At Northpoint Homeschool Classes, we believe it is important that all students and their families realize that their conduct in and out of school reflects upon themselves, Castleview Baptist Church and, most importantly, Jesus Christ.

For the purpose of maintaining discipline, developing responsibility, spiritual maturity and character, the following guidelines are to be respected and maintained:

For Health and Safety

1.  The possession or use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, and illegal drugs is strictly forbidden.

2.  Items such as a knife(s), gun(s), laser pointer(s), lighters, or any item(s) which will cause a fire (including fireworks) will not be brought onto Castleview property.

3.  Horseplay in the building or fighting will not be allowed.

4.  Objects/projectiles/snowballs that may endanger others or create a mess are not to be thrown or launched at any time.

5.  Skateboards are not allowed on the property.

6.  There is to be no lingering outside of the church building before, during or after class hours, unless specific permission is given.

7.  Students are to wait for rides inside designated classroom.

For Social, Moral, and Spiritual Development

1.  Respect and courtesy is expected in all relationships – student to student as well as student to teacher/staff.

2.  Profanity and vulgar speech (verbal or written) is not only an offense to others but also to God and will not be tolerated.

3.  Any type of immoral or pornographic material is strictly prohibited.

4.  No type of inappropriate physical conduct, including kissing, holding hands, or sitting on laps will be allowed.

5.  Each student is expected to do his/her own work on all tests, projects, and assignments. Cheating will result in a zero grade on the assignment as well as involvement with parent(s) and administrator on possible further consequences, including possible expulsion.

6.  All assignments, papers, projects, and tests are expected to be the student’s original work or material unless proper credit is given.

Respect of Property and Facilities

Northpoint Homeschool Classes are held at Castleview Baptist Church. The business of the church is occurring during our class hours and we must respect the staff as well as the building in all that is said and done. In doing so, we are bringing honor to God.

1.  Respect will be shown and responsibility will be taken for the church facility (including parking lot and grounds) as well as classrooms, restrooms, hallways, equipment and supplies.

2.  Respect will be shown for other people’s property.

3.  Borrowing or taking items which belong to the church or other people without specific permission will not be allowed.

4.  Responsibility for helping to keep the buildings and grounds as neat as possible (pick up trash, etc.) is expected.

5.  There is to be no running or horseplay in the facility or on the premises.

6.  Talking in the restrooms should be kept to a minimum.


1.  Eating is only permissible in specified locations.

2.  Students may not bring food or beverage (with the exception of bottled water) in classrooms, restrooms, or hallways.

3.  No energy drinks of any kind may be brought to school.

3. I-Pods/MP3 players/CD players and all other musical devices:

These devices are not allowed at any time at Northpoint. This

includes classrooms, study halls, lunch and in the parking lot.

PLEASE NOTE: No headphones of any kind may be brought to

school. If one of these devices or headphones are found the student

will receive a demerit, and the device or headphone will be kept by

the study hall monitor until it can be returned to the student’s


4. Game Boys and other electronic games: These dedicated game

devices may be brought to school but can only be used during study

hall and/or lunch. There can be no sharing of games and these

games should be appropriate in nature i.e. no violence or scantily

clad characters.

Games can have no greater than an “E” rating. If a student is

found with an inappropriate game (as deemed by the study hall

monitors or administrator) or if a student is sharing a game with

another student, both students will receive a demerit and will also

lose the privilege of bringing electronic games for the remainder of

the school year. Please note that games can only be played on

dedicated game devices, not on I-Pods, I-touch or any other musical


5. Cell Phones: Phones are not to be used in class at any time.

Students may use their cell phone during lunch or study hall for

texting, games, or to make a phone call (permission from study hall

monitor must first be obtained before placing a phone call). Cell

phones may not be shared between students.

If a cell phone is used in class, or if students share cell phones, the

students will receive a demerit and the phone will be kept until the

end of the student’s school day.

I have read the Code of Conduct and understand what is expected of me. As a student at Northpoint Homeschool Classes, I agree to the stated expectations and understand that failure to follow these guidelines will result in disciplinary action.


Printed Name of Student


Signature of Student



I have read the Code of Conduct and understand that I am responsible for helping my student to understand and obey the guidelines as stated.


Printed Name of Parent


Signature of Parent

