School of Arts and Sciences
Semester: Fall 2014John Charambura
Course #:GSCI 104POffice: TBD
Name: Biology and the Natural World Office Hours:by appointment
Credits: 3Telephone: 215-379-2062
Location LectureHFH 306 Thurs, 4:
Days/ Time:Lab HFH 413 Tues, 4:
Catalog Description of Course: This course provides an introduction to Biology for the non-science major by focusing on the common connections of all living things in biochemistry, structure and function of cell, and genetics. The process of scientific discovery serves as a backdrop for the inquiry-based lab experiences. The responsibility of humans for the living things on Earth will be addressed through lecture/discussions. Two hours of lecture and 2 hours of lab. No prerequisite. Offered every semester. Satisfies core lab requirement. (KNS) Updated 4/23/09
Textbook and other resources:
Campbell Biology, Concepts and Connections, Eighth Edition by Jane B. Reece, Martha R. Taylor, Eric J. Simon,Jean Dickey, and Kelly Hogan. Pearson Education, Inc. Benjamin Cummings, 2013.(ISBN 10: 0-321-88532-5; ISBN 13: 978-0-321-88532-6)
Laboratory Manual for GSCI 104 by Mary Christine Huber, Ph.D. Offered on line. Faculty Member will post this in BlackBoard. It is recommended that student have the entire book ready for the first lab experience.
Course Outcome Objectives:
Students will be able to:
- Apply the scientific method to biological and biochemical problems.
- Describe basic atomic structure and use the Periodic Table of the Elements.
- Describe the structure and function of the each of the basic 4 groups of organic,biological molecules.
- Identify and describe the function of various cellular structures, especially membranes.
- Describe the energy-generating processes within the cell.
- Apply their knowledge of mitosis, meiosis, Mendelian genetics, and DNA to solve problems in inheritance of traits.
Grading System and Policies:
- Grading Policy:
The Holy Family University Grading Policy, as described in the 2014-2015 Undergraduate Course Catalog will be observed.
- Course Requirements and Assignments:
- Series of small laboratory reports and/or quizzes for each of small labs (1, 3-4, 6-12). (10%).
- Comprehensive Laboratory Final (10%)
- Formal laboratory report on a research lab (Lab 2) initiated at the beginning of the semester (10%).
- Three hourly exams and a comprehensive final (15% each exam, 60% total), and other quizzes and problem sets (10%). Total for all exams and quizzes: 70%
- Exam Policy:
Students who for a serious reason are unable to be present for an exam must contact the professor within 24 hours of the exam time in order to eligible for a make-up exam.
Exams must be made up within a week of the scheduled time. Format of any make-up exam is at the instructor’s discretion.
- Attendance Policy:
The Holy Family University Attendance Policy, as described in the Undergraduate Course Catalog will be observed.
- Academic Honesty: the University’s policy on academic honesty is available for review in the current Undergraduate Catalog and Graduate Catalog. Both of these documents are available in print (School Office) and on the University’s website:
Violations of the University’s standards in any form (including but not limited to plagiarism) as described therein or otherwise identified will not be tolerated. Proven incidents of academic dishonesty are subject to progressive sanctions. Responsibility for knowing and understanding the University’s position and policies on academic integrity rests with each student.
- Disability Accommodations: any student who has a need for an accommodation based on the impact of a physical, psychiatric/ psychological, and/ or learning disabilitymust contact the Disability Services Office at 215-637-7700 (x3231), located at the Northeast Philadelphia Campus, Campus Center Room 222. Please contact this office as soon as possible, as eligibility determination requires submission of documentation by the student and review by the Disability Eligibility Committee prior to any accommodation authorization. Accommodations for individual students cannot be provided by the instructor without letters of authorization from the Disability Services Offices.
Student Preparation and follow-up for Lab:
1. Read the laboratory exercise ahead of time.
2. Bring the following with you to the lab: pencils and paper, laboratory manual, textbook, and calculator
3.Know and follow safety precautions for each lab.
4. Complete all of the assigned parts of the lab during the period. Mostexercises in the laboratory manual should be completed in class. Other parts may be completed as indicated by the instructor. Completion of all laboratory
experiences is the student’s responsibility.
5.Review what was learned in the lab.
Review the performance objectives for each of the labs.
Are you able to do what is asked?
Grid for Assessment
Holy Family University
School of Arts and Sciences
Course Outcome Objectives by Evaluation Methods and Grading Instruments
Course Outcome Objectives / EvaluationMethods / Grading
- Apply the scientific method to biological and biochemical problems.
Exam 1
Completion of laboratory exercises and lab practical exam. / Rubric
Key to Exam 1
Grading rubric or key to quizzes.
Key to lab practical exam.
- Describe basic atomic structure and use the Periodic Table of the Elements.
Exam 1
Comprehensive Final / Key to questions in Active Learning A.
Key to Exam 1
Key to Comprehensive Final
- Describe the structure and function of the each of the basic 4 groups of organic, biological molecules.
Exam 1
Comprehensive Final / Key to questions in Active Learning B.
Key to Exam 1
Key to Comprehensive Final
- Identify and describe the function of various cellular structures, especially membranes.
Exam 2
Comprehensive Final / Key to Cell Cards
Key to Exam 2
Comprehensive Final
- Describe the energy-generating processes within the cell.
Comprehensive Final / Key to Exam 2
Key to Comprehensive Final
- Apply their knowledge of mitosis, meiosis, Mendelian genetics, and DNA to solve problems in inheritance of traits.
Comprehensive Final / Key to Exam 3
Key to Comprehensive Final
DatesLaboratory Schedule: Lecture Schedule:
Fall 2014(suggested)
Aug 27-29:Lecture only for Sections A-PLab Safety
Chapter 1
Sept. 1Labor Day, No Class
Sept 2-5:Lab 1: Metric MeasurementChapter 2: Atoms
Sept 8-12:Lab 2: Scientific ProcessChapter 3: Biological
Plant Growth Spectrum Molecules
Sept 15-19:Lab 3: Physical/ChemicalChapter 3: Biological
Change, pH Molecules
Sept 22-26:Lab 4: Detecting BiologicalChapter 4: Cells Molecules, Nutrition Labels Exam 1: Chapters 1-3
Sept29-Oct 3: Lab 7: Microscope Lab
Oct 6-10:Lab 8: Cellular StructuresChapter 5: Working Cell
Oct 13-17: Lab 6: Osmosis, DiffusionChapter 6: Respiration
Oct 20-24:Lab 9: Diversity ofChapter 7: Microorganisms Photosynthesis
Oct. 27-31:Take down plant lab, Exam 2: Chapters 4-7
group write-up Chapter 8: Cellular reproduction
Nov 3-7:Lab 10: MitosisChapter 8: Cellular
Collect dry masses of plants.Reproduction
Nov 10-14:Lab 11: Patterns of InheritanceChapter 9: Inheritance
Nov 17-21:Lab 12: Structure of DNA
Chapter 10: DNA
Nov 24-25Use Lab times for Lecture
Nov 26-29:Thanksgiving BreakNo class
Dec.1-5:Comprehensive Lab ExamChapter 11:
Plant Paper DueChapter 12:
Dec.10:Study Day
Dec 11-17: HFU Exam Schedule:Comprehensive
As scheduled by the University Final Exam
1 GSCI 104 Fall 2014 Syllabus