Yarmouth Harbour Commissioners


Company Name(if applicable)


Telephone No – inc code

Mobile number

E-mail address


Fax No – inc code

Contact Name

I would like to advertiseon/in the following - please tick relevant box(es):

Website (Artwork to be supplied to Pepper Creative)

Plasma Screen (Artwork to be supplied to Yarmouth Harbour)

Board at pier entrance

Board on Town Quay: A4 A3 A2*

Board on South Quay: A4 A3 A2*

Board on Harbour Walk Ashore pontoon (12 months’contract)

Board in Harbour Office Shower Block foyer (12 months’ contract)

For a period of(insert number of months) :


For a number of issues (E-Newsletter):
Commencing :
Ending :

COSTS AND DETAILS (please note: VAT will be added to the prices shown)

Advertising Boards

  1. Gates to the Pier

4 boards – 75cm high x 45cm wide

Each board £15.00 per month

  1. Large board on railing by Town Quay steps

A4 - £8.00 per month

A3 - £15.00 per month

A2 - £20.00 per month*

  1. Large board on railing by bridge to pontoon –South Quay

A4 - £8.00 per month

A3 - £15.00 per month

A2 - £20.00 per month*

  1. Walk Ashore pontoon – main harbour

7 boards (1 per customer) - fixed size only – 200cm x 90cm

Each board £350 per annum (12 months’ contract only)

Customer to supply own board, the design of which must be approved by YHC

Note: If there is a waiting list for boards on the walk ashore pontoon priority will be given to people on the waiting list for the following year. Anyone may re-register on the waiting list at any time.

  1. Harbour Office Shower Block foyer area

4 boards (1 per customer) - fixed size only – 160cm x 90cm

Each board £350 per annum (12 months’ contract only)

Customer to supply own board, the design of which must be approved by YHC

Note: If there is a waiting list for boards in the shower block foyer priority will be given to people on the waiting list for the following year. Anyone may reregister on the waiting list at any time.

* Note: These larger advertisements in locations(2) and (3) above are available by arrangement only. Please contact the Harbour Office if you require this size. All advertisements are to be approved by the Harbour Master and should be laminated.

Please mark your requirements in the table below:

Location / A4 / A3 / A2 / Board
75cm x 45cm / Board
200cm x 90cm / Board
160cm x 90cm
Pier Gate / n/a / n/a / n/a /  / n/a / n/a
Town Quay /  /  /  / n/a / n/a / n/a
South Quay /  /  /  / n/a / n/a / n/a
Main Harbour – walk ashore pontoon / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a /  / n/a
Harbour Office Shower Block foyer / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / 


Advertise on our website as follows:

Time / Banner
(468x60px) / Vertical Banner
(120x240px) / Button
3 months / £100 / £60 / £45
6 months / £190 / £100 / £75
12 months / £335 / £190 / £140

Plasma Screen

Advertise on the Harbour’s 42” plasma screen located in the reception area. Adverts are one third of the screen size and are displayed down the left hand side of the screen.There is a £15.00 initial upload fee, with the first month’s advertising being FREEandONLY £10 per month thereafter. Complete advert construction is also available.

Contents of Advertisements

The guidelines below give details of how to supply material to YarmouthHarbour and Pepper Creative.

Advertising Boards:Each advert to be approved by the Chief Executive/HarbourMaster. To be supplied in laminated form (unless otherwise requested) for display by harbour staff.

Website:All adverts for the website to be supplied as GIF and JPEG files.

Plasma Screen:All adverts to be supplied as JPEG files, 300 x 583 pixels (portrait layout only).

E-Mail:E-mail attachments should be no larger than 2mb. Files over this size should be supplied on disk as detailed above.

Proofs:All printed adverts supplied must be accompanied by a laser proof.

For website adverts, please do not hesitate to contact Kirsty Evans at Pepper Creative on (01983) 529039 or for advice if you have any other format that you wish to send.

Yarmouth Harbour Visitors Guide

This booklet is published annually usually late Marchprior to Easter. We circulate in the region of 12,000 copies every year.

We currently offer free small entries for local businesses in the editorial sections of the guide. Details can be emailed to o can also be contacted on (01983) 766122.

If you wish to place an advertisement in the next edition please contact the current publisher for further details/costs: John Withers or Elaine Terry at Breaktime Magazines Ltd, 2 Glencoe Road, Poole, Dorset, BH12 2DW. Telephone 01202 722458 or Email

Kirsty Evans at Pepper Creative is able to assist with advert design and can be contacted on (01983) 529039 or .

Additional Information

Please supply additional information here :
Total Fee : / £ (VAT will be added to this figure)
Signed :
Print Name :
Dated :

Completed Application Forms

Please return your completed form with applicable advert/images/proofsto:

The Administration Manager

The Yarmouth (IOW) Harbour Commissioners

Harbour Office

The Quay


Isle of Wight

PO41 0NT


Tel: (01983) 760321

Version 7: applicable from February 2016

P:\Tracey\1 - Tracey's Work\Marketing and Advertising\Advertising on YHC Boards etc\1 - Advertisers Booking Form 2017 - v1.docx09/27/2018