd @ 11:00am, it will also be a conference call Teleconference number: (513) 386-0000 - Access Code: 504175#